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Quadbike opfor just sits there and eats lead? Im I doing it wrong?

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I suppose I was naive enough to assume that the AI would dismount and engage a hostile player automatically. Is there a way to force this? They just sit there and get shot.

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Trigger condition:

damage bike > 0.5

Trigger onAct:

{_x leaveVehicle bike} forEach crew bike;

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Thank you for your reply. From your response it seems that I am correct in observing that mounted AI will not dismount and engage the enemy. Frankly that's a bit pathetic. Oh well.

Could I take a similar approach but trigger a dismount when the opfor becomes aware or spots a player? That would at least be moderately useful.

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Yeah, just change the condition back to this and set the normal settings how you want them. I kept trying to see how much damage would make them bail from the bike every time i destroyed a third tire the whole thing exploded majestically. There's a command for letting soldiers out of vehicles that can't move, but it seems with PhysX vehicles can "move" even with no tires. Blew out three tires and !canMove still hadn't triggered. Blowing up the 4th wheel did it, but also blew up the whole thing.

A hunter with NO wheels still has only "orange" wheel damage and can still "move". Bleh.

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Thank you again kylania. If i understand you correctly. This would cause every vehicle in a trigger area to dismount when a player is spotted. Is there code I can run per actor that would cause them to dismount when they spot an enemy. something like:


this behavior "aware"


this leaveVehicle bike

Again. thanks for your replies.

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Is this just for the occasional quadbike patrols and not all vehicles right? So you want guys puttering around on quads till they detect someone then go on foot?

Could do something like this:


Quadbike patrol of two MOVE points and a CYCLE looping back to the original position with a further Seek and Destroy waypoint past the cycle. Have the trigger checking for the bike's behaviour to switch to COMBAT and when it does kick them from the vehicle and move the waypoint (4 in this case, 0 = starting, 1 = move, 2 = move, 3 = cycle and 4 = SAD) to a marker or the player or whatever.

Edited by kylania

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Pretty much. I just want opfor on quads to actually act like the enemy in the most basic and primitive of all gaming senses. That is engage the player when the see one. How is it that these things keep getting past BIS? It's embarrassing. Although it would be nice it transports carrying troops would also respond to enemy activity (I havent tested that).Thanks again for the help. I need to get away from lazy init box scripting anyway and learn better way to manage my AI. Im sure (hopefully) there is a way to do something so simple as this. I just need to learn how.

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Pretty much. I just want opfor on quads to actually act like the enemy in the most basic and primitive of all gaming senses. That is engage the player when the see one. How is it that these things keep getting past BIS? It's embarrassing. Although it would be nice it transports carrying troops would also respond to enemy activity (I havent tested that).Thanks again for the help. I need to get away from lazy init box scripting anyway and learn better way to manage my AI. Im sure (hopefully) there is a way to do something so simple as this. I just need to learn how.

You do realize that if BIS made it the way you want it (Upon being engaged AI dismounts and returns fire), it would make shit-ton of mission makers sad (including me), because AI would disobey to waypoint I gave it. Lets say the mission's story goes something along these lines: BLUFOR guy is trying to get out of Agia Marina, he gets into a quad bike and starts driving for his life > gets shot at obviously > QUAD STOPS and begins to return fire? That would literally Fu** up the mission in so many ways. Again, sure this could be scripted again but then we'd be back in square one. IMO a system could be made, that we could enable such feature on certain units with a command. Besides, something like this already happens if you engage a truck convoy with men on-board. They will stop the trucks and men come after you, but again setting their behaviour to "careless" will make the convoy just keep rolling.

The editor can be a very confusing place, takes some time getting used to the AI and the way it does stuff. Not always the most logical solutions wotk :D

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I appreciate your experience in this matter Kristina but I simply fail to see how this 'feature' could make any mission maker sad. If a mission maker wishes for a quad mounted actor NOT to respond enemy contact then you simply switch the combat mode to NEVER FIRE. That is what it is there fore after all. The problem seems to be that quad mounted actors do not respond to combat mode. I know I'm a new mission maker but I simply cant believe this is just now an issue.

Thanks for the footwork kylania! I'll see what I can make with your suggestions. Love your site BTW.

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So I adopted kylania's approach but simplified it. Basically I have a trigger for each quad opfor or every quad opfor group leader that checks for combat status with trigger CONDITION

behaviour driver quad1 == "COMBAT"

With "quad1" being the name of the quadbike. The driver will dismount and engage when they see an enemy with the following ON ACT

driver quad1 leaveVehicle quad1;

It seems cludgy as hell but it work good enough for my purposes. I have no idea how much of a performance impact having x number of triggers checking for the combat status of x number of drivers x number of time per second but until there is a better solution this will hopefully work. Thanks to all those who helped.

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Triggers checking for a quick value like that aren't bad performance wise, no worries there.

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A bit late, sorry - my thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156387-Shockingly-bad-AI gave some debate about if the sitting-duck-on-quadbike tactic was acceptable/by design. In my book it is not, regardless of waypoint being assigned. Any unit must have basic desire to live, and should perceive a shooter as someone who is about to change that


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