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Creating sub-tasks

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I feel a little stupid right now, so I'll have to create a thread...

This is how I add a generic task:

[player, localize "tskTarget1", [localize "TaskText_1", localize "tskTarget1", "stuff"], markerPos "m_task1"] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

So far so good.

Now, in the support showcase mission, I can see that there are sub-tasks to the main task, and I am also very sure that I've read something about this already. Still, I just cannot figure out how this was done.

Anyone can offer any help to share some light on it for me?

Edited by Lexx

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Is it even possible to create a subtask if I created the main tasks with BIS_fnc_taskCreate; ?

Or only the task module could create sub tasks?

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Parameters for TaskCreate

0: BOOL or OBJECT or GROUP or SIDE or ARRAY - Task owner(s)

1: STRING or ARRAY - Task name or array in the format [task name, parent task name]

2: ARRAY - Task description in the format ["description", "title", "marker"]

3: OBJECT or ARRAY or STRING - Task destination

4: BOOL or NUMBER or STRING - Task state (or true to set as current)

5: NUMBER - Task priority (when automatically selecting a new current task, higher priority is selected first)

Param 1 needs to be an array of [task name, parent task name] to create a child/sub task with BIS_fnc_taskCreate

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@Larrow: Thank you!!! It works fine.

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Can creating sub-tasks be done just by syncing or grouping tasks together?


I would love to be able to create a subtask without calling a script...

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