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Capt Morgan

1.46 revived

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Me and the guys at Frag Haus have been playing 1.46

Plus the with the bugs of resistance we are trying to keep ofp alive until BIS fixes the problems

It is awesome, some of the best games we played in along time.  Dude plus the voice man is awesome

I know some of you say that it cause lag.

It does not, shitty connection and slow computers cause lag.

They really should bring voice back to the game.

Any way we usually are between 9 and 12 if any wants to come and play. Just make sure to grab the addon packs from our FTP at fraghaus.com before.

This way you can enjoy the fun of some with some badass addons. "MADE BY OTHERS, READMES WITH THE ADDON"

hehe that was for Keg boy

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Why not run v1.75 with Directplay? We've been running that in our squad for a month and no catastrophic issues have emerged yet.

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well i bet ur never played ofp without ya 2giga bit speed cable if ya say it dosnt lagg, ive been playin on stoners with a 300ping well its like a 90ping on 1.46 and theres about 30people in the game and a ton of vechicles to get in one the delay was less than a sec most of the time people die when shot it dosnt lag. Voice well its abused gets garbled and u dont know whose speaking and in game with out friendly tags what u sposed to say, "guy near tree duck" *whole side looks for the duck*. 1.75 rocks 1.46 seems so old after 1.75. I even played a coop on sum server took up half of nogova and at each obj there were like 20 ai and many many tanks, and at spawn there were about 50 vechicles and just as many at objs.

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Well sorry your on such a slow server

Frag Haus is supported by tripple OC3 so we don't have that problem

Anyway 1.75 ones the ammo and crap starts to spill out

Bring on the LAG

Also other issues but you can see the bug list

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1.75 sucks but it is now the standard, fighting it only makes me more pissed. So i guess I will suffer the ills of 1.75, so the LAMERS can have their bus to drive!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Capt Morgan @ Aug. 07 2002,05:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well sorry your on such a slow server

Frag Haus is supported by tripple OC3 so we don't have that problem

Anyway 1.75 ones the ammo and crap starts to spill out

Bring on the LAG

Also other issues but you can see the bug list<span id='postcolor'>

the ammo spilling out is due to the mission maker he has to fix it so its a buggy map not a problem, and what r these problems u talk about ive had none had sum in 1.60 but none for 1.75, ive never been in a game where voice was needed when ever sum one did use it we all told him to shut it off as with 1.46 it already lagged enough. I could play orginal ofp on my 56k with 120ping, i know have adsl but 1.75 is very 56k friendly i can play 300ping no lag. Theres other server issues but not ones that destroy gameplay at all. I bet ur all got super 8gbit connections and down the street from the server so cant see the improved lag in 1.75.

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i went and tried a 1.46 server recently my ping was 90 but it lagged its a fast server but we had people i would shoot 20 times and they dissapear and to them they just died, it was ok in parts and lag wasnt bad but compared to ofpr it was laggin like hell.

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I'm hoping to convert my server to Resistance sometime this week. We've been playing 1.46 and we're just ready for something new.

The new island is awesome and I can't wait to try MP on it. From what I've heard from most players they really like 1.75. I don't really miss the voice since I turned my VON off after having to sit through games where some idiot would keep yelling crap. Since you can't tell who's doing it, you can't kick them and that stinks.

I'm also starting to create more missions for Resistance. I'm looking forward to finally trying the MP.

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