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are the BI Team still making patches, fixes to this game?

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are the devs still updating this game is there going to be a 1.63 patch?

if so is there an ETA?

(this is my first time posting on a arma 2 forum!)

sorry if this has been asked before.

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Yes, they are still patching. New beta patches come out at an understandably slow pace, meaning there will eventually be a 1.63. And if OFP is any indication, there will be very gradual patches for years to come.

What changes exactly are you looking for? The game is best fixed with mods at this point.

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Yes, they are still patching. New beta patches come out at an understandably slow pace, meaning there will eventually be a 1.63. And if OFP is any indication, there will be very gradual patches for years to come.

What changes exactly are you looking for? The game is best fixed with mods at this point.

maybe AI issues? and genral tweaks and maybe any new fearures etc... or any optimization tweaks?

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well atm. is priority Arma 3, but expect us to finalize 1.63 one day

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maybe AI issues? and genral tweaks and maybe any new fearures etc... or any optimization tweaks?

For AI best general options (and very good ones indeed) remain asr_ai and TPWCAS.

well atm. is priority Arma 3, but expect us to finalize 1.63 one day

Waiting patiently :)

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Changes made to ArmA 3 AI have already filtered back to ArmA 2. It's a good precedent, although they probably won't have time for big improvements.

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I myself am not interested in mods.

One improvement that I hope would flow down is hand grenades. In Arma 2 we press "F" repeatedly until a grenade appears and we can throw it. "F" is also used to switch a rifle from sem-auto to full auto. So, "F" is pressed way too often.

In Arma 3, as I understand it, "G" is selected for all things to do with frag grenades and smoke grenades. A much better idea!

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The general principle in Arma 3 is that G is "throw"/"countermmeasures" while Left Ctrl+G is supposed to be "cycle throw items"/"countermeasure mode", i.e. by default as of the current stable build (v0.72) Arma 3's BLUFOR Grenadier has a default loadout that includes three (3) RGO Frag Grenades, one (1) Smoke Grenade (White), one (1) Smoke Grenade (Green), and two (2) Chemlights (Green); with the weapon HUD enabled the currently selected throwable is shown (in addition to the current firearm) while Left Ctrl+G cycles through the throwable types and G throws the currently-displayed throwable.

However, underbarrel attachments' detachability is still not simulated in Arma 3, so grenade launcher-equipped variants are still treated like separate weapons with an exclusive UGL fire mode (so they have semi, burst if applicable, full, then underbarrel grenade). The name of the currently loaded underbarrel grenade type and the action menu choice to change that type (i.e. "Reload 40 mm HE Grenade Round" or "Reload Smoke Round (Red)") both only appear when said "UGL" fire mode is selected, so the only other way to change the loaded underbarrel grenade type is to use the inventory screen (drag the desired type of grenade to the "magazine" slot of the UGL-equipped weapon and the animation will play, fortunately without changing the currently selected fire mode).

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