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Enemy AI is too good... can I dumb them down?

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as I was searching for the topic ENEMY AI TOO GOOD, it was surprising to see many many players complaining about this for over 7 years already. So I assume there's no plans to address it for Arma III... and many would argue that it aint broke so don't fix it.

However, in Coop multiplayer missions my clan and I are extremely frustrated by the ridiculous ability of the enemy AI players to see us behind cover, or to engage us from extreme range, or who can return fire within an instant and hit us even during an ambush. It removes the fun of setting up for an ambush. There is no element of surprise. Smoke does nothing to hide our assault (or retreat).

We're new to the Arma series, so we'd like to know .. if there's no plan to change the AI, is there at least an option to dumb them down or a mod to add handicap?

The most frustrating aspect of the AI is there immediate response to a fire fight. They need a delay of some kind. Some aspect that mimics confusion and panic. Even the most highly skilled insurgents would be surprised by an ambush.

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Difficulty: Recruit, Enemy AI set to 0, Friendly AI set to 1 lol.

Best for now.

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Double down on your tactics and start thinking more carefully about enemy movements. Because while AI accuracy and spotting routines are pretty broken, most of the abilities you attribute to them in your post do not, in fact, exist. The AI if not nearly good enough, plenty of the time.

But your gameplay would improve if you kept them dangerous and fought even numbers of opponents. ArmA 3 is about mostly conventional warfare, after all. The Iranians aren't supposed to be slouches. Their tech is better than BLUFOR's, it seems.

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Set enemy and friendly skill to .8-.9 and precision to .2-.4 Don't know why after all those years BI have the default precision values so high. You will have to manually edit your profile to set the precision thing.

Anyway, last time I checked, A3 AI is kind of broken, they just know too much.

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I've had the same trouble. One solution is this mod, another is the skill module in my Toolkit (see my signature). There is also ASR AI skills.

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Unless I'm very mistaken, ASR AI does not yet exist for ArmA 3.

Lowering precision values serverside is your only tool as of yet. The problem here is that the AI will still make some truly ridiculous snap shots that will make you rage... while being stupidly unable to hit the side of a barn at point blank 60% of the time. The immersion and playability problem remains, but BIS just hired a whole new dev to improve all this, so hang tight for 1.0.

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Digital_Aura....we experienced the exact same problems with the AI.

Our solution was to install this mod... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20002&highlight=ZEU_SERVERSKILL ...to our server (just follow the readme instructions to the letter).

It's not difficult....but any problems come to www.rifleonlyclan.com and we'll help....we found it far, far better with the AI 'dumbed down' a little!


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