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Respawn Template on Start

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The Arma 3 wiki page on respawns (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn) talks about a bit called "respawnOnStart = 1;"

Putting this line in your description.ext will supposedly open up the respawn template when you join the game, allowing you to pick your spawn location and class.

Right now the respawn template in my mission works when you die, but it doesn't work when you join the game. Instead, you spawn immediately as an empty character with no items.

Is it a bug or is there something I don't know about implementing it?

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Do you always have

respawn = 3;

in your description.ext?

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Do you always have
respawn = 3;

in your description.ext?

Yes, I do.

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I have encountered the same thing, i do believe its a bug.

I guess a workaround for now could be to put this in a soldiers init line.

This setdamage 1.0;

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I'm experiencing this as well.

What I believe is happening is that only the onPlayerRespawn section is being intiated, leaving the choice window out of the picture (which is part of the onPlayerKilled section).

I'm sure we could just tweak the BIS_fnc_respawnMenuInventory/BIS_fnc_respawnMenuPosition script(s) and make it work, though it should work natively, really.

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I aswell would like the menu to pop up as soon as the mission begins. Has anyone gotten respawnOnStart to work at all? Is it for JIP clients only? Or is it supposed to work at mission start aswell?

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I aswell would like the menu to pop up as soon as the mission begins. Has anyone gotten respawnOnStart to work at all? Is it for JIP clients only? Or is it supposed to work at mission start aswell?

My suggestion would be to place in the editor a variety of classes for your players, and then advise them if they choose a slot they don't like (say, one picks an Autorifleman slot but wants to be Rifleman AT) they can simply respawn and select new gear. That'd be how I'd do it, if you don't want to involve 3rd party scripts or write your own.

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