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Sniper switching to handgun and never back

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the old , legendary relic bug* of sniper is still here !

it's a game breaker ! please bohemia , solve it .

sniper is basically shooting with his primary weapons, then switch to handgun , and never use his rifle again.

after that , he stop to reponds to any order. stay on the ground. you can order him to drop his handgun , doesn't matter. the unit stop to work

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Surprised no one has replied to this until now. I have always noticed the problem and just now have noted, it still exists!

I set up a small mission for my self as a chopper pilot/spotter. I took in the green army sniper with me and parked on a hill about 400-500m from an enemy encampment that I had set in place. I spotted the enemy and alerted my sniper who then stated was ready to fire. All was going to plan so I told him to open fire!. my sniper proceeded to take one shot only with the rifle before switching to silenced pistol lol.. It was NOT how I wanted the scenario to go. I am also hoping that this problem gets fixed as it is a legitimate one. Cheers.

Here's a pic of my sniper choosing to engage @500m instead of using the rifle! - http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/8350/7mfz.jpg

Edited by ATTACKM0DE
added link/pic

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Easy fix, double click on the sniper in the editor, change CONTROL to "Player". Problem solved. :)

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I always simply remove all handguns from ai. They're currently peashooters anyway.

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This must be a bug - because i looked into the config and every pistol has maxrange=50m

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