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SP Mission Unternehmen Altmetall (Operation scrap metal)

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Today I publish my SP mission "Operation scrap metal". You play an German soldier with the orders to destroy hostile tanks and guns and to kill three hostile officers behind the front line.

For playing is recommended the Iron Front version 1.05. The D-Day Addon is not required.

Degree of difficulty: medium - high (Depending on way of playing and tactics) The playing time can be up to 2 hours.

Language: German (in the english readme, you find all tasks and some gaming tips in english)

Player side: Germany, Wehrmacht

Area: Staszow

Unusual features: some new Explosionssounds, a Track arranged by myself which is played after fulfilment of all tasks, Scripts

A special gratitude goes to the beta testers Holger aka Onkel Bo and Jeremias aka _jer of Combined Arms as well as to Andy aka Mr. Burns of armed-assault.de!


Downloadlink: http://www.file-upload.net/download-7730623/IF_Unternehmen_Altmetall_1.0.rar.html

For the german users:

Heute veröffentliche ich meine SP Mission "Unternehmen Altmetall". Du spielst darin einen deutschen Soldaten der den Auftrag hat, hinter der Frontlinie feindliche Panzer und Geschütze zu zerstören

und drei feindliche Offiziere auszuschalten.

IF Version: 1.05, D-Day Addon nicht erforderlich

Schwierigkeitsgrad: mittel - hoch (je nach Spielweise und Taktik) Die Spieldauer kann bis zu 2 Stunden betragen.

Sprache: deutsch

Spielerseite: Deutschland, Wehrmacht

Besonderheiten: einige eigene Explosionssounds, ein selbst arrangierter Track, der nach Erfüllung aller Aufgaben eingespielt wird, Scripts, Bonus

Readme Dateien in deutsch und englisch.

Besonderer Dank geht an die Betatester Holger aka Onkel Bo und Jeremias aka _jer von Combined Arms sowie an Andy aka Mr. Burns von armed-assault.de!

Edited by Wüstenfuchs

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Wuestenfuchs back at the mission editing table :yay:

A very recommendable mission, from the get go you feel that the author has put alot of thought in arrangement and playability, also using special IF features (like detonator cords) to an extent where it really matters.

It already starts off with the intense feeling of being outnumbered, every step you take could be your last one.

I wasn´t able to beat it yet, mainly because at some point i get so scared that making mistakes becomes inevitable, but what i was able to reach so far came with the good old "yusss, i´ve made it" OFP feeling.

Long story short: Proper Mapfact mission, a must play for everyone!

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A nice scenario indeed, enjoyed it a lot.



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