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Persistent servers?

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Are there any servers that are persistent between sessions... Something along the lines of Wastelands. (my understanding of Wastelands is that when you log out of a game, you start anew when you log back in)

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Are there any servers that are persistent between sessions... Something along the lines of Wastelands. (my understanding of Wastelands is that when you log out of a game, you start anew when you log back in)

MSO is and has been for a longtime. A few guys got most of it working for A3.

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MSO is and has been for a longtime. A few guys got most of it working for A3.

Great Tup, cant wait for that release :cool:

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MSO is and has been for a longtime. A few guys got most of it working for A3.

typically i find this sort of information is rarely going to be released to the community, most of the people that work on this sort of stuff keep it with in their clans, if anything there might but some joint operations that go on between some of the larger groups but the general pop isn't going to get anything but a set of hand me down instructions that kinda sorta work but not really.

SealTeamSloth has persistance on their stratis life mission, there is another stratis life server that just poped up over the last week or so by a zombie group that also has a save system implemented, if i had to take a guess i would imagine they are using the ini save system that is (was) avalible on the 404Games website before the Wasteland Arma 2 people started ripping off dayz Code to add the hive to wasteland, in fact the code specifically has DayZ varibles in it.

The zombie one is prone to admin abuse and they dont restart the server enough, the seal one is prone to too many restarts and people wont stay off global.

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Well then i suggest you check the Arma2 section-MSO was/is an on going persistent mission of immense scale released to the public, i'm just awaiting Arma3 version :cool:

Edited by ck-claw
Dodgy spelling lol

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WildServer, my server runs coop insurgency on persistent. Its not hard to do, just a config file entry, its not like a big deal. MSO was by and for the public and was second to none as far as real world persistence. I still have databases set up on my computer to log server data from my A2 dedicated even though I've been running A3 since it dropped and I stopped A2.

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If you're into roleplay, my mission, Stratis-RP: Ultimate should be released in about a month and it uses iniDB for persistence.

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There is a Stratis life server that's persistant. Never stand alone Stratis life v2.2

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typically i find this sort of information is rarely going to be released to the community, most of the people that work on this sort of stuff keep it with in their clans, if anything there might but some joint operations that go on between some of the larger groups but the general pop isn't going to get anything but a set of hand me down instructions that kinda sorta work but not really.

Actually when it comes to the MSO team it is the exact opposite of what you are saying. They release their work to the public with good instructions on how to setup and configure. They go into detail about how it should be setup for persistent DB with mySQL. They have a Skype channel where you can join for help with configuration. They actually have better support than some companies I have dealt with in RL :p

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