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Anyone left working on ArmA 3 ?

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I'm not only talking about E3 period but in general. I saw you guys launched/prepared several games in the meantime, Dayz, Take On, Arma Tactics etc. It doesn't really look like an "indie" development as some want to appear, but I'd rather say like moving out resources from one game to another as the dev branch changelog looks more and more scriptic, actually not happening visible changes. I have to remind you some people have already paied for ArmA 3 Alpha, unlike others. Anyway, in case you left out of ideas for the dev branch log, here's some others:


- "adjusting integral variables level"

- "removing shit from the tail of the last array" (use as much IT terms you can, this will fuck their heads)

- "turning on super superlight speed engine state"

- "bullshitting particle emitters LOD BDSM"

- "added sound speed limit on the moon vehicles"

- "new content - invisible helicopter"


This way you can appear working on ArmA 3 forever. Keep up the good work, let me know if you want more ideas.

Edited by afp

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The situation regarding E3 and the beta preparations was explained well enough. Or so I thought.

A meagre changelog is to be expected at the moment.

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part of Carrier Command: Gaea Mission team works on Take on Mars

DayZ standalone has it's own team

Arma Tactics is done by the mobile team

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