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FLAY Hang Glider Mod

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 I love this mod, but I want to have it without the molotovs and explosive stuff.

 I'm a complete nooby in this, so, how can I take out the bombs from this mod?


thanx in advance

 Michel Takahashi

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call me a noob but, i downloaded this from the steam community. where on earth do i find it? civilians? just where?

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It's a backpack, so look in EMPTY > EQUIPMENT > BACKPACKS



Hmm... I don't recall Flay releasing his addon on the workshop. I think someone uploaded it to the workshop without his permission...

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Found the person who uploaded it. Goes by the steam name "RERE". He seems to do this alot... Take someone's addon and then upload it to the workshop claiming "It's a port". He's ripped off somethings like the C-17, Gnat's Cessna 185, Feint's paddle mod, and a few more, some times not crediting the authors... He also seems to get really defensive when people call him out for it, putting them on blast. I DO NOT recommend reading the comments on the C-17 post, as it's pretty toxic. Not sure who to contact about this. Anyone have any suggestions as who to contact?

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Found the person who uploaded it. Goes by the steam name "RERE". He seems to do this alot... Take someone's addon and then upload it to the workshop claiming "It's a port". He's ripped off somethings like the C-17, Gnat's Cessna 185, Feint's paddle mod, and a few more, some times not crediting the authors... He also seems to get really defensive when people call him out for it, putting them on blast. I DO NOT recommend reading the comments on the C-17 post, as it's pretty toxic. Not sure who to contact about this. Anyone have any suggestions as who to contact?


Try Dwarden (the community manager).  If it's not him, then he probably knows who to contact.

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Try Dwarden (the community manager).  If it's not him, then he probably knows who to contact.


Thanks, I'll send him a message about it.

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Found the person who uploaded it. Goes by the steam name "RERE". He seems to do this alot... Take someone's addon and then upload it to the workshop claiming "It's a port". He's ripped off somethings like the C-17, Gnat's Cessna 185, Feint's paddle mod, and a few more, some times not crediting the authors... He also seems to get really defensive when people call him out for it, putting them on blast. I DO NOT recommend reading the comments on the C-17 post, as it's pretty toxic. Not sure who to contact about this. Anyone have any suggestions as who to contact?


He's been busy --  checked out his workshop page and found gems like this:

"This little addon adds an action menu entry for you to enter DLC Karts w/o having bought the DLC.

Same as with noBAF, this wasnt made to people off, but because it´s an easy fix to a slightly un-easier problem."


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I tryed to install this mod in to my arma 3 mod exile, and i cant get any item, all say bad vehicle, can you guys say me a little explanation to get it working on mod exile?

Sorry for my bad english and thank you so much!

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Thank you very much for this addon! I don't know WHY more people/clans don't use it, its THEIR loss. 


Respect man! Keep up the good (awesome, really) work!

Edited by Coolie

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