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Dynamic Player Markers

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An excellent script. Thank you. Great for situational awareness in game as well as for mission building. I appreciate the time and effort you took to make this. Thanks. Jas.

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AM i correct that this will not work after respawn ?

Then maybe you should add something like this to your first post:

// Add eventhandler for respawn
if (!isDedicated) then {
   [] spawn {
       waitUntil {!isNull player};
       player addEventhandler ["respawn", {0 = ["players"] execVM 'scripts\player_markers.sqf';}];

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I want to use this with my Zues GM mission. Is there a way to make it so that the markers show up on blufor only for their side (i.e. blufor only sees blufor markes on the map). And have the Zeus virtual entities be able to see all markers?

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I can imagine that the underlying reason of this script is because every unit has a GPS locator.. ok but why when I have a unit down, unconscious, I can't see him in GPS or map? They switch the GPS locator off just berofe going unconscious?

Joking, but is there a way with this script to show unconscious player so to help medic to find them?


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. . . is there a way with this script to show unconscious player so to help medic to find them?

Maybe something like this in the loop somewhere:

if ( ( lifeState _unit ) == "UNCONSCIOUS" ) then {
_marker setMarkerType "Warning";
} else {
_marker setMarkerType _defaultType;

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@Wiggum: No, once this script is executed, it runs forever, unless terminated with terminate or it errors out.

@Quorum: Yes you may do something like this: (beware it is untested)

if(player in allCurators) then {
0 = ["players","allsides"] execVM 'player_markers.sqf';  // player is zeus
} else {
0 = ["players"] execVM 'player_markers.sqf';  // player is not zezs

@DuM3D0: setUnconscious players are switched to different side i believe. Or if you have BTC revive enabled: BTC revive shows its own marker, that is why dynamic player markers hide its player marker in such case.

Edited by aeroson

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@Aeroson: I don't have BTC revive because I'm using AGM with his respawn system with rally point

Maybe something like this in the loop somewhere:

if ( ( lifeState _unit ) == "UNCONSCIOUS" ) then {
_marker setMarkerType "Warning";
} else {
_marker setMarkerType _defaultType;

uhmm.. I presume in player_markers.sqf but where? I'm not a pro.. sorry :icon_wink:

Edited by DuM3D0

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Ok how to give this script a sleep timer in SP so that it shows the icons on the map for about 5 seconds so that its not totally spoon feeding but just making you aware about the enemy's position. To avoid wasting a major chunk of time searching throughout the map.


Also is there a way to highlight a block of grid instead where the enemies are, and with a sleep timer as explained above?

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The script is really helpful, you did a great job!
At the moment I'm building a system that only shows the players from the other faction on the map. Is there a way to set the script to only show opponents?
I would be very happy if I still get an answer after 10 years ^^

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