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Performance of larger scale battles with TPWCAS/TPWLOS/ASR_AI - your experience pls!

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Hi guys,

I'm sure MANY OF YOU play missions with @TPWCAS (the auto supression system) and tpwlos enabled, additionally with @ASR_AI. What is your performance experience with it, especially when it comes to larger scale battles with many units on the map? I really need an intelligent supression system and the asr_ai but I'm not sure, in how far they affect the performance.

This is interesting in (performance-wise) difficult missions, e.g. mark50bks apocalypse mission. There's a lot going on on the map.

So whats your experience? Maybe turning on specific elements via config file (like tpwlos in tpwcas, or automatic fleeing, find cover...) has turned out to become resource intensive? Maybe there's something which should be turned off for larger scale engagements?

I'm curious... TIA


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See my sig for a guide. See performance section.

I was just playing Warfare BE with full funds. There were a lot of units on the map. Heli's, jets, everything. I was getting around 20 to 30fps, average around 26. Pretty good for a Vista/Q6600 CPU/Nvidia 9800 machine. I have shadows turned off and everything set to minimum/low. I find as long as the frame rate is high enough everthing looks detailed anyway, there's nothing worse than high settings with a low frame rate, don't be afraid to turn everything down.. Dynamic View Distance is a must. I'm not sure about using multiple AI scripts as they may conflict with one another, although I could be wrong about this. Anyway, I have found AI performance acceptable with just ASR AI Addons. Getting the right addon is important as there are addons with similar names and different versions. I am running on a quad core CPU using 2 cores for a dedicated server and the other two for the client on the same machine (set affinity in the task manager). That is essential to get ArmA to thread everything properly for the AI (see guide).

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I ended up removing TPWCAS and LOS from most missions in Lions of Kandahar:

In the first mission while moving thru "IED Alley" there was a massive spike when the "surprise" is triggered, not sure why, but removing it alleviated the issue noticeably. I'm not sure if TPW houselights had anything to do with it, but that stayed.

I also removed it from some of the larger assault missions (lots of units in a wide open space), as the CPU was experiencing some strain that I noticed was decreased after disabling it. The strain wasn't nearly as bad. TPW houselights was not active in these missions.

My understanding of TPWCAS and LOS is very limited, so I am not able to provide many granular details, but the above two cases stuck out in my mind. Hopefully it will be of help!

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In larger missions with lots of AI (especially if lots are FIRING AT ONCE) I would remove/disable TPWCAS and LOS and keep @asr_ai (in fact never get rid of this!!).

For missions with lots of AI but not any single large engagements, leave TPWCAS and disable the LOS and find cover checks (or you can set them to disable if the server reaches a certain FPS - check .hpp config file)

As Barney said running on dedicated will help a lot (vs hosted server).

The ultimate fix is to run the Headless Client which handles all the AI processing (if setup properly) but that is a lot more work and your mission has to be designed with that in mind.

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As far as I understand it the HC only makes sense for servers with lots of human players (I saw 100+ quoted) in them. If its only an SP (one player) game the HC performance is probably going to be effectively the same as running a client/server. It also sounds to me a bit like a temporary solution until Bohemia master AI optimisations on the server.

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^ yes I agree for SP and very small missions it probably is overkill. However I find once you get over the 25 player mark it really does make a difference... especially if it's a heavy mission like MSO

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Alongside Invasion1944 TPWCAS or TPWLOS gives me performance problems in a big battle but as said before ASR_AI doesn't seem to impact performance and works a treat.

Edited by Helskga

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