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Is it possible to disable the automatic detection of enemys in multiplayer

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one thing that annoy me is the magic detection ability of enemy soldiers the squad leader somehow posses.

I think it removes some of the fun of actually detecting the enemy's ourselves.

So my question to you is, do you know a way to disable this feature?



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Up the difficulty level?

I know that on regular you can see yourself and enemy players but on Veteran this is gone

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There is a difficulty setting, if I remember correctly it is called "Auto reveal". Disabling it should tone down your sixth sense.

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thank you for your replys, I will check out these settings.

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I would like to disable this as well, but AutoSpot=0; doesn't work. We play on Veteran.

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Which "spotting" ability are you talking about? What you mentioned could refer to several different features. Most are related to difficulty settings, but the stuff that automatically show up in chat cannot be disabled (but can be muted via enableConversations false; command iirc).

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I'm talking about the radio messages... Situations like:

In-game Radio: "Enemy, Soldier, Bearing 210, 500 meters"

Teamspeak: "Oh, err, huh, my guy spotted something, should be there and there... I cant see it!"

*Immersion broken*

:D :(

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Use the following addon

clientside addon no_voice

it is also likely to speed up AI reactions (It defintely did in A2)

This will not work on other players unless you force them to run the addon

It may be possible to configure the mission to have the addon as a dependancy, which you will need to do manually for each mission

Edited by Terox

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