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How can I get my character pick up small objects?

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In the editor is a section called: Empty >> Objects (small).

Here we find a number of items including:

Evidence (money)

Evidence (photos)


If I place one of these items on the map, how can I get my character to pick up any of these objects?

( I tried unlocking them and I made sure the info age was current.)

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Normally an item like that should have a action menu so you can pick it up... I just tested it and in fact there's no option to pick it up in game.

You can achieve what you want with a bit of scripting.

Let's say you do it for the Evidence(Photos). Place the item in the Editor, call it "Photos" and put this in it's init line:

Photoaction = this addAction ["Take Photos","TakePhotos.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","((_target distance _this) <2)"];

Next, create a script in your mission's folder, call it "TakePhotos.sqf" and put the following into it:

// TakePhotos.sqf
_evidence = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;

deletevehicle _evidence;
_unit addweapon "EvPhoto";

You will have to add the stuff that you want to happen after a player collects the photos.

The weird part is that when I put the photos back on the ground, it has an action menu... didnt check but maybe some items have a stock action menu and other's don't. also note that what I put here is probably SP only so maybe someone else has a way better solution.

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I also suggest to use in that script command removeaction (for photoaction) after we collect evidence: photos or other things. Without that you will have through whole mission in players action menu action -> Take Photos.

Addaction and removeaction

http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction , http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeAction

Edited by tom3kb

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The weird part is that when I put the photos back on the ground, it has an action menu... didnt check but maybe some items have a stock action menu and other's don't. also note that what I put here is probably SP only so maybe someone else has a way better solution.

when you put item from inventory on the ground it creates weaponholder object and adds your item to it. This is why you can pick it up because it is inside weapon holder.

@OP create weaponholder on the ground first then add your item to it

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