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Does PAID ALPHA ACCESS also grant full account rights upon release of final product?

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Once upon a time, I would have assumed that this was obviously, 100% true, but the marketplace seems to be flooded with nasty surprises these days.

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Yes, it grants you access to the full game on release. Although I am not sure what you mean by that full account access.

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What I mean is, the right to play the full game without making additional purchases.

Before I pay money for "Alpha Access", I want to make sure I am not getting ONLY alpha access.

I will also get beta access when beta drops, and then full-game access when the full game drops.. yes?

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That is correct. Access bought now is valid up to and including the final product. (including patches later).

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Absolutely yes :) It's on the official page: http://www.arma3.com/alpha/briefing

"Enlisting not only means you will get to play Arma 3 early, you will also receive the full game when it comes out. Plus, you are contributing to its development directly."

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Thanks for the responses. I usually cannot be bothered to sift through FAQs, forum threads and support knowledgebases to find answers to questions about a product I haven't paid for yet. I tend to regard it as someone else's job to sell me on a product :)

I am going to be absolutely terrible at this game.

::goes AFK without letting anyone in Teamspeak know::

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What the developers say:

“Be one of the first to play Arma 3 and contribute to its development by providing feedback. You'll also gain access to the Arma 3 Beta as soon as it becomes available and receive a Steam version of the complete game upon release.â€

This is what it says right at the top of the steam store page for ArmA 3 Alpha.

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Purcahsing Arma 3 alpha gets you the full game.

Think of Arma 3 alpha as a pre-order with an opportunity to test the game in it's alpha and beta stages of developement and giving feedback to developers.

If you find any bugs or have any sugestions you can report it here: http://feedback.arma3.com/my_view_page.php

Good luck and welcome to the forums.

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think of it the other way round, preordering gets you a discount and full access to alpha and beta

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