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Nice to hear you are back=)

I found another issue with your rifles.

"fold/unfold bipod" overwrites the context menu as primary action. So you cannot go to a door anymore and press middle mouse button to open it. Instead it will fold/unfold the bipod.

The priority should be changed of that action.

best regards!

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

Aaaaand another bug^^

I can shoot the famas out of the chopper! Dev branc: I enter the pawnee and switch weapons. Now I can shoot the famas as my main gun....

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I can't seem to be able to reproduce that helicopter thing, could you be more precise? It seems like the sort of thing you'd want to try out.

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I am on the Dev branch - maybe its because of that. However I can choose the Famas as my primary vehicle weapon and fire it out of it. Tanks, helis, doesnt matter.


Ps: I have to say...I fell in love with this weapon^^ really nice model!

And why flirting with the weapon I came across another bug

The shadow of the rifle which it casts on itself is broken somehow

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Yeah I'm on devbranch too, but I can't select my weapon in a vehicle, be it with the action menu or the switch weapon/handgun or switch weapon/launcher.

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here are the mods I run:


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Ok as for the action menu, i plan to remove it completely; Actually in ARMA2 i used a keyboard short cut to fold/unfold bipod with my famas, but i was too lazy to port the script to ARMA3; So i will include it in my next version. Also i don't have any issue with Dev Branch switching bipod (i have an debug error message: but this when you don't have a launcher on your back and the bipod should deploy correctly nonetheless). I'll have a look at the chopper bug thing...

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hey mates, pack updated to version 0.10, check thread first post for change log

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Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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@SSplainskin: you're welcome :)

next version i will release quite soon will include ASDG rails compatibility.

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hey mates, i released the version 0.11 that supports ASDG common rails. So all attachments made compatible with ASDG can theoretically be used now with my famas rifles.


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Very nice update!

btw, do you have plans these vanilla Stanag magazines compatibility?





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New update v0.11 beta available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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@sentence0219 : i did not thought about it, but i will add the compatibility in my next update!

@.kju [PvPscene] : thanks! I'll look into it ;)

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Hi Purple, I tried the beta 0.11 without addons and presents error deplore bipod with shift b, to repeat the action several times begins to discount boots and increases number of smoke grenades or exlosivas backpack, I'm in the dev branch, congratulate you for the excellent addon.

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Hi Carne_Molida, you need to run CBA addon for the deploying bipod to work... do you have it ? also version 0.11 requires ASDG joint rails mod, you can grab them here:



Tell me if you still have problems with these addons

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Hi Carne_Molida, you need to run CBA addon for the deploying bipod to work... do you have it ? also version 0.11 requires ASDG joint rails mod, you can grab them here:



Tell me if you still have problems with these addons

Hi purple, use only the recommended CBA_A3, ASDG_JR addons and get the following errors, associate pictures:

th_107410_2014-02-25_00012_zps28468b82.png th_107410_2014-02-25_00013_zps4a926828.png

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Ok, i see; on the devbranch there are debug messages that pop up ... they are harmless (the messages pop up because you maybe has no secondary weapon (launcher).... You can turn off the script debug info to remove them.

As for the grenades indications, i think that they are only due to a reorganization in the inventory, i have to check...


EDIT: i could reproduce the issue, i have to check it out and find a solution for this; It looks as if some grenade disappears and is replaced by a grenade of a different type every time you action the bipod...

crap, i wished ARMA3 inventory code was better designed, it is so weirdly and badly implemented ...

Edited by Purple

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I just released the version 0.12 with a fix of the script bug found by Carne_Molida

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When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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update v0.12 beta available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@ Purple;

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@Carne_molida: sorry, i don't understand what you mean with the magazine :confused: Do you mean some magazines are removed? Are you sure they are not somewhere else in the inventory?

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Hi purple, to deploy the bipod removed charger only famas rifle. Inventory backpack ok. Sorry my English is not good to use google converter.

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