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How to tell init.sqf to only affect all human players?

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Hello everyone. I was wondering, how do I have the init.sqf file affect human players only within a mission on an online server? I do not want init.sqf to have any affect on AI players. For example:

setViewDistance 3000;

Would it be something like this?

waitUntil {!isNil { player }}
waitUntil {!isNull player }
waitUntil {(player == player)}
setViewDistance 2500;


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if (isPlayer _x) then {
_x setViewDistance 3000;
} forEach allUnits;

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Since when is the init.sqf executed for non human players? Did I miss something?

I mean I'm a rather new ArmA2 guy and all but I had the firm conviction that the init.sqf is executed upon human players when connection into your map.

All you do in your init.sqf using the "player" keyword will only affect human players, so you don't (and moreover can't) have to discern between human players and AI.

Since I'm really confused here, can someone clarify this with more details? :D

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if (isPlayer _x) then {
_x setViewDistance 3000;
} forEach allUnits;

Maybe you should check wiki for the command syntax before giving people advice.


Since when is the init.sqf executed for non human players? Did I miss something?

I mean I'm a rather new ArmA2 guy and all but I had the firm conviction that the init.sqf is executed upon human players when connection into your map.

All you do in your init.sqf using the "player" keyword will only affect human players, so you don't (and moreover can't) have to discern between human players and AI.

Since I'm really confused here, can someone clarify this with more details? :D

You're right, makes no sense for viewdistance.

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