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Simple Mortar script

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Nice job Anthonyfromtheuk & Larrow. Post and Download link amended.

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Has anyone had any luck with localising this to 1 unit?

To assign it to an individual unit. Remove the line from your init or trigger and assign it to an individual units init.

null = [3] execVM "mortar.sqf";

To have the unit respawn with the same capabilities, give the unit a name for instance "Bob"

In your init.sqf, add this line:

if (vehicleVarName player == "Bob") then {

player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {null = [3] execVM "mortar.sqf"}];



Edited by Mangled

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Great stuff. Anyone happen to know the classname for the MLRS individual rockets or some other bigger shells if I'd like more boom than the 120mm mortars?

Edited by Meatball

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One thing I would like to know is how do I change the sidechat name of the arty??? It is currently CROSSROAD

Have a look at CfgHQIdentities in the config viewer, options are:



[WEST,"BLU"] sidechat "Hello, hello, annoying radio ham here, talking over your freqs! Hello.....?";


Broadway: "Hello, hello, annoying radio ham here, talking over your freqs! Hello.....?"

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Hey, quick question on an old thread. Does anyone know how to edit the script so you can 'escape' out of the mortar strike if you'd like? Once someone selects the addaction and it gets to the 'onMapSingleClick' waiting for the strike location on the map, there's no way to back out. Be nice if there was a "Press escape to cancel strike" or something at that point.

Oh, a quick follow up to one of my old questions, use "R_230mm_fly" as your roundType if you want bigger booms. :)

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Has anyone had any luck with this on a dedicated server yet?

It seems to only work for the first player to join the server for me

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