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Running Suicide bomber

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Okay so heres the story, I am using the a suicide bomber script (originally for Armed Assault) it's working, but I would like to know how to have the suicide bomber run at any BLUFOR unit?

I'm new to scripting and editing so have not a clue

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be something like

_suicidebomber =  "mental guy";           //bomber name
_suicidepos =  getpos _suicidebomber; //Bomber location

waitUntil { sleep 1; ( {side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10} count allUnits) > 0 };

_units = []; // all WEST units within 10m of _suicidepos
 if (side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10) then {
   _units set [count _units, _x];
} forEach allUnits;  

_suicidebomber DoMove _units;

Please don't take this code as final. This is simply a brief idea on how to acheive what you are looking for. Expect to mess about with this code to get it working.

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unfortunately u need to continually have the unit run at the player - if you run from the last position, then that's where he stops. you have to take account for this - check [Fock]ers Suicide for how i did the script. basically the unit detects you then follows u until you run too far.

oops forgot the link - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17725328/Focker_Scripts/Fock_SBomb.rar

Edited by Mikie boy

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Yeah that would simply be a matter of plaing the code in a loop for instance

_suicidebomber =  "mental guy";           //bomber name
_suicidepos =  getpos _suicidebomber; //Bomber location

waitUntil { sleep 1; ( {side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10} count allUnits) > 0 };

while (_terroise) do  {
_units = []; // all WEST units within 10m of _suicidepos
 if (side _x == WEST && (_x distance _suicidepos) < 10) then {
   _units set [count _units, _x];
} forEach allUnits;  

_suicidebomber DoMove _units;

if (!alive _suicidebomber) then [exitwith];
sleep 1; } 

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