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Randomizing Headgear via Config Eventhanbdler

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So as my title states, I am trying to randomize the class of headgear that gets added to my unit. I am doing this in the config of the unit.

I came to realize, after much trial and error, that headgear config entries can not take eventhandlers, otherwise I would have randomized hiddentextures, as is done so very well in the config of the Takistani Militia from Operation Arrowhead.

So, what I am trying to do is take the following pieces of headgear....

class AD_Shemagh1a: H_HelmetB


displayName = "Shemagh w/ Face Cover";

picture = "\ad_opfor\data\ui\icon_ad_shemagh_ca.paa";

model = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ca\characters_e\loc\data\loc_opfor01_3_co.paa"};

class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem


mass = 5;

uniformModel = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

modelSides[] = {6};

armor = "3*0.05";

passThrough = 0.95;



class AD_Shemagh1b: AD_Shemagh1a


displayName = "Shemagh w/ Face Cover";

picture = "\ad_opfor\data\ui\icon_ad_shemagh_ca.paa";

model = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ca\characters_e\loc\data\loc_opfor01_2_co.paa"};

class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem


mass = 5;

uniformModel = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

modelSides[] = {6};

armor = "3*0.05";

passThrough = 0.95;



class AD_Shemagh1c: AD_Shemagh1a


displayName = "Shemagh w/ Face Cover";

picture = "\ad_opfor\data\ui\icon_ad_shemagh_ca.paa";

model = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ca\characters_e\loc\data\loc_opfor01_1_co.paa"};

class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem


mass = 5;

uniformModel = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

modelSides[] = {6};

armor = "3*0.05";

passThrough = 0.95;



class AD_Shemagh1d: AD_Shemagh1a


displayName = "Shemagh w/ Face Cover";

picture = "\ad_opfor\data\ui\icon_ad_shemagh_ca.paa";

model = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ca\characters_e\loc\data\loc_ind01_2_co.paa"};

class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem


mass = 5;

uniformModel = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

modelSides[] = {6};

armor = "3*0.05";

passThrough = 0.95;



class AD_Shemagh1e: AD_Shemagh1a


displayName = "Shemagh w/ Face Cover";

picture = "\ad_opfor\data\ui\icon_ad_shemagh_ca.paa";

model = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ca\characters_e\loc\data\loc_ind01_3_co.paa"};

class ItemInfo: HeadgearItem


mass = 5;

uniformModel = "\AD_Opfor\AD_Shemagh1.p3d";

modelSides[] = {6};

armor = "3*0.05";

passThrough = 0.95;




and randomize which is given to the following soldier...

class AD_Taliban_SL : O_Soldier_SL_F


faction = AD_Addons_Opfor;

vehicleClass = "AD_Taliban";

uniformClass = "Officer_uniform1";

displayName = "Squad Leader";

class EventHandlers


init = "[_this select 0] execVM ""\ad_opfor\scripts\random_shemagh1.sqf""";

respawn = "[_this select 0] execVM ""\ad_opfor\scripts\random_shemagh1.sqf""";


camouflage = 1.0;

Weapons[] =







respawnWeapons[] =







magazines[] =




















respawnmagazines[] =




















Items[] = {};

RespawnItems[] = {};

linkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_oli", "AD_SHemagh1a", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"};

respawnLinkedItems[] = {"V_TacVest_oli", "AD_SHemagh1a", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"};

armor = 10;

armorStructural = 6;

Which is being done by the following script.....


_unit = _this select 0;

_headGear = ["AD_Shemagh1a","AD_Shemagh1b","AD_Shemagh1c","AD_Shemagh1d","AD_Shemagh1e"] select floor random 5;

_unit addheadgear _headgear;

hint "script completed";

But it is not working right, I have worked over both the config and script numerous times, but still no joy.

If anyone more knowledgable than myself can shed some light on this I would appreciate it.


Edited by ADuke

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You shouldn't need [_this select 0] when running the script if it's being called from the unit's own unit when it spawns, it should probably just use this

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If you haven't solved this yet, or if you have and others are wondering how to do this, try the following. I use a random headgear script for some of my units, and this is how I do it:

In the following script, replace Item0, Item1, etc with the names of your headgear items, and save the file as whatever you wish to call it.

_Unit = _this select 0;
_HeadGear = ["Item0","Item1","Item2","Item3","Item4","Item5"];
_CountH = count _HeadGear;
RemoveHeadgear _unit;
_unit AddHeadgear (_headgear select floor random _CountH);

Then, put the following in the unit's config:

	class EventHandlers: EventHandlers	
			init =  "[(_this select 0)] execVM ""\AddonName\ScriptName.sqf""";	


It's important to note that whatever your unit's parent class is, must have 'class eventhandlers;' in its config entry, since this EventHandlers script has a parent EventHandlers class. I create a base unit (with a private scope so it can't be placed/created in-game) with 'class Eventhandlers;' in its config, then base the rest of my units off that one, so they're inheriting its attributes.

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Not multiplayer compatible. Just look at the official BIS Offroad randomization script to see how to get MP compatible random stuff init script.

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