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About ParaGR

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  1. ParaGR

    Arma 3 - Pre-E3 Livestream Hangouts

    Comanche? Really? Why include a helicopter that was cancelled in 2004? I just don't see the sense in that.
  2. If you haven't solved this yet, or if you have and others are wondering how to do this, try the following. I use a random headgear script for some of my units, and this is how I do it: In the following script, replace Item0, Item1, etc with the names of your headgear items, and save the file as whatever you wish to call it. _Unit = _this select 0; _HeadGear = ["Item0","Item1","Item2","Item3","Item4","Item5"]; _CountH = count _HeadGear; RemoveHeadgear _unit; _unit AddHeadgear (_headgear select floor random _CountH); Then, put the following in the unit's config: class EventHandlers: EventHandlers { init = "[(_this select 0)] execVM ""\AddonName\ScriptName.sqf"""; }; It's important to note that whatever your unit's parent class is, must have 'class eventhandlers;' in its config entry, since this EventHandlers script has a parent EventHandlers class. I create a base unit (with a private scope so it can't be placed/created in-game) with 'class Eventhandlers;' in its config, then base the rest of my units off that one, so they're inheriting its attributes.