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Setcaptive false not working

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Hey guys I'm searching for a solution on how to correctly use the setcaptive commands.

For example in my mission I have a player unit named "p1" and in its init field I put

this setcaptive true

Now I want this unit to be an undercover agent. He can walk beyond the enemy units but upon a trigger (for example when he shoots an enemy, haven't firgured out yet how to set that condition up) he should get spotted.

So for a test, I put down my unit, placed a few bad guys and created a trigger activated by radio bravo that does

p1 setcaptive false

but when I hit it and walk up to the enemy, my unit still wont get engaged by them. It seems I am still seen as captive even though I triggered the opposite. I also tried creating a script and execVM it with the trigger on radio Bravo but this also didnt work.

So, wheres the mistake?

Or is there another way to get this undecover thing working?

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Where you put in trigger that p1 setcaptive false in condition or in on act. Should be in on act.

Try to add in your radio trigger in condition: alive p1 and in on act: p1 setcaptive false. Just to check if it works. And in unit init write: p1 setcaptive true

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Seems to work somehow but the result is a typical arma mess. Only one of 20 units seems to think I am a threat and starts firing. All the other bad guys just go prone on kneel and raise their guns and start searching and stuff but dont pull the trigger even if I dance around in front of them.

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try to use the setcaptive true from the init.sqf or a script, not the unit's init. it might change something. just a thought...

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ahh thank you a lot thats just what I needed.

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Now I want this unit to be an undercover agent. He can walk beyond the enemy units but upon a trigger (for example when he shoots an enemy, haven't firgured out yet how to set that condition up) he should get spotted.

Getting a bit ahead but for that part you will need to use the "Fired" event handler (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers)

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