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Values and Variables in Dialog: RscText

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I'm starting to play around with dialogs scripting and already have a first issue. How can I add a dialog text that will return values?

I need a dialog box that shows me number of kills


class FRAME_01

idd = 1;
movingenable = false;

class Controls
	class FRAME_01: RscFrame
		idc = 1800;
		text = "Platoon Stats";
		x = 0.352344 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
		y = 0.255 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
		w = 0.311719 * safezoneW;
		h = 0.455 * safezoneH;
	class RscText_1000: RscText
	idc = 1000;
	text = "Soldier1 kills: "+(str Soldier1kills);

	x = 0.423944 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
	y = 0.527789 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
	w = 0.158718 * safezoneW;
	h = 0.0257144 * safezoneH;

this is really hard, because it crashes the game:

of course replacing the text line fixes the problem

text = "Soldier1 kills: ";

How can I use in this text a returned value?

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Doesnt work - it returns in dialog:

'Soldier1 kills: ' + str Soldier1kills

instead of value

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ok gimmie a minute

---------- Post added at 23:25 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

use onload to modify text

class FRAME_01 

   idd = 1; 
   movingenable = false; 
onLoad = "_this call FRAME_01_Load";

   class Controls 
       class FRAME_01: RscFrame 
           idc = 1800; 
           text = "Platoon Stats"; 
           x = 0.352344 * safezoneW + safezoneX; 
           y = 0.255 * safezoneH + safezoneY; 
           w = 0.311719 * safezoneW; 
           h = 0.455 * safezoneH; 
       class RscText_1000: RscText 
       idc = 1000; 
       text = ""; 

       x = 0.423944 * safezoneW + safezoneX; 
       y = 0.527789 * safezoneH + safezoneY; 
       w = 0.158718 * safezoneW; 
       h = 0.0257144 * safezoneH; 

add somewhere in the code

FRAME_01_Load = {((_this select 0) displayCtrl 1000) ctrlSetText format ["Soldier1 kills: %1", Soldier1kills]};

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Could you please just explain in few words what is happening there?

what is "_this" in the onLoad line?

also why the text label is empty? how will it work?

what does this line?

(_this select 0) displayCtrl 1000

Thanks for your time!

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When your dialog is created, the onLoad-field is being executed, which in return will call the function named "FRAME_01_Load".

_this is an array in that context of the dialog which contains the reference to the dialog in the first element.

So what the function does is: Get the control you want to modify (displayCtrl gets you the child-control of a control, in this case your dialog), and using ctrlSetText you can modify the text your control holds at any time.

Everytime you create your dialog the text will be filled accordingly.

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(_this select 0) displayCtrl 1000

_this in onLoad contains display reference like this [display] so to get it you need to

_this select 0 inside your function. The rest you can find out by reading displayCtrl documentation on wiki.

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Thanks !

but how come, this field is left empty:

text = "";

how can this be filled correctly? also if I would have few more Text frames and I want to use different texts per frame?


        class RscText_1000: RscText 
       idc = 1001; 
       text = ""; 

       x = 0.423944 * safezoneW + safezoneX; 
       y = 0.527789 * safezoneH + safezoneY; 
       w = 0.158718 * safezoneW; 
       h = 0.0257144 * safezoneH; 
       class RscText_1000: RscText 
       idc = 1002; 
       text = ""; 

       x = 0.423944 * safezoneW + safezoneX; 
       y = 0.527789 * safezoneH + safezoneY; 
       w = 0.158718 * safezoneW; 
       h = 0.0257144 * safezoneH; 
       class RscText_1000: RscText 
       idc = 1003; 
       text = ""; 

       x = 0.423944 * safezoneW + safezoneX; 
       y = 0.527789 * safezoneH + safezoneY; 
       w = 0.158718 * safezoneW; 
       h = 0.0257144 * safezoneH; 

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The field is empty because it doesnt matter what you put in it it will get overwritten with ctrlSetText anyway. As for different frames, I dont understand why you need 3 identical frames with different idcs

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I wanted to list like 8 soldiers, all with kill stats. It felt natural to me to make 8 text frames, to have a better align control.

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Well all 3 frames have the same alignment so I couldn't understand why you need to overimpose them. But if you are planning to have them in different places then I see no problem why you can't update them all at the same time considering you have different idcs, you can just run multiple ctrlSetText on load, one for each frame.

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I'm just starting with dialogs so my design idea is probably wrong. Thanks for all the help, I think I'll try this out (still a bit confused about the onLoad command) and get back to this topic when I have some more code.

Thanks Again!

btw. Cool blog ! :)

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See my design ideas in this post of mine:


The onLoad command does a simple thing: it triggers, when the display is loaded. The part after that makes sure that the display ID where the control is, is saved to a UInamespace variable, so you don't have to search it all the time when you want to send data to it. (_this select 0 is the _this of onLoad, which has the control ID on index 1)

Actually this is not as bad as it seems. :) I used to pull my hair one by one some time ago when trying to make a working permanent gui, but if you get the point it will get really simple.

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