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Nordkindchens Sammelsurium

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This is a smorgasbord of tutorials and usefull links I found during my course on the forums.

It is thought to be a help for every beginner out there and a list of usefull links for myself too.

I will keep this updated as long as I will be active here. Therefore this list will expand over time

There may be other lists of this kind (maybe even some links towards them below) but this is my very own version of it.

Take your use of it or leave it be. Or else - submit useful links you find! I will likely add them here!

Best regards!

Ps: The following is not ordered yet. I simply am too tired^^ I will get some order in it by time.

Little particle tool for Arma 1 - someone said it would be easy to port over to Arma 2


Kegetys Editing-Tools

usefull site with lots of cfg names and more! Thx at Liukang168!

Absolute beginner guide to modellingThx at Liukang168!

Kiorys channel - modeling tutorials and more

Arma 3 Editing tutorials on youtube

Some advice on config files

Some random templates for soldier retuxturation

Problems with cpbo?

Tutorial compilation

$PBOPREFIX$ content

The Configs & Scripting Info Thread (WIP)

Best website for textures I know

Visitor 3 maual

ArmA 2 Island Creation & Configuration (Website)

Arma 3 specific

Discussion on how to set up the P:/ rive for Arma 3 map creation

First news on how to create own maps in Arma3(not complete yet?)

Arma 3 character modding tutorial

Arma 3 - Tutorial on how to get vehicles into the game


ArmA Editing Manual by Alex Sworn (German)

Problems unpacking pbos? Maybe this helps

Small retexturing guide by Sakura_Chan

Arma 2 Script Examples

Bushlurkers website (a well known map creator)

Bushlurkers Map beginners guide



OFPEC - particle arrays


Mondkalb's "How to create an Addon from scratch"

Arma2 youtube tutorials

Topic about depboing

How to convert .paa to a usefull file format (German)

BIKI - Visitor 3: Making of simple landscape

Map tutorial by Universität von PARAISO

Thread about particles

Mikeros Tools very good and essential tools for very different aspects of modding

Download of the official BI toolset Essential for the creation of island for example.



Biki - Oxygen 2 manual

BIKI - Whats an LOD

BIKI - BinPBO manual

BIKI - Arma2 Terrain tutorial

BIKI- Particle templates

BIKI - Particle Array

Biki - CMA:DevelopmentSetup

BIKI -Arma RVMat


Another list of tutorial links

Edited by NordKindchen

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This site is good when you need to know classnames and more

and this is the ABSOLUTE BEGINNER guide to making models: Dunno if you have it already up there:


Edited by liukang168

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Thank you Kremator its really nice to hear something like that!

And @Liukang168 - Thanks for the two link! I am adding them right now!

Also adding this Kiorys channel - hes the one working on the Sa80


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Hello there,

Such a collection is a pure treasure for everyone who is looking for specific information about a certain thing, thanks for putting effort in this. But there´s somethings I´d like to suggest.

I would highly recommnd you to move your collection to the Biki as the amount of allowed characters here might either already been reached, or it will be pretty soon. I am saying this because I made the same experience once with the DCS Forums (Eagle Dynamics). Such a huge thing is easier to keep updated by using the wiki...check my DCS Tutorial Collection.Check here.

If you will move it over to the Biki, so you can use my DCS page as template. As for the wiki it is all the same language and should work fine. You only need to modify it a little

As my Collection was devided into Aircraft systems, weapons stuff and so on, you could feed certain Parts like

the editing corner (Object, and Terrain editing, Mission editing and so on) That would fit well next to stuff like scripting or gameplay things, let me know if you need any help or so.



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