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Okay old question NEW twist..

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So here's the gist of it.. I'm loving the Arma series and am on the brink of joining a tactical realism unit. However, I can't decide between Arma 2 and Arma 3. My thinking is this: Arma 2 might have larger, better established units for tac realism because it's been around longer. But on the other hand, players might start deserting Arma 2 for Arma 3 in the near future. If that happens, then committing to an Arma 2 unit might not be a wise choice.

I'm wondering if anyone can offer insight on the matter. Are the Arma 3 tac realism units already up and running in large numbers? Also, does anyone know if Arma 2 has been depopulating over that past few months? I ask because I'm relatively new to Arma in general.

Thanks, let me know what you all think.

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Arma 3 alpha access (which then grants you beta AND full game access too) is 25 euros.

Arma 2 complete (which gets you A2 and all the DLC is 29 euros.

All the other "headline" games (Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Defiance, FarCry 3, etc are all 50 euros for just one, and no DLC (the Blops DLC is 15 euros for 4 maps....)

So you get 2 games and ALL the DLC for A2 for 5 euros more than one of the others.

Also, any "committed" A2 unit is more than likely to either have an A3 branch, or move to A3 once its fully established.

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To add:

ArmA3 is destined to become great, but it will be greater when the ArmA2 content is ported over. (ArmA 3 is future-centric while ArmA 2 is current equipments.) As distribution of ArmA 2 content is not allowed you'll need to already own it, so get both :)

BTW - you say you're on the brink of joining a tactical realism unit, what do THEY use? I would suggest that if it's really only one OR the other, then buy whatever the group already uses, unless they have imminent plans for change.

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To add:

ArmA3 is destined to become great, but it will be greater when the ArmA2 content is ported over. (ArmA 3 is future-centric while ArmA 2 is current equipments.) As distribution of ArmA 2 content is not allowed you'll need to already own it, so get both :)

BTW - you say you're on the brink of joining a tactical realism unit, what do THEY use? I would suggest that if it's really only one OR the other, then buy whatever the group already uses, unless they have imminent plans for change.

That basically means that you will be able to play with Arma 2 content (The maps, vehicels, weapons) in Arma 3. So you should really get it all

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Okay thanks for the feedback. Good to know about the mods situation. I should add, in case I was unclear, that I already own Arma 2 and have been addicted to it since I bought it two weeks ago. My real question was whether or not to join a unit that plays on Arma 2 or Arma 3. In the end, I'll buy Arma 3 too but for now have decided to wait until it's more fully developed.


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Well any Unit that plays Arma2 will play Arma3 just like everyone here played arma 1 and loved it but we now play arma 2 and arma 3 at the same time. Arma 3 doesn't have the content yet but it will and players will migrate. Also, you're not stuck with a group, you can leave at any time or even join 2 different groups.

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