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China - PLA Infantry (Alpha)

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Majoris first just puntualize that this mod is outstanding, in fact its the only units that I use as opfor in my missions. I prefer yours than the default csat ones.

May I suggest to add also the choppers from the CSAT. Just the black version with the china star would be awesome. Looking forward to see more CSAT vehicles with the star :)

Edit: I don't know if you knew about this one ( but looks that could be made with the csat art retexture ):

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/98/Self-propelled_artillery_of_PLA.jpg (1826 kB)

Edited by MistyRonin

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;2503219']Hi Majoris' date=' thanks for the update (and good to see you got your account back ;D Anxious for the next update (have you alredy fixed the hands positions holding the guns? in 2.0 they´re clipping through the grips) and the custom missions Kommiekat and other user are going to make using your superb addon!


Fixed, have a look. Completely redid the vests and cleaned up the uniforms a bit as well (4096x4096 instead of 2048x2048, lots of extra detail)


Edited by majoris

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Sorry if this is considered a bump, but there are a few things I have noticed that don't work too well for me. Primarily, the Mandarin voice for the soldiers. My AI don't use the voice and instead use the default US voice, except when spotting various units or responding to player move commands. The recordings don't always work, either, and some lines don't play. I would suggest instead using the new Greek voices, as they are somewhat passable if the Mandarin won't work properly. Second, is there a particular reason the pistols are suppressed? It doesn't seem intended, as I suspect it is something with the constant changing of classnames. Last of all, is there any chance of getting the QSZ-92 that I recall being in the original ArmA II mod? I apologise if this sounded demanding, just suggestions for the coming releases. A fantastic job so far, really looking forward to the next release!

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Sorry if this is considered a bump, but there are a few things I have noticed that don't work too well for me. Primarily, the Mandarin voice for the soldiers. My AI don't use the voice and instead use the default US voice, except when spotting various units or responding to player move commands. The recordings don't always work, either, and some lines don't play. I would suggest instead using the new Greek voices, as they are somewhat passable if the Mandarin won't work properly. Second, is there a particular reason the pistols are suppressed? It doesn't seem intended, as I suspect it is something with the constant changing of classnames. Last of all, is there any chance of getting the QSZ-92 that I recall being in the original ArmA II mod? I apologise if this sounded demanding, just suggestions for the coming releases. A fantastic job so far, really looking forward to the next release!

It might be a BIS problem. Is it the Marc/k voice? Because I know that I'm using another default voice, yet I hear Marc's voice a lot.

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I'm not sure which voice that is, but it is the first voice in the list on the profile setup. I've been having the same issue pretty much since the new languages and voices were introduced.

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Fixed, have a look. Completely redid the vests and cleaned up the uniforms a bit as well (4096x4096 instead of 2048x2048, lots of extra detail)


Quite nice, Majoris! Are you going to retexture the choppers and the Buzzard (The L-39, is so strange use this "copyright free name" lol)? Waiting anxiously for this next update ;D


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I'm not sure which voice that is, but it is the first voice in the list on the profile setup. I've been having the same issue pretty much since the new languages and voices were introduced.

Yeah, then that's probably what it is. Funny thing is, somewhere in the dev branch, they'd said they'd fixed it, but even then, there was no real evidence of it. It's quite annoying too, sounds like a commercial announcer.

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I don't seem to be having voice issues over here, but I'll check it out further. I'm testing/developing using Dev Branch (BIS has a tendency to restructure things between patches with Arma3, makes things easier).

In the process of moving to a different country so my hands are a little tied but an update should be finished by the end of the week. Choppers too hopefully. If you want to have a look at the camouflage in action, check the full size screenshot below. I left the default Arma3 OPFOR camo on the tube for comparison. :)

Full size: http://oi44.tinypic.com/sgr1u0.jpg

- Texture revamp

- Saturated uniforms a bit; more neutral color

- Fixed hand positions to match weapons

- Changed weapon sounds

- Added static weapons (Arma3 default)

- Modified groupings



Edited by majoris

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I don't seem to be having voice issues over here, but I'll check it out further. I'm testing/developing using Dev Branch (BIS has a tendency to restructure things between patches with Arma3, makes things easier).

In the process of moving to a different country so my hands are a little tied but an update should be finished by the end of the week. Choppers too hopefully.

I have neither had any voice problems, yet.

The new camo looks real good! Choppers would be a really nice addition.

BTW I hope you don't mind that I'm using your units as opfor in a new SP campaign I'm working in.

A cool photo with chopper camo patterns, if you need inspiration.


Edited by MistyRonin

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Like this? I tried to keep it in line with the other vehicles in terms of pattern/colors.


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Like this? I tried to keep it in line with the other vehicles in terms of pattern/colors.


Looks awesome! Really good work! :)

( just for the sake of being a bit picky I'd say turn the pale brown a bit more light, same in the uniforms, in real life look almost beige )

http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/8421/platype07.jpg (108 kB)

Edited by MistyRonin

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The currently shown camo patterns actually seem somewhat inspired by BloodoftheScribe's "FUTARM" Altis/Stratis camo, which I actually found fittingly appropriate. :)

Say, majoris, any plan(s) to introduce similarly "FUTARM" camo patterning for the weapons instead of the current black textures?

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The currently shown camo patterns actually seem somewhat inspired by BloodoftheScribe's

The shown camo are the ones in service in the PLA.


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Interesting; I suppose that's an interesting coincidence that it fit so well with Altis in its similar to the "FUTARM" camo I linked. ;)

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Interesting; I suppose that's an interesting coincidence that it fit so well with Altis in its similar to the "FUTARM" camo I linked. ;)

Hahaha, maybe the PLA is secretly preparing an assault in Altis mmm... :p

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Could you possibly change this so that the Farsi voices work with the Chinese voices?


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Could you possibly change this so that the Farsi voices work with the Chinese voices?


Sure thing, do you mean as the "default" voice set in the background? (e.g. if a sentence is missing, the unit speaks Farsi instead of Mandarin)

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No, what I mean is, when I use this mod, the CSAT speak in English instead of Farsi.

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No, what I mean is, when I use this mod, the CSAT speak in English instead of Farsi.

Had no idea, thanks for finding the bug! I'm also adding camo-painted faces for the new SF units, timing is perfect to overhaul the identities in the config.

Might be another week until the update is finished (sorry, moving to the UK tomorrow!) so I'd like to have existing content ironed out. Here's the changelog so far:

- Added WZ35 attack helicopter (fictional; OPFOR reskin)

- Added static weapons (AA, AT, MG, GL, etc.)

- Complete overhaul of uniform textures (high-res, much more detail)

- Changed weapon sounds

- Fixed hand positioning on weapons

Edited by majoris

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Might be another week until the update is finished (sorry, moving to the UK tomorrow!) so I'd like to have existing content ironed out.

Well, RF is always first, best luck with the move! We will wait patiently until next week.

Looking forward for the camo-painted faces.

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A very interesting mod, thanks! Setting your voice as a default PLA radio protocol for every voice could be a good idea IMHO. I don't like to switch the voice every time)

p.s. please, give the transcription of these chinese radio commands, if it's not hard to do - it will be useful for me since I understand only a half of them))

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I'm getting errors placing units in the editor, I really really want to use the mod but it does not work for me :/ I have to use Play WithSix as all my mods are managed with the program. Any suggestions?

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I'm getting errors placing units in the editor, I really really want to use the mod but it does not work for me :/ I have to use Play WithSix as all my mods are managed with the program. Any suggestions?

The mod has not been updated for ages, so you could assume is not supported anymore.

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