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rifle / pistol change animation

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rifle / pistol change has the old long time animation rifle on the back than take pistol.

i think the better way for use your pistol is .

to drop the rifle on his sling on your side an take your pistol.

the same what we have for binocular and rifle ;)

looks better is faster and more the modern style ^^


an maby better for the game its arma 3 now ^^

the binocular when its ready in the inventory on the front from your body not invisible in a backpack

when its in the backpack you need - go phrone - bag pack in front to the ground - and make your inventory open for the backpack.

for take equipment to use ^^ and a look function for the backpack. now all can come and steal your magazine or others ^^

when dead backpack automatically open for all.

use magazines in backpack - i need first open backpack and use it to my "on ready on the men" inventory

now all magazines ready an my back or not ^^

Edited by JgBtl292

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Are you suggesting that transitioning from primary to sidearm should take LESS THAN 1 SECOND? Because thats how long the current animation takes by my stopwatch....

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Are you suggesting that transitioning from primary to sidearm should take LESS THAN 1 SECOND? Because thats how long the current animation takes by my stopwatch....

the current handgun transition animation is a leftover from OFP.

OFP was set in 80s, when military still used old two points slings that shooters have to carry weapons on the back.

all modern military uses some kind tactical sling that allows shooters retain weapons without holding it, which allows much fast handgun/grenade transition.


The weird part of Arma2/Arma3 is the character using three point sling animation with binocular, while old animation for handgun.

A decent shooter should be able to draw and fire first shot within 1.5 sec under stress (the drill in the video was intentionally slowed for demonstration purpose.)

(world champions like Robert Vogel or Jerry Miculek could fire well-aimed three shots less than a second)

Edited by Lugiahua

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