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Slovak Armed Forces

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The Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic


Hello community,

today I am proud to present my own re-texture of Arma 3 units. This is just a simple re-texture to represent modern Slovak army, nothing major.

I originally planned this for Arma 2 but some things went wrong...anyway, here they are for Arma 3. :)

Please report any bugs in this thread, thanks.

Screenshots (click for high-res)



Download links



Version: 0.1



- woodland and desert digital camo currently used by Slovak Army


Known issues:

- whole addon is based on USMC addon by Sabre, so if there are some bugs, you can expect them here too

- both desert and woodland digital camo is not 100% accurate, but I am pretty satisfied with the result

- backpacks and some other things are not re-textured yet

- boots on woodland units still need some work



- copy mod folder @PAULS_SVK and place it into your "Arma 3" directory (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3)

- add the folder to your launch options, for example "-mod=@PAULS_SVK"

- you can then start the game and find the units under:

BLUFOR > Slovak Armed Forces > Infantry Desert

BLUFOR > Slovak Armed Forces > Infantry Woodland



Big thanks to Sabre and to all who helped him with his USMC retexture addon, for allowing me to modify his configs etc.

Thanks to Saul for "PSD Templates for NATO Soldiers".

Bohemia Interactive for creating such an amazing game(again).

Enjoy! :cool:

Edited by Pauliesss

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Here are some links of 5 Special Forces Regiment from Afghanistan. Hope weapons like HK 416, 417, UMP, GLock 17 can be added soon.





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Thanks for the kind words. :)

Regarding the weapons, I may add them later but first someone must port them from Arma 2 to Arma 3.

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Maybee you should take a look at our reskin again, then look at either the original file by BIS or some Photoreference from the web, i am sure the camo will not just run trough seames and pockets without changing the slightest.

I know it requires a lot more work to do it properly but the quallity of your final texture will defenitly benefit.

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I know the camo should not go through seames and pockets without changing but I decided to release it anyway, because I don´t know if I will have time to work on them further. Maybe someone will find a use for them even in this "early alpha" stage.

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Cool Pauliesss. Good to see you back in action.

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Nice. But I would highly recommend using a picture hosting site that doesn't have advertisements with pornography. I was a bit shocked to say the least.

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I deeply apologize for that. I didn't know about the porn ads cause I am using AdBlock. I will re-upload the images to different image hosting.


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Nice work, I would like to see more stuff. Can you add slovak insignia onto shoulders?

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Yes I can. Soon, I will start working on an updated version and I will add also insignia onto shoulders. :)

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Still working on it?! I need to give this a download and play as my homelands forces. :D

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I am currently finishing other addon Ive been working on for the last few weeks. Once I release it(hopefully very soon), I will return to Slovak Armed Forces. :)

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Hi , I just want to ask , if you have some progress in making this addon

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Hi there,

yes, I am currently working on 5.PSU from Žilina(5th Special Forces Regiment). However, note that I am doing this kind of "futuristic" units, so the camo and weapons used will correspond to year 2035. Especially the camo is only inspired by the actual woodland digital camo but looks a bit different in game.

See screenshot here:


I plan to release the Alpha version of 5.PSU next month, but there is still a lot to do before they can go out. :)

Thanks for your support.

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Nice , It looks really great. What weapons will they have ?

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I will probably just use default BI weapons which are already in Arma 3. I dont want people to download other addons just to be able to use my addon. However, I may do a re-texture of current BI weapons, or at least the NATO MX rifle.

Another teaser here:


Edited by Pauliesss

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It looks great. :)

Edit: Did you considered using balaclava in your 5.PSU addon ?

Edited by Vestly

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Actually, I did, I am testing one right now, but I am not sure about the results yet. Will keep you posted.

By the way, the addon will be released on 15th of September. I set this deadline because otherwise I would not be able to release this addon at all, there are still things which I can change, improve etc. so thats why I had to set this deadline. :)

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any progress ?
By the way, the addon will be released on 15th of September.


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They will not be using that, as I said, I will only use default A3 weapons for this addon.

And no luck with balaclava, it was clipping through helmet strap and overally it looked weird.

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Sorry guys, but I will not be able to release the 5 SF addon on Sunday, there is still a lot of things that I need to get done before I can release it.

I will let you know when there is another(hopefully more realistic) release date...or just consider this as "it will be done when it's done".

Thank you.

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