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How to remove an addAction

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Hey guys,

Having a few problems with removing an addAction from a living Civvie named elder1. It is basically a scripted conversation where the actions are what YOU say, and he responds.

in elder 1 init:

this exec "speech\initiate.sqf"; this allowDammage false;


_elder1 = elder1 addAction ["Hello Sir!", "speech\first.sqf"];



elder1 globalChat "Greetings, let the Shura begin.";

sleep 5;

elder1 globalChat "What do you want to talk about today?";

sleep 2;

_elder2 = elder1 addAction ["How are your family and Village Members?", "speech\second1.sqf"];

_elder3 = elder1 addAction ["Do you know where the Taliban are?", "speech\second2.sqf"];


The problem I am having is that I cannot remove the addaction for initiate.sqf - I have tried using (below) in both second1.sqf, second2.sqf, and first.sqf with no luck.

elder1 removeAction _elder1

HOWEVER it does appear to work if I put it in initiate.sqf - although I now get no action come up at all (that's why I know it is working!). Is there a way to make it delete itself in another script? or in my initiate.sqf make it so that it won't delete until the action has been activated?

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Just a quick glance and I notice your using this exec "speech\initiate.sqf"; this allowDammage false; it should be

this execvm "speech\initiate.sqf"; this allowDammage false;

exec is for sqs files.

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elder2 = elder1 addAction ["How are your family and Village Members?", "speech\second1.sqf"];

elder1 removeAction elder2;

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@F2k Sel - execVM never works for me with an SQF :( I get an error come up.

@Giallustio - That doesn't work unfortunately :(

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nul = [this] execVM "speech\initiate.sqf";

Also remove the exit; lines. They're unnecessary, the script will stop once nothing else has to be executed.

Use this to remove the action:

_ID = _this select 2;

// All the elder code stuff here

elder removeAction _ID;

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@trytryker - That still does not work :( However thanks for telling me how to execVM!

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I have never used 'exit;' in my scripts.. Do you have showscripterrors on? If there is an error in your script it wont execute the code after the error.

Try: use the show script errors parameter


_ID = _this select 2;

elder removeAction _ID;

at the top of your script and see if it works then (a bit of a hack workaround to see if it is the code or your script that is the problem...)

As Gia said... something is wrong because that should work!

edit: Very nice idea for conversation though... are you using variables to track it at all (eg. wont tell you something unless you have asked something else first?)

Edited by Zodd

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And please be sure to post up your results because I want to learn more about this.

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