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[Multiplayer] ArmA 3 Stratis Life [W.I.P / Release this weekend]

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hi , finally i have download the current game (0.3.3) is better than (0.3.4) though the 0.3.4 have so many scripts not finish or someting like thats . My first goal are : have Diver shop , i had played the version of someone else ( with Diver shop but in the see i have never saw wave .... so Motivated to have diver shop + see wave thats why i want create my own server . Im really new in scripting like 5 days ago was my fisrt script test . I have create ¨diving shop¨ and work wells :) . but i have question : i have try to create new menu on terrorairshop to have 2 more chopper armed ... i have write the thelimenu.sqf at the end of the dialogmenu.hpp ( to have new number ) the money dialog was in the 11164 and the TheliList on 11165 and the Thelibuy in 11166 ... in my mission folder i have creat script for thelimenu.sqf (terror heli menu) + thelibuy.sqf (terror heli buy) and when i test the game: terrorairshop addAction the terrorhelimenu . He show my money in menu the button buy is there but my heli list are not on this menu ..... if i copy the helimenu.sqf and the helibuy.sqf and i write it to my terrorairshop thats work again wells but not my thelimenu.sqf and thelibuy.sqf can someone help me i dont know what kind of scrip i need to write or what to do when i have problem like that (im not sure but i see all vehicle menu in dialogmenu all writen back a back so maybe its my bad and i need to creat thelimenu just under another vehicles menu instead of the last one : check what i mean :

class TheliMenu


idd = -1;

movingEnable = true;

enableSimulation = true;

controlsBackground[] = {};

objects[] = {};

controls[] = {MyMoney,TheliList,BuyTheli,Close};

class MyMoney : BaseRscSingleText


idc = 11165;

moving = 1;

colorBackground[] = { 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8 };

sizeEx = 0.04;

x = 0.65; y = 0.2;

w = 0.5;


class TheliList : BaseRscComboBox


idc = 11166;

moving = 1;

colorSelectBackground[] = { 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7 };

colorBackground[] = { 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8 };

sizeEx = 0.04;

x = 0.65; y = 0.275;

w = 0.5;


class BuyTheli : BaseRscButton


idc = 11167;

text = "Buy Theli";

action = "execVM 'thelibuy.sqf'";

x = 0.65; y = 0.5;

w = 0.5;


class Close : BaseRscButton


idc = -1;

text = "Close";

action = "closeDialog 0";

x = 0.65; y = 0.575;

w = 0.5;



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You just need to edit the menus and buy sqf and not the gui/rsc/hpp. Here is how I did it for version 0.3.4. It should give you a hint on how to do it for yourself. I also tossed in a treat. Good luck.

p.s. Use the CODE tags to post sqf so we all don't go blind trying to read it. :cool:


_vehinit = "_veh = this;_veh lock true;clearWeaponCargo _veh;clearMagazineCargo _veh;clearItemCargo _veh;clearBackpackCargo _veh;";
getmymoney = player getVariable "mymoney";
if (player in list Airfield_Spawn) then 
carspawn = getMarkerPos "civchopperspawn";
if (player in list Cop_base) then 
carspawn = getMarkerPos "copchopperspawn";
if (player in list terrorbase) then 
carspawn = getMarkerPos "terrorcarspawn";

if((player getVariable "airlicense") >= 1) then
if(side player == west) then
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 0) then
		displayname = "Little Bird";
		thisprice = 40000;
		vehname = "B_MH9_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 1) then
		displayname = "KA60";
		thisprice = 60000;
		vehname = "O_Ka60_Unarmed_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];

if((side player == civilian) and (player in list terrorbase)) then
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 0) then
		displayname = "Little Bird";
		thisprice = 125000;
		vehname = "B_MH9_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\Air_F\Mh9\Data\heli_light01_ext_indp_co.paa"];  //independent
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 1) then
		displayname = "KA60";
		thisprice = 150000;
		vehname = "O_Ka60_Unarmed_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setObjectTexture [0, "A3\Air_F\Ka60\Data\ka60_ext_indp_co.paa"]; //independent
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 2) then
		displayname = "AH9 Independent";
		thisprice = 250000;
		vehname = "B_AH9_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\Air_F\Mh9\Data\heli_light01_ext_indp_co.paa"];  //independent
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 3) then
		displayname = "KA60 Armed Independent";
		thisprice = 300000;
		vehname = "O_Ka60_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setObjectTexture [0, "A3\Air_F\Ka60\Data\ka60_ext_indp_co.paa"]; //independent
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];

if(side player == civilian) then
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 0) then
		displayname = "Little Bird";
		thisprice = 125000;
		vehname = "B_MH9_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];
	if((lbCurSel 11127) == 1) then
		displayname = "KA60";
		thisprice = 150000;
		vehname = "O_Ka60_Unarmed_F";
		if((player getVariable "mymoney") >= thisprice) then
			closeDialog 0;
			player setVariable ['mymoney', getmymoney - thisprice];
			hint format['You bought a %1 for %2$! You have %3 $ left!',displayname,thisprice,(player getVariable 'mymoney')];
			_veh = vehname createVehicle (carspawn);
			_veh setVehicleInit _vehinit;
			vehiclelock = _veh addAction ['Unlock / Lock','vehiclelock\unlocklock.sqf',[],7,true,true,'','(_target distance _this) < 4'];
			Hint format ["you have %1$ and need %2$",(player getVariable 'mymoney'),(thisprice)];
hint "You need a Pilot license to purchase a aircraft";


createDialog "HeliMenu";
ctrlSetText[11126,format["Money: %1",(player getVariable "mymoney")]];
if(side player == west) then
lbAdd[11127,"Little Bird : 40000"];
lbAdd[11127,"KA60 : 60000"];

if((side player == civilian) and (player in list terrorbase)) then
lbAdd[11127,"MH9 Independent: 125000"];
lbAdd[11127,"KA60 Independent : 150000"];
lbAdd[11127,"AH9 Independent : 250000"];
lbAdd[11127,"KA60-A Independent : 300000"];
else exitwith{};

if(side player == civilian) then
if(player in list terrorbase) exitwith {};
lbAdd[11127,"Little Bird : 125000"];
lbAdd[11127,"KA60 : 150000"];

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Delivery Mission is again bug i have try to download all the stratis life .pbo i can see ... and no one have Delivery mission working .i want to let know this post to Caïden, ZannaZa and Ygluf . Special Thanks to let us edit your mission . if someone know how to fix it , i can edit but im new in SQF files,

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Hello, firstly, nice mod! I really like it. But, is it me, or I have a problem like i can't buy any cars, boats or chopper?

Even if I open the mod in editor, I can't buy an of this.

Any answer? Thanks and again, good work!

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Hello, firstly, nice mod! I really like it. But, is it me, or I have a problem like i can't buy any cars, boats or chopper?

Even if I open the mod in editor, I can't buy an of this.

Any answer? Thanks and again, good work!

This is because it's an MP mission, not an SP mission. Run it from a dedicated server and try.

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I try, so far as I can to run a dedicated server; but it still the same, I can choose what type of car I wanna buy but I can't proceed. I still on the menu and nothing happend.

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Yes I am. Is that why I can't buy anything?

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Yes I am. Is that why I can't buy anything?

some of the old commands probably used in this mission have been disabled in the dev build.

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EXE rev. 04588

•Added: compileFinal command

•Removed fully script commands: setVehicleInit, clearVehicleInit, processInitCommands

•Made all script commands final (no longer possible to reassign)

•Tweaked darkness detection and use of NVG by AI

•Minor WIP optimizations to dynamic lights

•Added: difficulty command to return high-level selected difficulty mode

•Added: getArtilleryETA script command


Input Array: [unit, targetX, targetY, targetZ, magazineType]


Returns: ETA of the first available mode (the mode the AI will probably use)

•Fixed: Glitch in blending of 2 animations masks

•Disabled using more threads for PhysX vehicle simulation for now

•Added: Functions are now compiled using newly introduced compileFinal

•Added: Functions meta data are now secured against rewriting

•Removed use of vulnerable script commands in DynO functions

•Added numberOfDoors parameter to structure configs

•Added numberOfHatches parameter to structures configs

Find a little bit more on new security features here.

Last edited by DnA; Apr 26 2013 at 05:57.

this update will cause breakage. updates will come, be patient

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sorry wrong thread.

Edited by red_au

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Hi there, first off great mod , now i was wondering is there a way to add weapon atachments to terrorbase weapon shop ?

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Yes , if you can edit this mission , its easy to add the item in the shop , But if you just want only Host this mission you must wait untill they do it. If you want play with a version with that i have modified this mission Stratis Life buts im not pro Like Caiden , Zannaza and Ygluf (so its mean i got some fixe to do and i am lonely to fix it ) but its playable and great :) Just PM me i will answer you for Host and Pass (cause the Infected Virus on 0.54 version)

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I did a small video to promote this mod if anyone is interested in using it.

Wish you guys the best of luck.

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Very nice mod. I played on a server for hours today and had a lot of fun with a few friends. The server had version 0.4 but the latest I seem to be able to find is 3.3? Is this thread here the place to visit for the most recent activity with this project? I am interested in running a dedicated server for this project and would like to be sure I have the latest files.

Thanks for your good work guys

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Keep up the good work guys. Hoping for an update soon that allows us to buy a car on the dev build ^^

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Keep up the good work guys. Hoping for an update soon that allows us to buy a car on the dev build ^^

Where is this "dev" build you speak of?

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Right-click "Arma 3 Alpha" in the Steam Library, left-click Properties, choose the Betas tab, then choose "Development build" from the drop-down menu and left-click "OK"; there'll be a download of files after which you'll be able to play with the dev build. Note however that dev build is not compatible with servers running regular build (aka "stable build/branch") and vice versa.

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So i'm assuming this is dead? Was such a great project so far.

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hello guys! how can i import and edit the great mission/game to another map? Is the script on the health and thirst and so on available by itself does anybody knows?

Edited by Odyseus

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Hello there, i recently just bought Arma 3 Alpha on Steam and i i installed the Stratis life addon into the addons folder. When i tryed to join the server its says I need to install 943776_535121259883202_1459196565_n.jpg?oh=83d46248ecd5d4cbaa7747ab6aa4b6ac&oe=51B04086&__gda__=1370528743_3706ea70bca9c7524cd4864602b5999e

Help please

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you need to run the cba mod and get signature files for them, or disable signature checking.

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Caiden and Zan no longer edit this mission. We at IRoCGC.com are the ones coding and hosting it now we are on 0.5 but we maybe stopping development on this due to Stratis RP Ultimate coming up soon and IRoC will be working along side Stealthsticks.

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When You are a cop and then scroll to see Cop option4 The button doesnt work.

A message pops up saying a script is missing :(

Please help on how to fix this, Jumbodrawn

*note* I made my acount for this, so please make it count

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i want to edit this mission but i cant find the file to edit it. when i click edit when i make a server when i have the mod selected nothing happens. plz someone help me

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