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Advanced Load-out Request (addition to game?)

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What has been bothering me is the fact they call the editor "easy and efficient map making" But one thing that I think should really be added is a option to give your load-out a specific customization.

I am requesting this idea so the needs of making strings or codes for a advanced load-out would't be necessary.

So what I mean is let's say you want to place a Opfor with a specific weapon and gear inventory. You would simply press the "inventory" button and you will see the same as when you press ingame "I".

From that point you can select the main weapon by double clicking your main weapon slot and selecting all possible weapons for that slot. Same goes for your helmet, all possible helmets will be shown and you press the one it should have.

These load-outs should be save-able so it can be easy used later on.

Another example would be cars. Double click on the Loud-out, en select what items there should be inside the car.

I hope this is well explained and I hope someone can confirm that this actually should be really helpfull.:o

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IMHO the load outs are already easy enough for a child to do it. I think there are more important features that could be added to the editor. Heck, this could probably be scripted in by a community member.

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I tend to agree, would be nice to have, but you should post things like that here.

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I tend to agree, would be nice to have, but you should post things like that here.

Will do;) Thanks!

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