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arma 3 steam activation limit?

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I am definitely getting A3, but I am planning to get a new pc in a few months, mainly for A3, so I was considering buying the A3 alpha now and then using steam to put it on my new pc when I get it. Is there an activation limit for the steam version of A3?



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Shouldn't be. I've never had an issue with any game on steam and how many times I could enable it.

(But, not to say it probably hasn't happened to someone?)

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The point of Steam is that you can move the account from one PC to another seamlessly (as long as you don't mind re-downloading or otherwise moving the data files).

Go for it.

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Once you activate a game on your Steam account, it'll be tied to that account forever. So you just gotta log into that account and you can download then play the game.

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Yes, there is an activation limit: Once actived and added to your Steam Account, you can't activate it again. But as -=Grunt=- already said, you can download it as often as you want.

Simply login with your Steam Account and download the game at the PC that you want to have ArmA 3 installed. There is no installation limit.

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the only limit is that the Arma 3 activation is tied to your steam account

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