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Alpha lite invites ?

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Hi its 14th of March GMT / UTC just wondering when we will be able to invite friends into the Alpha ?

Steam says 14-03-13 to 18-06-13

Anyone got the heads up on this & will it be a gift type affair ?



Edit: I see there is a post here but wondered if we can invite non forum menbers via Steam or some other way

Edited by jimbouk1977

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just check ur inventory at steam profile from time to time, it should appear there soon.

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Yeah probably on USA time zone wasn't sure so thought id ask. Thanks for the reply.

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hopefully we get them soon, got a couple buddies waiting to try it out.

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Need an Invite too :)

If Arma 3 has some Features that a Interested me ,i would buy the Deluxe Edition :) and can Ignore that Turkey is occupied by Iran.

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Need an Invite too :)

If Arma 3 has some Features that a Interested me ,i would buy the Deluxe Edition :) and can Ignore that Turkey is occupied by Iran.

Because you are from Turkey and don't like the idea or because you think it isn't feasible (which it most certainly is despite Turkey being part of NATO now).

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