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The fantastic Modules

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Don´t know if anybody found this yet, but I wanted to post this anyways to make people aware of this fun feature.

There are now new modules to populate locations, which apparently work by recognizing the terrain they are placed in and then populating it. They can be found under modules (F7) and sites. There are tons of them, from Firebases to OPs to roadblocks, villages and farm presets as well as the abillity to spawn in random patrols.

The system is rather sensible in placing Units, for example it places Units inside and on top of appropriate buildings and spawns patrols around a base, if you so wish, for example.

I have no clue how to configure these, but they appear to be largely functional even if errors do pop up on occasion. These are possibly pre-made for warfare or CTI purposes, but with their settings can be used for pretty much any mission that needs populated areas.

Much potential here for easing mission building, especially populating structures and entire bases. It would be nice to see people try these out too, and post up any bugs we can find so they can be polished. Easing mission building is one of the goals of Arma 3, so this is another point we can look at right from the start.

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If i have understand there are some modules that spawn patrols around the area in wich they are placed?

If i'm right that's cool.

I remember hour and hour passed setting patrols around my obj and around the world, hour and hour setting the waypoint's, speed, rule of engagment bla bla bla

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Noticed them myself,I added a firebase,a base and a village module.Kudos for whoever from BI came up with this idea because they work pretty ok and it's pretty handy when you want to make a mission faster.

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Its a shame some of them don't spawn anything around them (such as the checkpoint spawn, which I wished spawned some road block stuff), although I think that might just be because of a lack of content at the moment.

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Since it is editor specific I think it fits better there than in the general alpha section.

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It would be great it you could actually spawn these "dynamic spawns" etc. through a trigger so they aren't just placed there at the start of the mission. I wonder if it's possible yet and if not hopefully in the near future.

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Right now those modules sometimes spawn no units at all or spawn them far away from the position I placed them/ out of the radius I set. It also happens that vehicles are being spawned inside houses.

Im really interested in how to configure this modules/ what kind of init commands there are. But I guess this'll have to wait until BI releases a wiki overview like for A2.

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The modules are great and i'm sure they will be possible to create by triggers ofcourse, what i did now for my mission is place them in the middle of the island gave them a radius of 3000 so the whole island is covered put the building population intensity to 0.6 and i have a island just waiting to be infiltrated ;-) (it works checked many locations and they are all populated )

i must say the AI is really hard to beat i think i'm gonna have to put it on easy :-)

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