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Script Problem/Script Request Thread

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1. Use the search function first. If you then cant find a script, search again.

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---------- Post added 03-09-2013 at 12:43 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-08-2013 at 11:57 PM ----------

I'm needing a script to make an AI place a satchel charge at a destination.

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Set respawn=3 in description.ext

Set trigger respawn_west 20x20 on the map and still respawning exactly where died. WTF?

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2 things you need:

1. respawn = base;

respawndelay = 3;

2. set marker not trigger.

place a marker and name it respawn_west

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How do i make a gui that pops up when a user joins in for them and tells them how the game is played where they are able to exit at any time out of it.

How do i make a script write down a user's death and kills into a text file?

UnknownUser1 Kills: 1 Deaths: 2

UnkownUser2 Kills: 1 Deaths: 666

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Anyone know the command to add items to uniform/vest/backpack specifically?

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I've placed a marker on the map "Hotel"

I've placed 2 triggers next to "Hotel" ACT Seized by BLUFOR/OPFOR. TIMER Timeout 15. CONDITION this. ON ACT "Hotel" setMarkerColor "colorBlue/Red" ;

Basically I've made a Marker that change colour depending on if Bluefor or Opfor is nearby, so Basically it's a capture point, that get captured after either Blufor or Opfor is nearby for 15sec. However I got 2 problems.

First one: Since it's 2 triggers overlapping each other that determine what colour the marker will have. I'm worried that if Blufor get to the trigger first, and Opfor get to the trigger 3 sec later; after 15sec Blufor trigger will activate, colouring the marker Blue. 3 seconds later the Opfor trigger will activate colouring the marker Red.

I don't want the marker to get coloured unless only One side has been inside the marker for 15 sec.

Second problem I've is that I want Blufor to get 10points if the marker remains coloured Blue for 10 second (this should repeat) and vice versa.

I've tried adding 2 more triggers: ACT Seized by BLUFOR/OPFOR. Repeatedly. Present. TIMER Countdown 10. ON ACT West addScore 10.

In the CONDITION field I've tried Typing: "Hotel" colorBlue ; if "Hotel" (ColorBlue) ; And similar scripts.

However I don't get it to work properly, so I'm asking if someone knows a script that will work.

I'm Sorry if this is a bit confusing.

Basically I want 2 triggers that colour a marker Blue or Red, depending on if either Blufor or Opfor is inside their trigger for 15 seconds. (and the other team is Not in their trigger) I also want the Blufor or Opfor to get 10 points each 10 seconds if the marker is coloured Blue or Red (Blue for Blufor, Red for Opfor)

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@Günter Severloh

Already figured that out - my bad, should use marker instead of trigger. But thanx anyway, mate.

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I've placed a marker on the map "Hotel"

I've placed 2 triggers next to "Hotel" ACT Seized by BLUFOR/OPFOR. TIMER Timeout 15. CONDITION this. ON ACT "Hotel" setMarkerColor "colorBlue/Red" ;

Basically I've made a Marker that change colour depending on if Bluefor or Opfor is nearby, so Basically it's a capture point, that get captured after either Blufor or Opfor is nearby for 15sec. However I got 2 problems.

First one: Since it's 2 triggers overlapping each other that determine what colour the marker will have. I'm worried that if Blufor get to the trigger first, and Opfor get to the trigger 3 sec later; after 15sec Blufor trigger will activate, colouring the marker Blue. 3 seconds later the Opfor trigger will activate colouring the marker Red.

I don't want the marker to get coloured unless only One side has been inside the marker for 15 sec.

Second problem I've is that I want Blufor to get 10points if the marker remains coloured Blue for 10 second (this should repeat) and vice versa.

I've tried adding 2 more triggers: ACT Seized by BLUFOR/OPFOR. Repeatedly. Present. TIMER Countdown 10. ON ACT West addScore 10.

In the CONDITION field I've tried Typing: "Hotel" colorBlue ; if "Hotel" (ColorBlue) ; And similar scripts.

However I don't get it to work properly, so I'm asking if someone knows a script that will work.

I'm Sorry if this is a bit confusing.

Basically I want 2 triggers that colour a marker Blue or Red, depending on if either Blufor or Opfor is inside their trigger for 15 seconds. (and the other team is Not in their trigger) I also want the Blufor or Opfor to get 10 points each 10 seconds if the marker is coloured Blue or Red (Blue for Blufor, Red for Opfor)

Set activation to anybody


((opfor countSide  thisList > 0 && blufor countSide thisList == 0)
(blufor countSide thisList > 0 && opfor countSide thisList == 0))

on act:

if (opfor countSide thisList > 0) then {"hotel" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"} else {"hotel" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue"};

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Nice thread.

I've been trying without luck to have my camera view automatically switch to 3rd person anytime I get into a vehicle.

I have searched extensively, and the only things I can find related to this are bits of script that force people into 1st person view (for MP servers that don't like players using 3rd person). I haven't had any luck trying to manipulate those into what I'm looking for.

Found this thread and figured I'd ask.

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