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About Komu

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  1. Hello, I've tried looking this up, searched like a madman for a official answer, but I can't find anyone. Anyway, my question is simply, why the official campaign doesn't have coop? From my understanding all campaign from ARMA2 had coop? And frankly I was suspecting it for the ARMA3 campaign as well. So if anyone know why, preferably with a link to a official statement. It would be much appreciated.
  2. I've placed a marker on the map "Hotel" I've placed 2 triggers next to "Hotel" ACT Seized by BLUFOR/OPFOR. TIMER Timeout 15. CONDITION this. ON ACT "Hotel" setMarkerColor "colorBlue/Red" ; Basically I've made a Marker that change colour depending on if Bluefor or Opfor is nearby, so Basically it's a capture point, that get captured after either Blufor or Opfor is nearby for 15sec. However I got 2 problems. First one: Since it's 2 triggers overlapping each other that determine what colour the marker will have. I'm worried that if Blufor get to the trigger first, and Opfor get to the trigger 3 sec later; after 15sec Blufor trigger will activate, colouring the marker Blue. 3 seconds later the Opfor trigger will activate colouring the marker Red. I don't want the marker to get coloured unless only One side has been inside the marker for 15 sec. Second problem I've is that I want Blufor to get 10points if the marker remains coloured Blue for 10 second (this should repeat) and vice versa. I've tried adding 2 more triggers: ACT Seized by BLUFOR/OPFOR. Repeatedly. Present. TIMER Countdown 10. ON ACT West addScore 10. In the CONDITION field I've tried Typing: "Hotel" colorBlue ; if "Hotel" (ColorBlue) ; And similar scripts. However I don't get it to work properly, so I'm asking if someone knows a script that will work. I'm Sorry if this is a bit confusing. Basically I want 2 triggers that colour a marker Blue or Red, depending on if either Blufor or Opfor is inside their trigger for 15 seconds. (and the other team is Not in their trigger) I also want the Blufor or Opfor to get 10 points each 10 seconds if the marker is coloured Blue or Red (Blue for Blufor, Red for Opfor)
  3. May I just ask how you made "Capture-able" sites? I've tried with the Module > Site and a Trigger, but I can't get it to work properly.
  4. Komu

    Zone restriction

    Ok I fixed the issue I had, and I made a Safe zone to prevent spawn killing. What I did was, that instead of typing "player setDamage 1 ;" in the Activation field, I typed it in the Deactivation field. And instead of covering the playable area with a trigger, I but up 4 individual triggers on the border of the play field. This way, you have to go inside the trigger to die. So you can simply cover a Spawn zone with a trigger, type the "player setDamage 1 ;" in the deactivation, and choose Activation OPFOR/BLUFOR depending on who's spawn it's. Edit: Btw, for the Hint thing, just put a new trigger a few meters away from the Border, and in the deactivation line put hint "You are leaving the combat area. Deserters will be shot!"; Again, thanks Tuliq for the help :D Edit2: Hmm ok another problem occured, now you don't die in a vehicle even if you crossed the border :(
  5. Komu

    Zone restriction

    Perfect, works like a charm, however. How can I "paint" the borders (seen on a few maps where people have red lines along the border) When I enter a vehicle, my character dies, even if I'm inside the trigger area. You (or anyone else) know how to fix these?