JaFuzz 1 Posted March 7, 2013 (edited) Props to B. Young for making this script (Asked me to post the release for it) Not sure if there is another script like this Re spawn with the same weapons and ammo. He hasnt been able to do the same with clothing as of yet. Download Here to active it, in your Unit init add this _handle = [] execVM "SWRepsawn_SRU.sqf" Edited March 7, 2013 by JaFuzz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Troubadour 1 Posted March 7, 2013 (edited) Edit: Got fixed. Edited March 7, 2013 by Troubadour Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phyma 10 Posted March 7, 2013 try this init: _handle = [] execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf"; havent tryed this just what i saw straight away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JaFuzz 1 Posted March 7, 2013 (edited) My mistake, Fixed.. Edit - Also fixed the name (was last minute changes and wasnt really paying attention lol) Edited March 7, 2013 by JaFuzz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Troubadour 1 Posted March 7, 2013 try this init: _handle = [] execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf";havent tryed this just what i saw straight away. Yeah, I saw what was wrong right away. Just thought I'd let him know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phyma 10 Posted March 7, 2013 and im not the best as scripting but the file name is "SWRepsawn_SRU" not "weaponrespawn" so for a novice that think that they just can put in the file and then execute may have a problem. But im not the best at scripting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Troubadour 1 Posted March 7, 2013 After changing it the "SWRepsawn_SRU" it worked perfectly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Holmes 10 Posted March 7, 2013 Is there a way to initialize it across the board without having to add it to individual units such as if(local player) then { _handle = [] execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf"; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4072 Posted March 7, 2013 Try this script: Universal Weapons Respawn Script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id...RESPAWN+SCRIPT Basically what it does it allows you to respawn with the same weapons you had when you started, or you can set it up to where you can respawn with the same weapon you last had. But the thing is you still need a basic respawn script, a description.ext script with 2 codes to respawn, heres a tutorial I built in 2011 that explains what and how to set a basic respawn up: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...21#post1881921 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuel 25 Posted March 7, 2013 Your links are broken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4072 Posted March 8, 2013 WTF sorry about that let me lay out the script, heres how it works: 1. Create a script and name it: weapons_respawn its originally SQS, but should work if you use SQF. ;Universal Weapons Respawn Script v1.04 (March 31, 2003) revised (February 1, 2007) ;Required Version: ArmA ;original by toadlife revised by norrin for ArmA ;toadlife@toadlife.net ;intialize like this: ["unitname",0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs" ; Or this: ["unitname",1] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs" ; ; * "unitname" = The name of the player the script runs on (must be enclosed by quotes!) ; * 0/1 = method of repleneshing weapons ; **if method is 0, the player gets the same weapons he started out with every time ; **if method is 1, the player gets the same weapons he had when he died ; ; Advanced example method of initializing script - put the following lines in your init.sqs, ; and replce the unit names with your own: ;_units = ["w1","w2","w3","w4","w5","w6","w7","w8","w9","w10","w11","w12","w13","w14","w15","w16","w17","w18"] ;{[_x,0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"} foreach _units ; ; ~(random 0.3) _name = _this select 0 _method = _this select 1 _hasrifle = false _unit = call compile format["%1",_name] ?(_method == 0):_return = "checklocal";goto "guncheck" #checklocal _unit = call compile format["%1",_name] ?(local _unit):goto "respawnloop" ~(1 + (random 3)) goto "checklocal" #respawnloop @!alive _unit #checkmethod ?(_method == 1):_return = "waitforlife";goto "guncheck" #waitforlife @alive call compile format["%1",_name] _unit = call compile format["%1",_name] removeAllWeapons _unit ?_hasrifle:_guns = _guns - [_prigun];_guncount = count _guns _c = 0 while {_c <= (_magcount - 1)} do {_unit addmagazine (_mags select _c); _c = _c + 1} _c = 0 while {_c <= (_guncount - 1)} do {_unit addweapon (_guns select _c); _c = _c + 1} ?_hasrifle:_unit addweapon _prigun;_gun = _guns + [_prigun] ;//If unit has a rifle select it ?_hasrifle:goto "selectrifle" ;//No rifle - if unit has a pistol, select it ?_unit hasweapon ((weapons _unit - [secondaryweapon _unit,"Binocular","NVGoggles"]) select 0):_unit selectweapon ((weapons _unit - [secondaryweapon _unit,"Binocular","NVGoggles"]) select 0);goto "respawnloop" ;//No rifle or pistol, select secondary weapon _unit selectweapon secondaryweapon _unit goto "respawnloop" #selectrifle ;// BUG WORKAROUND! - Added to compensate for selectweapon bug ;// Any gun with more than one muzzle (grenadelaunchers) cannot be selected with selectweapon! ;// Default Grenadelaunchers supported - Add your own types if you need to. _unit selectweapon _prigun ?_prigun == "M16A2GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle" ?_prigun == "M16A4GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle" ?_prigun == "M16A4_ACG_GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle" ?_prigun == "M4GL":_unit selectweapon "M4Muzzle" ?_prigun == "M4A1GL":_unit selectweapon "M4Muzzle" ?_prigun == "AK74GL":_unit selectweapon "AK74Muzzle" goto "respawnloop" #guncheck _guns = weapons _unit _mags = magazines _unit ~(random 0.5) _guncount = count _guns _magcount = count _mags ?_unit hasweapon (primaryweapon _unit):_hasrifle = true;_prigun = primaryweapon _unit;goto _return _hasrifle = false goto _return 2. put the code: ["unitname",0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs" into the init line of the unit, and give him a name, something like w2 for example, so then the code will look like this: ["W2",0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs" take note the 2nd number: if method is 0, the player gets the same weapons he started out with every time if method is 1, the player gets the same weapons he had when he died 3. put the script into the same folder as your mission you created in the editor, (same place as the mission.sqm) ================ If you need the actual script then search on Armaholic for Universal Weapons Respawn Script and thats the script i had linked in my previous post, dont know how the link broke. I take no credit for this script, its Toadlife's script. hope that helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nedley 10 Posted March 8, 2013 Does not take into account optics or other attachments. Something I have tried and fail to do for the last 3 days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4072 Posted March 9, 2013 Script was created for Arma2CO not Arma3, so until its updated by toadlife. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MetaliX 1 Posted March 10, 2013 (edited) *Edit* Removed double post Edited March 13, 2013 by MetaliX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MetaliX 1 Posted March 10, 2013 (edited) Hey guys, Ive been tackling this today. Ive used this save gear script from Armaholic as a baseline: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10785&highlight=WEAPONRESPAWN The script works almost perfectly; the only issue is that every time you respawn, you lose 1 magazine for your primary, secondary and sidearm. This includes GL rounds. You keep everything else however; uniform, vest, attachments... even mines, hand grenades and med/tool kits. If someone could come up with a way to fix the losing mags issue, it would be very much appreciated. Just one thing to bare in mind, every time you respawn, you have to save your gear. If you don't you'll lose it on repsawn. A way around this would be to run the script using an eventhandler also on "respawn" or "killed" in case you forget to save. This is my first real attempt at scripting so, be gentle :D Apologies if the script is a bit messy. I put this in the init line of a crate. this addAction["Save Loadout","weaponrespawn.sqf"]; SQF file. I feel the section in red may be redundant, but it works with it in however. _weapons = weapons player; _magazines = magazines player; _vest = vest player; _uniform = uniform player; _headgear = headgear player; _backpack = backpack player; _primacc = primaryWeaponItems player; //Primary Weapon Accessories _secacc = secondaryWeaponItems player;//Secondary Weapon Accessories _sideacc = handgunItems player; // Sidearm Accessories _items = items player; // Medkits, ToolKits etc. _assitems = assignedItems player; // NVG's, GPS etc. hint "Loadout Saved"; waitUntil {!alive player}; waitUntil {alive player}; _p = player; removeAllWeapons _p; _p addVest _vest; _p addUniform _uniform; _p addHeadgear _headgear; _p addBackpack _backpack; {_p addItem _x} forEach _items; {_p addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines; {_p addWeapon _x} forEach _weapons; {_p addPrimaryWeaponItem _x} forEach _primacc; {_p addSecondaryWeaponItem _x} forEach _secacc; {_p addHandgunItem _x} forEach _sideacc; {_p addItem _x} forEach _assitems; {_p assignItem _x} forEach _assitems; [color="#FF0000"]_primw = primaryWeapon _p; hint "Loadout Restored"; if (_primw != "") then { _p selectWeapon _primw; // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles"); _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); };[/color] Edited March 10, 2013 by MetaliX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skatardude10 1 Posted March 10, 2013 Hey guys, I've been tackling this today. I've been using this script as a baseline that I found on Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10785&highlight=WEAPONRESPAWNIt works almost perfectly; It restores all weapon attachments etc. The only issue with it is that every time you respawn, you lose 1 magazine for your primary, secondary and sidearm, this includes GL rounds. Hand grenades and mines etc are not effected. If somebody could help me find a solution to this it would be very much appreciated. This is my first real attempt at scripting so, be gentle :D Apologies if it is a bit messy. Using this in the init line of a crate. this addAction["Save Loadout","weaponrespawn.sqf"]; SQF file. I feel the code in red might be redundant, but it works fine with it in. _weapons = weapons player; _magazines = magazines player; _vest = vest player; _uniform = uniform player; _headgear = headgear player; _backpack = backpack player; _primacc = primaryWeaponItems player; //Primary Weapon Accessories _secacc = secondaryWeaponItems player;//Secondary Weapon Accessories _sideacc = handgunItems player; // Sidearm Accessories _items = items player; // Medkits, ToolKits etc. _assitems = assignedItems player; // NVG's, GPS etc. hint "Loadout Saved"; waitUntil {!alive player}; waitUntil {alive player}; _p = player; removeAllWeapons _p; _p addVest _vest; _p addUniform _uniform; _p addHeadgear _headgear; _p addBackpack _backpack; {_p addItem _x} forEach _items; {_p addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines; {_p addWeapon _x} forEach _weapons; {_p addPrimaryWeaponItem _x} forEach _primacc; {_p addSecondaryWeaponItem _x} forEach _secacc; {_p addHandgunItem _x} forEach _sideacc; {_p addItem _x} forEach _assitems; {_p assignItem _x} forEach _assitems; [color="#B22222"]_primw = primaryWeapon _p; hint "Loadout Restored"; if (_primw != "") then { _p selectWeapon _primw; // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles"); _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); };[/color] Works for me but only for 1 respawn. After that it goes to the default loadout unless I save config each time. I tried adding just the saving portion to a separate sqf file then execvm that file at the conclusion of the script here... but I am really bad at scripting and I can't get it to work for any more than one respawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MetaliX 1 Posted March 13, 2013 (edited) Firstly, apologies for my double post. I was having some issues with the forums at the time. In the remaining post I mentioned that if you add an eventhandler with "killed" and execute the script, it will save the gear you die with. For example, this in the player init line: this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf";}]; Ive not personally tried it yet but it should work. *EDIT* I have tested with the code above. It partially works. I respawn with the weapons i died with but nothing else. I also get the error "Bad vehicletype". Anyone got any ideas why? *EDIT 2* FIXED SEE BELOW ---------- Post added at 17:54 ---------- Previous post was at 17:53 ---------- Well I have come up with a solution to not having to save every time you die. That is, if you want to spawn with the same gear every time and NOT what you had when you died. Ie. if during your mission you picked up a weapon you didnt have when you saved your gear, you will not have it when you respawn. Firstly add this into the init line of each player: this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf";}]; then add this into the init of an object eg. a crate: this addAction["Save Loadout","weaponsave.sqf"]; then make a file called weaponsave.sqf and paste this in: weaponsvar = weapons player; magazinesvar = magazines player; vestvar = vest player; uniformvar = uniform player; headgearvar = headgear player; backpackvar = backpack player; primaccvar = primaryWeaponItems player; //Primary Weapon Accessories secaccvar = secondaryWeaponItems player;//Secondary Weapon Accessories sideaccvar = handgunItems player; // Sidearm Accessories itemsvar = items player; // Medkits, ToolKits etc. assitemsvar = assignedItems player; // NVG's, GPS etc. hint "Loadout Saved"; then make another file and call it weaponrespawn.sqf and paste this in: waitUntil {!alive player}; waitUntil {alive player}; _p = player; removeAllWeapons _p; _p addBackpack backpackvar; _p addVest vestvar; _p addUniform uniformvar; _p addHeadgear headgearvar; {_p addItem _x} forEach itemsvar; {_p addMagazine _x} forEach magazinesvar; {_p addWeapon _x} forEach weaponsvar; {_p addPrimaryWeaponItem _x} forEach primaccvar; {_p addSecondaryWeaponItem _x} forEach secaccvar; {_p addHandgunItem _x} forEach sideaccvar; {_p addItem _x} forEach assitemsvar; {_p assignItem _x} forEach assitemsvar; _primw = primaryWeapon _p; hint "Loadout Restored"; if (_primw != "") then { _p selectWeapon _primw; // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles"); _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); }; The difference here from my original script besides the obvious fact there there is now two scripts, is that the weaponsave.sqf script uses global variables as opposed to local variables. Hope this helps guys. :) Edited March 13, 2013 by MetaliX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skatardude10 1 Posted March 13, 2013 Awesome :-) Ill try it out tonight when I get home and let you know how it goes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deceter 1 Posted April 11, 2013 (edited) Firstly, apologies for my double post. I was having some issues with the forums at the time. In the remaining post I mentioned that if you add an eventhandler with "killed" and execute the script, it will save the gear you die with. For example, this in the player init line: this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf";}]; Ive not personally tried it yet but it should work. *EDIT* I have tested with the code above. It partially works. I respawn with the weapons i died with but nothing else. I also get the error "Bad vehicletype". Anyone got any ideas why? *EDIT 2* FIXED SEE BELOW ---------- Post added at 17:54 ---------- Previous post was at 17:53 ---------- Well I have come up with a solution to not having to save every time you die. That is, if you want to spawn with the same gear every time and NOT what you had when you died. Ie. if during your mission you picked up a weapon you didnt have when you saved your gear, you will not have it when you respawn. Firstly add this into the init line of each player: this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf";}]; then add this into the init of an object eg. a crate: this addAction["Save Loadout","weaponsave.sqf"]; then make a file called weaponsave.sqf and paste this in: then make another file and call it weaponrespawn.sqf and paste this in: The difference here from my original script besides the obvious fact there there is now two scripts, is that the weaponsave.sqf script uses global variables as opposed to local variables. Hope this helps guys. :) When I do this I get an error 'weaponrepawn.sqf' not found. Triple checked everything including my spelling. Any suggestions. EDIT: Problem solved - repacked mission a few times, works! Thanks! Edited April 11, 2013 by Deceter Problem Solved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aeroson 8 Posted April 11, 2013 (edited) Been working on my set/get loadout functions almost since the release of public alpha. See examples on how to use it for saving loadout and loading it on respawn. set/get loadout functions Edited April 11, 2013 by aeroson Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Αplion 1122 Posted May 26, 2013 (edited) Firstly, apologies for my double post. I was having some issues with the forums at the time. In the remaining post I mentioned that if you add an eventhandler with "killed" and execute the script, it will save the gear you die with. For example, this in the player init line: this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf";}]; Ive not personally tried it yet but it should work. *EDIT* I have tested with the code above. It partially works. I respawn with the weapons i died with but nothing else. I also get the error "Bad vehicletype". Anyone got any ideas why? *EDIT 2* FIXED SEE BELOW ---------- Post added at 17:54 ---------- Previous post was at 17:53 ---------- Well I have come up with a solution to not having to save every time you die. That is, if you want to spawn with the same gear every time and NOT what you had when you died. Ie. if during your mission you picked up a weapon you didnt have when you saved your gear, you will not have it when you respawn. Firstly add this into the init line of each player: this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "weaponrespawn.sqf";}]; then add this into the init of an object eg. a crate: this addAction["Save Loadout","weaponsave.sqf"]; then make a file called weaponsave.sqf and paste this in: weaponsvar = weapons player; magazinesvar = magazines player; vestvar = vest player; uniformvar = uniform player; headgearvar = headgear player; backpackvar = backpack player; primaccvar = primaryWeaponItems player; //Primary Weapon Accessories secaccvar = secondaryWeaponItems player;//Secondary Weapon Accessories sideaccvar = handgunItems player; // Sidearm Accessories itemsvar = items player; // Medkits, ToolKits etc. assitemsvar = assignedItems player; // NVG's, GPS etc. hint "Loadout Saved"; then make another file and call it weaponrespawn.sqf and paste this in: waitUntil {!alive player}; waitUntil {alive player}; _p = player; removeAllWeapons _p; _p addBackpack backpackvar; _p addVest vestvar; _p addUniform uniformvar; _p addHeadgear headgearvar; {_p addItem _x} forEach itemsvar; {_p addMagazine _x} forEach magazinesvar; {_p addWeapon _x} forEach weaponsvar; {_p addPrimaryWeaponItem _x} forEach primaccvar; {_p addSecondaryWeaponItem _x} forEach secaccvar; {_p addHandgunItem _x} forEach sideaccvar; {_p addItem _x} forEach assitemsvar; {_p assignItem _x} forEach assitemsvar; _primw = primaryWeapon _p; hint "Loadout Restored"; if (_primw != "") then { _p selectWeapon _primw; // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles"); _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); }; The difference here from my original script besides the obvious fact there there is now two scripts, is that the weaponsave.sqf script uses global variables as opposed to local variables. Hope this helps guys. :) I've tried this method as for my PvP mission I need every player dies to be respawned with initial given weapons - magazines and items through his init line ... it is working except for grenades ... is it possible to fix this ? Also my wish is a solution for auto-saving the loadout without using addAction but this to be by default (through init.sqf for example). NOTE : I'm still getting the error "Bad vehicletype" Edited May 26, 2013 by Aplion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4072 Posted May 26, 2013 I need every player dies to be respawned with initial given weapons - magazines and items through his init line This will do that http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1554&highlight=UNIVERSAL+WEAPONS+RESPAWN+SCRIPT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Αplion 1122 Posted May 26, 2013 This will do thathttp://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1554&highlight=UNIVERSAL+WEAPONS+RESPAWN+SCRIPT Nope ... it didn't because this is for A2 and in A2 there was not item optics (addPrimaryWeaponItem) to add on the weapons ... in any case I've try it and as I said it respawns only the weapon without optics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toastee 1 Posted June 22, 2016 Hey guys. I did all these steps and it is still not working for me.ASSUMPTIONS 1. When you approach the ammo crate it saves your current loadout. 2. When you die, the two .sqf files are referenced by the unit init script and you respawn - you will be armed with your last saved loadout.Are my assumptions correct? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kylania 568 Posted June 22, 2016 There's so many different scripts referenced in this incredibly old thread that I'm not sure what scripts you're talking about. Instead dredging up 3 year old posts and scripts from nine years ago, or even ported scripts from days after Arma 3 entered Alpha three years ago, you could look for more updated code. There have been a lot of improvements over the years and new methods of doing things. Perhaps use Arsenal? You can attach it to an ammo box and players can have access to everything or only what you want them to and also save loadouts. If they want to change their loadout or even just refresh what they have they just run to the box, adjust or load and enjoy. Ammo box init: 0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; Or if you prefer a scripted option here's a post that uses the latest commands available. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites