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[ArmA3-Alpha] co04_SP Seal Beach Assault (day and night)

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Playable as Co04 and SP

You are a Seal team that has to insert onto the beach and assault an opfor camp and search & destroy 2 ammo stashes.

After that your team has to safely return to the sea and swim to the extraction point. Sounds simple, but it never is!


* Insertion from the sea

* Custom music & sounds

* Night version and a Day version

* Opfor divers

* Opfor patrols and reinforcements

* No respawn (bird)


The opfor weapons stashes (crates) can be destroyed by simply shooting some rounds at it.

The default weapons you start with have low accuracy and range, try to nag a weapon of an opfor body.

Initially there are opfor units inside buildings, be careful when entering those buildings, they may still be inside.

If you play it as a single player mission I highly recommend saving your progress manually.

Update v.1.1:

I have updated the 'day' version of this mission as I noticed that people mostly play only the day version instead of the night version. I also made it a bit new player friendly (still though enough for experienced players).

- Balanced the AI, reduced AI skill and there are now less AI at the base (initially).

- Added Opfor reinforcements that will arrive at the base approx 5 minutes after your team has been detected.

- Moved the starting point closer to the beach (2 minute swim), be aware of opfor divers.

- Added a few extra hints

- Added extra custom sounds

- Changed weather dynamics


BIS for releasing an amazing alpha version!

Download version 1.1

Armaholic mirror (v1.1):

- [ALPHA] Seal Beach Assault Co-04

Edited by B00tsy
Mission update

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same here.

I think we have to use it via the editor, but not sure...

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Hi guys, as there is no 'sp' option yet in the alpha you can play it in multiplayer as a single player mission! If you guys rather have the mission map so that you can play it in the editor then I will upload that too :)

Some more bigger proper missions are one the way in the upcoming weeks!

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There was not an arma3 'user mission' section yesterday. The mods are free to move it to the new section.

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I have released a new update of the day version from this mission. All in all it is much more balanced now and a bit more new player friendly. Though I made sure that it will still be a challenge for the vets as well. I also added a bunch of new things in the mission. You can read all the details in the opening post and find the new DL link there.

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I 've noticed some things..

1) There must be something going wrong with the SDAR rounds added to players.

4 of 6 times we played the mission there wasn't *normal 5.56 ammo in our inventories-only 5.56 dual purpose

One other time there was both ammunition (for 1 player only)-but when-on shore-tried to reload with the *normal ammo-the gun was still loaded with the *special Dual purpose ammo and the *normal magazine was disappeared oO

2) Please add option to shut the "atmospheric" music from parameters

3)(Played in "Veteran" difficulty) "night" version seems to be impossible (for a moderate nervous system) to be enjoyable.

Enemy has NVG's //Top weapons //tricky positions.

4) Suggestion

The enemy reinforcements coming with the Quadbikes?

They are really easy targets.Maybe consider reinforcements more people coming with army cars maybe??

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I have a tiny question: how did you enable saving on your mission?

Thanks a lot :) Cool scenario from what I can tell

EDIT: nevermind; my description.ext had "Saving = 0;" All is well now :D

Edited by kinanischka

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I 've noticed some things..

1) There must be something going wrong with the SDAR rounds added to players.

4 of 6 times we played the mission there wasn't *normal 5.56 ammo in our inventories-only 5.56 dual purpose

One other time there was both ammunition (for 1 player only)-but when-on shore-tried to reload with the *normal ammo-the gun was still loaded with the *special Dual purpose ammo and the *normal magazine was disappeared oO

2) Please add option to shut the "atmospheric" music from parameters

3)(Played in "Veteran" difficulty) "night" version seems to be impossible (for a moderate nervous system) to be enjoyable.

Enemy has NVG's //Top weapons //tricky positions.

4) Suggestion

The enemy reinforcements coming with the Quadbikes?

They are really easy targets.Maybe consider reinforcements more people coming with army cars maybe??

The divers should all start with both ammo, but I will have a look at it. I personally always grab a weapon of a dead soldier or have peak in the ammo crate anyway :)

I added the intro music to make the swim to shore less boring + that is creates a nice spec-ops feel to it (to get the players in the mood). I'll see I if I can add a shorter version of it that fades out after 30 secs. The Night version is still the first version I made (2 hours after I installed the alpha) and it is definitely unbalanced. I placed all the AI as how I would have done in ArmA 2, but in ArmA 3 they are way more nasty I noticed too :)

And the quadbike reinforcements do not work like intended, but that is an alpha AI issue, they stay on the bike even when they are shot at instead of going of and defend themselfs, it's stupid indeed. Will change that too for something else or create a feedback ticket of it if that is not already done.

Thanks for the feedback :)

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Thanks for the feedback :)

"I" thank you.Please..keep them coming :D

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