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Team kill Punish with Jail Cell (All Versions)

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=== Sample Mission & Description Updated 2/14/2013 - Download link available ===

Team Kill Punish Script with Jail Cell :jail:

Download link:


3 Versions: Arma2, Arrowhead & Combined Operations.

This script was last tested on a dedicated server 2/14/2013. The movie is still from an older version, but shows the same basic functionality.

Supports up to 100 playable/non-playable friendly (same side) units. More can be added manually.

Install Instructions:

Open the sample mission in the editor and turn markers on "F6" and you will see descriptive marker text. Select the entire jail cell and the Functions Module and the "1 trigger(CO & Arrowhead)" near the Functions Module and press "Ctrl-C" to copy, then open your own existing mission and press either "Ctrl-V" to paste, or "Ctrl-Shift-V" to paste in (same)place. I am assuming that you already have a "respawn_west" marker, but if you don't, copy and paste that into your mission too.

Open the sample mission folder and copy all of the sub folders and the "stringtable.csv" file and paste them into your own existing mission folder.

Open the sample missions "init.sqf" file and copy everything and paste it into your own exisiting "init.sqf" file.

You can set the "jail_timer" in the init.sqf (line 4) to the desired punish time. I recommend setting it to 4 minutes: 240

You will not be able to hit your "Escape" key during you're time in jail, so you won't be able to choose "Abort" or "Respawn", so you might want to leave the timer set to 10 seconds when testing.

Open the sample missions "description.ext" file - from line 20 and down you will need the "class CfgSounds", "class RscStdText" and "class RscTitles", so you can either copy and paste line 20 & down into your own existing "description.ext" file, or if you already have these classes in your existing mission, then you would just need to add the defined sound and image file from the sample mission to your own existing "description.ext" file. This should be simple to do for anybody with basic editing skills.

Units must be named... s1, s2, s3 etc. Or you can change the unit names in scripts. Both the "wrongful_kill.sqf" & "check_crew.sqf" has support for players s1-s100. You can easily remove any unnecessary lines or add new lines to these files as needed.

Add the following line to the "init" field each playable & non-playable "friendly" unit:

null = this addEventHandler ["killed", {nul = [_this select 0, _this select 1] execVM "jail\wrongful_kill.sqf"}];

You can also add this line to the "init" field of each friendly unit if you would like the "Remove Body" feature when a unit dies:

null = this addEventHandler ["killed", {(_this select 0) execVM "scripts\removePlayerBody.sqf"}];

For mission makers that create missions that do not have ai enabled (like most Domi missions) and use "disabledAI = true;" in their description.ext file and do not have any non-playable friendly ai placed or spawned in their mission, then the alternative method for adding the EH to each playable unit would be... to leave each playable unit's "init" field empty and simply un-comment the lines in the "EH_Handlers.sqf" file, which can be found in the "EH" sub folder. This will automatically add the EH to each "player" that joins the server.

For testing purposes, and this is very important, you can turn off the feature that disables the ability to hit the "Escape" key by simply adding "//" in front of line 15 of the "start_punish.sqf" file. Just remember to remove the "//" later before you release your mission, other wise players will just choose respawn instead of being stuck in jail.

Special Features:

For Combined Operations and Arrowhead, the jail cell has a protection zone, which prevents any damage within a 50 meter radius, and a clutter cutter that removes grass. These can easily be removed by deleting the 2 corresponding placed triggers.

I would not recommend removing the protection zone from the jail cell. It is there to protect the jailed player.

Hedgehogs on roof to prevent choppers from landing on the jail. Walking on roof will kill players.

The surrounding ground level barbed wire will also kill players.

Players teleported into jail are positioned randomly within a 4 meter radius inside the center of cell to prevent pile ups.

Players will not have the use of the "Escape" key while in jail", therefore there is no ability to choose "Respawn or Abort".

Players that by some miracle manage to escape from jail will be killed once they are more than 12 meters from the center of the jail cell.

You are always forced out of your vehicle if you teamkill from a vehicle turret, then you are teleported into jail.

Pilots of certain air vehicle types are given back points that were deducted from team killing gunners.

If a pilot crashes and kills several crew, the pilot will not go to jail (because he's dead), the crew that died will count against the clutzy pilot's score.

For air vehicles that have manual fire capabilitiesm if the pilot manual fires and team kills, the pilot goes to jail and the gunner or a cargo unit, if one exists, will automatically be moved into the pilot seat.

Any addon choppers added to the mission that have "pilot" manual fire capabilities or turret/gunner positions, these can also be added to the list of vehicles by editing lines 31-41 of "killer.sqf" and adding the correct vehicle class names. For example, you could add:

 OR (_veh isKindOf "OH58")

Additional "loadout_start.sqf"(custom loadout) and "loadout_respawn.sqf" scripts are incorporated, but you do not need to use them if you have your own loadout scripts, but they do work great. You can disable/remove the "loadout_start.sqf" and the "loadout_respawn.sqf" by removing lines 19-23 from the "init.sqf" file.

The "killer.sqf" is the main punish script and it has its own built in "remember loadout" functionality that should not interfere with other loadout scripts - it basically remembers the weapons you last had before you were sent to jail and gives back the same weapons upon your release, if you have basic editing skills -you can easily add mod specific loadout functionality to the "killer.sqf" file if needed to support a 3rd party backpack script or other addon loadout abilities.

The jail cell has an invisible helipad named "jail_center_H" in the center that is needed and is linked to certain scripts and should not be removed. Rotating the "jail_center_H" helipad will change how the 2nd camera pans to the right during the short cutscene. So if you move the jail to another location and rotate the jail, then the camera might then behave differently or badly, so you can rotate the "jail_center_H" helipad and then test it in the game to see if the camera looks good, just make sure that the helipad stays in the center of the jail.

The actual red "Jail" marker seen on the map in-game is also linked to certain scripts and should not be changed, renamed or removed. If you need to rename it for language reasons, make sure you only rename the "text", do not change the "name".

Line 53 and 138 in the "killer.sqf" file sets the direction "setDir" that the player faces when teleported into jail and later when released to the main "respawn_west" marker.

These lines might need directional adjusting depending on where you might decide to relocate jail cell, because direction the player faces is where the cutscene camera will start from. The jail can easily be selected, dragged and dropped anywhere you wish.

Also, the "EH_handlers.sqf" file (line 6) sets the direction the player faces on respawn after dying - this can either be removed or changed to suit your mission.

Lines 138-148 in the "killer.sqf" offer additional location choices when you are released from jail. You can either be released at one "respawn_west" marker", or be released at one of several "respawn_west" markers randomly, or you can be released within a set radius at one "respawn_west" marker, which is what the sample mission is currently set to do using an 8 meter radius. To use one of the other methods simply un-comment the new method you wish to use and then comment out the old method that you no longer wish to use.

Fixes and Tweaks as of 2/14/2013.

1.)The timer used to not work if the punish time was set high, my bad. Fixed.

2.)Jail timer used to appear as 00:00, but now it will appear as 00:00:00

3.)When pilot gets sent to jail for a manual fire team kill, there were many vehicle types that were left out of the check system when it looked for an available gunner/cargo unit to switch to pilot seat. Fixed.

4.)Some team killing gunners were teleported into jail and then back into the pilot seat, so I added an additional check for that. Fixed.

5.)When an air vehicle gunner team kills and the pilot gets punished for it - I forgot to add several vehicle types to the check system when it adds back a point to the pilots score and removes a point from the gunner/teamkiller. Fixed.

6.)Rebuilt Jail cell with Arma 2 parts that should now be compatible with all versions. Spaced outside wall further away from jail cell to prevent prisoner from getting into vehicles parked outside. Jail cell is now completely surrounded with KILL triggers(All 4 walls and roof). Still need to make sure the objects used to build the jail cell will work for Arrowhead stand alone.

7.)Removed ClutterCutter and ProtectionZone from Arma2 version.

8.)Added custom loadout specific to game version.

9.)Escapees weren't dying. Fixed. By the off chance that a jailed player manages to escape, by possibly getting in a vehicle parked close to the outside wall, or a hovering chopper, the player will die if he gets more than 12 meters from the center of the jail cell - and he will be punished -25 points.

10.)When a player was released from jail they were unable to fire rifle because the muzzle not selected properly - typical grenade launcher bug. Fixed.

11.)Many other tweaks and changes. Can't remember them all off hand. If you are using an older version of the script, replace it with this new one.

Know bugs:

1.)When an ai unit is switched into pilot seat, the engineOn true; command still doesn't seem to work on a dedicated server, but does work in single-player and hosted environment. Real players should not have a problem with this on a dedicated server.

2.)If gunners of certain air vehicles kill teammates and it causes the pilot's score to be penalized, the script will fix the pilots score, but not if gunner killed a civilian.

It's hard to test all this stuff on my own. So for anybody that feels like helping me test this stuff, that would be awesome.

Edited by A-SUICIDAL
Updated Download Link and Description

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I've changed a few more things in the script. I removed the additional points deducted for killing a teammate or civilian, but players will still get 25 points deducted for choosing to respawn or disconnect while in jail. Players that manage to escape some how will be killed if they get more than 10 meters away from the jail center point - and they will also have 25 points deducted for escaping. There was a problem where, for instance - if a player killed 4 teammates in one instance, the punish script would execute 4 times, but I fixed this so it will only execute 1 time. Instead broadcasting messages messages and hints that are specific to "team kills" and "civilian kills", I decided to simplify the script and refer to it as simply a "wrongful kill" since at times a player might actually kill a civilian and a teammate in on instance. There was a problem where if you were the pilot of a chopper and had many crew sitting in back, if you crashed the chopper and killed everybody including yourself, when you later respawn you were able to kill teammates and civilians and not get punished at all, but now that's fixed too. I also removed the cinema border during the camera part. If a pilot of an attack Littlebird kills a teammate or civilian with rockets or minigun, it will teleport that player into jail, but it will also check to see if anybody is in the passenger seat of the littlebird and switch that player into the driver seat fast - giving that player a better chance to stay alive since they would otherwise have to eject before the chopper crashes.

I am still using separate files for each player because I am not good at setting variables for things like timers, so every player has their own timer scripts and etc, but I did reorganize the mission folders so within my "Jail" folder there are folders specific to each player, making it easier to remove players or to add new players. You can simply duplicate the "s14" folder and rename it to be called "s15" and then go inside the "s15" folder and open each of the script files and simply do a "Find-Replace" and replace the word "s1" with "s15" and you will now have scripts ready to use for an additional player.

My Jail cell was actually made using the 3D editor, so it cannot be moved to a new location by dragging it in the 2D editor, because it doesn't even appear in the 2D editor. So players can either use my "mission.biedi" file and open it in the 3D editor and then highlight my jail cell and drag it to a new location and then export it the script for it and then spawn it into their mission like I did, or they can simply build their own jail cell from scratch using either the normal 2D editor or whatever they want.

I am going to keep working on the scripts and testing it to death until I think it is ready to release. So far I cannot find anymore bugs or problems, except for spawning civilians with EH, it still seems a little laggy the moment they spawn.

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Player now leaves group when jailed and re-joins again when released from jail. Leader will reclaim leadership when released.

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if respawn or disconnect is chosen while in jail, an additional 25 points will deducted from their score.

Hey man this TK script looks really cool. Reminds me of some old ones back in the day. Anyhow, you should disable the idc of the quit / abort / respawn button instead. I'm not exactly sure what idc they use, but shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Then, leaving isn't even an option unless alt+f4. Also, you could create a clear/invisible dialog for the jailed person & simply disable the esc key until his punishment is done.

Edited by Iceman77

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I do have a version that does that, actually I have a version that disables user input and the ability to do anything at all while in jail and the player actually starts to do pushups and situps while in jail too - and a camera films it nice. The only way out of it is Alt-Tab, Ctrl-Alt-Del or Alt- F4. But when I tested it with a friend, he seemed to not like how he was unable to do anything at all, so I removed the animation. If I use an invisible dialog, the player would still get frustrated that they canno run around at all. As far as removing the actual IDC for the escape button, I haven't looked into that at all, but that would be nice to use, and I could still leave me respawn/disconnect punish script in just in case the player magically finds a way to respawn or disconnect, but I would remove the warnings for it. I do punish the player -25 points for choosing respawn, disconnecting, or if the player manages to escape and get more than 10 meters from the jail (center point) it will kill the player and also deduct 25 points from their score. The conditions involved for this were a little difficult, but it does work well. The points deducted from the player can easily be changed and made to be any value. It's hard to see in the movie above, but if the movie is set to high detail 720p and is viewed full screen, the messages are much easier to read and you can see how it does warn the player that if they respawn or disconnect they will have 25 points deducted.

I remember reading a long time ago about a script command that can kick a player from the game, and I also read that it was no longer being used or something. I was going to look into this further to see if I can find out if it is still possible to kick a player based on how low their score is and maybe even warn them that if they reach a score of like -150 points, that they will be kicked from the server. I'm not sure if that is possible to do, but it would be nice if some guy that respawns while in jail every time winds up getting booted for it eventually.

I never use A-10's in my missions or apaches, but I do want to add them into the sample mission just to test certain (teamkill blame) bugs and work-arounds. Like if an Apache pilot kills a teammate or civilian using manual fire, I would like to automatically move the gunner into the driver seat. I also want to try to incorporate a script that detects if a player has done more than X amount of teamkills while flying an A-10 and then remove his ability to get back into the A-10 with a message telling him that he has lost his A-10 priveledges. This is something I have always wanted to see in this game, because I always get teamkilled by A-10 pilots and they never seem to care or seem sorry at all, then I hump it all the way back into the AO and they teamkill me again.

Disabling the escape key would be something I would like to experiment with, so if you know how to do they, let me know.

In my real mission, my jail cell is surrounded with large steel hedgehogs and outside that there is a sandbag wall, so it's difficult for somebody outside the jail to get close to the cell. I did this to prevent non-jailed players from parking vehicles close to the cell, because then the jailed layer could easily hop into the vehicle. That is why I have a script that will kill the jailed player if he is more that 10 meters from the center point of the jail cell. But even with all the hedgehogs and sandbags, players could still possibly fly close enough to the jail cell with a littlebird and manage to pull off an escape if they try, but again - the player jail player will die trying to escape and a message will broadcast the failed escape attempt to all players, lol.

Edited by A-SUICIDAL

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Well, the punish script keeps changing and in the process some things are improved on other things seem to keep breaking. I might remove the feature that makes a player leave their group when in jail and rejoin when they are released from jail. I wasn't having any problems with the civilians and now suddenly when I test on a dedicated server, if I kill a civilian, nothing happens, and I haven't done anything to change their EH at all. I still haven't found a less laggy method for adding the EH to dynamically spawned civs either. Another thing that started to happen is, when I disconnect while in jail, another 25 points is deducted from my score, but now that isn't working on a dedicated server anymore either. So I need to figure out how to fix that or find a new method to force it. If I can't find a less laggy way to dynamically spawn civilians with the EH, then I will remove the civilian punish feature completely and make it a teamkill punish script only. If I can't figure out how to deduct points from a player when they disconnect while in jail, then I will have to find a way to keep them from disconnecting - and I would rather not disable their ability to move around freely in the jail cell, which means finding out how to disable the escape key or abort key, which I don't want to do, but it would be better than a dialog or camera script.

=== EDIT ===

I found out how to disable the escape key during the time spent in jail. This will really simplify everything. It's kind of sad that I now don't need to use a lot of scripts that I worked hard to create, but at least this will work easier. It tested perfectly too.


Edited by A-SUICIDAL

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Video Updated.

Description Updated.

Download link available.

This is still a work in progress. Volunteers needed to help test, tweak and help make it dedicated server friendly.

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I was in a hurry to get something released in hopes that maybe somebody could help me test it. It's not exactly a completed script since I would first need a few people to tell me that it works on a dedicated server. And to really test it you would need at least 2 real players or more. The script is currently for Combined Operations, but only because it has a mix of both Arma 2 & Operation Arrowhead Vehicles. To be more specific, it has an AH1Z and a USMC Apache in it, the rest of the vehicles are all Arrowhead Vehicles, not counting the BAF Chinook, which I also consider to be a sort of Arrowhead vehicle. I can easily make a version for all 3 ... Arma 2, Arrowhead and Combined Operations, but before doing so - I was hoping to first get some sort of confirmation as to whether or not the sample mission actual works on a dedicated server.

I will go ahead and make 3 versions of it now. Thanks for the support Foxhound. And thank you to who ever changed the thread title, much appreciated ;)

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Awesome work!

Ill see what i can help you in making your script work in MP, as i would need it in some of my MP missions :)

Would it be possible to add a feature like limiting respawns, which means that after a certain amount of respawns a player gets "taken out" of the mission by being sent to jail?

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I think there is already a way to limit respawns in the game after the player uses up the set number of lives. The player would then respawn as seagull(blackbird) and at that point all they can do is flap their wings and fly around. That might be a better solution then sending them to jail since running out of lives really shouldn't be something to punish them for. Either way, if the player were to run out of lives and respawn as a blackbird - the player would probably reconnect and choose a different player slot so they could continue playing. Or if the player were to run out of lives and then respawn and be sent to jail, the player would probably ctrl-alt-del and end task/process on their game and then relaunch their game and reconnect and choose a different player slot so they could continue to keep playing. So basically either method would probably not work well, unless there is a way to detect the player ID when they reconnect and immediately turn them into a blackbird or send them to jail.

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Script updated. Description Updated. Now offers support for up to 100 units. Other information can be read in the original description.

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hi realy thanks for this king of script...!!!!!!sory for my bad english i have 1 question because more of my frients play arma free version and wait for arma 3 i have 1 dedicated server in my home for just arma 2 without mod just in defualt ... is posible toi use this king off script on arma 2 ? i have foul version off arma combine both arma 2 and arrohead but i want 1 good anti team kill script for arma 2 i have bigggggggg problem with team kill in my personal server and i am noob to script i cant find 1 script for arma 2 u can help e litle here? because i love this game and the more off players look only to destroy my game i test it on arma 2 but nothing hapent if i kill team mates ...! and if is posible what need to chance in script for working in arma 2 ? in arrohead workings like a charm

Edited by AnGeLo

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Just wondering, what about if a gunner of a tank or heli etc TKs?

It comes up in the kill feed the commander, will it jail him or the true killer?

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I tested the older version of your script on a dedicated server and it didnt work according to plan in terms that i wasnt sent to jail for killing BLUFOR soldiers.

(regardless whether i used an M16 or a vehicle/chopper mounted weapon).

I havent tried your new version yet, but i will post you some feedback once i did.

Concerning the respawn limit: I know that there is no 100% method to keep players from playing through reconnecting. I was just wondering if your script includes such an option.

Anyway, thanks for your work i will keep you updated, how i proceed.

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Ð”Ð»Ñ Arma 2 хотелоÑÑŒ бы увидеть! Я под Arma 2 переделал, но не Ñрабатывает. Ищу проблему.

For Arma 2 it would be desirable to see! I under Arma 2 remade, but doesn't work. I look for a problem.

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I'll see if I can make a version for just Arma 2 and another version for just Arrowhead. I just have to build a new jail cells that don't use objects from both Arma 2 and Arrowhead. The new version of the script should work on a dedicated server. If for any reason it doesn't, try hosting the actual sample mission on a dedicated server and let me know if it didn't work.

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thanks a lot but i alredy make cell with other objects in arma 2 but stil the same problem no work i make all steps like ur demo mission in arma 2 same markers same trigers all same but nothing i just got message u are in jail bla bla ... but nothing happent just bug my escape button and u need to close arma with alt +f4 after 1 kill i hope u can chance somthing for work this king off script for arma 2.!!!because in arma 2 the team kills is 1000% more from arrohead i dont know why.. but thanks alot for all mate keep nice work and (sory for my bad english i try my best)

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because in arma 2 the team kills is 1000% more from arrohead i dont know why.

Because that's where the majority of the noobs cut their teeth on the game. I notice that everytime I play vanilla 1.11 :p

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A-SUICIDAL, here a ready example under Arma 2. Everything is already remade, but I can't understand in any way - that I made not so. I shoot at the, writes that it is sent to prison (but I stand still, instead of in prison), esc blocks!


Iceman77, can there opportunities more, but we don't play ArrAfhead, there to play there is nobody. For murderers to play - not to respect itself. And against geeks to play with the weapon of times of revolution (for example t-34) is a nonsense of developers! It I about a clear game, without addons. Therefore this part of game isn't so popular in Russia.

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Yeah I notice a few ru servers in vanilla 1.11. . Though there are plenty of servers in OA too (if not more) . Sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to say :)

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PiratRu, I looked at your mission and there were many mistakes in it, but that's ok, I'm here to help. First off, you are using an older version of my Jail script, so there was a bug in it when it setPos's the player into jail. I accidentally had too large of a random radius in the old version, which could cause the player to wind up being teleported just outside of the jail cell, so I fixed it in your mission. That was really the only bug in my older mission sample.

For testing purposes, and this is very important, you can turn off the feature that disables the ability to hit the "Escape" key by simply adding "//" in front of line 15 of the "start_punish.sqf" file. I added this to your mission to make testing easier for you, but you will want to remove the "//" later when your mission is ready to be released. Don't forget to do this.

The files "wrongful_kill.sqf" you changed the names of the actual units, which is fine, but you missing a ")" on every line from line 16 through 48, so I fixed that. I also noticed in the "killer.sqf" file that you had changed the setPos location when the player is teleported to Jail, you had 2 random locations, so I changed it back to just the "Jail" marker and removed the other 2 random locations.

Also in the "killer.sqf" file lines 29 through 39 - that's the part that checks the gunner seats and passenger seats and if the pilot teamkills and gets sent to jail, it will then move a gunner or passenger into the pilot seat, but you added a couple of vehicles that I'm not sure will work well...

if ((_veh isKindOf "Ka52") OR (_veh isKindOf "Ka52Black") OR (_veh isKindOf "Su25_Ins") OR (_veh isKindOf "Mi24_P") OR (_veh isKindOf "Mi24_V") OR (_veh isKindOf "Mi17_rockets_RU") OR (_veh isKindOf "Su39") OR (_veh isKindOf "Su34") OR (_veh isKindOf "Mi17_Ins")) then {
null = [_killer] execVM "jail\check_crew.sqf";

// This fixes the score of the pilot that was penalized by team killing gunners.

if ( ((_veh isKindOf "Ka52") OR (_veh isKindOf "Ka52Black")) && (_killer == _veh turretUnit [1]) ) then {
null = [_killer] execVM "jail\fix_pilot_score.sqf";

if ( ((_veh isKindOf "Su39") OR (_veh isKindOf "Mi17_rockets_RU")) && ((_killer == _veh turretUnit [0]) OR (_killer == _veh turretUnit [1])) ) then {
null = [_killer] execVM "jail\fix_pilot_score.sqf";

The part that moves a gunner or passenger into the pilot seat will only work with vehicles that actually have a gunner seat or passenger seat. I'm not sure if all of the vehicles you add have that, I know some of them do.

The part that fixes the pilots score will only work with vehicles that actually have a side gunner seat that causes the pilots score to be penalized. For instance the Blackhawk and Nighthawk right side gunner cause the pilots score to be penalized, but not the left side gunner. The Huey or "UH-1H" chopper does have a right side door gunner, but it does not penalize the pilots score. What you might need to do is test each chopper in a private hosted multiplayer game and move an ai into the pilot seat and then get in as a gunner and shoot a teammate and see if it penalizes the pilots score, and if it does, then you need to find out what the turret number is for that specific gunner seat. If none of the gunner seats cause the pilot to lose points, then you do not have to add it to the script. I noticed that you are using aiKills = 1; in your "description.ext" file, which is what allows the ai to score points on the score board, so you it should be easy to test. I will test some of the vehicles myself to see which ones will work for an Arma 2 version of the script.

There might be more problems with your mission, I have not tested it thoroughly, but right now it is working fine when I test it with the main player in the editor.

Feel free to give me a shout if you have any more problems.

Oh, and you really need to set your game so it shows script errors, because then you probably would have been able to fix a lot of the errors easier.

PiratRu's Arma 2 Mission Sample

Oh, and I don't think that the ClutterCutter_EP1 or the ProtectionZone_EP1 will work with Arma 2, but they are not needed. The Cluttercutter simply removes grass from the jail to make it look cleaner and the ProtectionZone is there to protect the jailed player so other players can't kill him while he is in jail, it basically creates a 50 meter radius force field.

And you did a great job translating all of the messages.

I edited the jail image and added it to your mission. I have no idea what it says, but you used it in your hint, so I photoshop'd it into the image:


Edited by A-SUICIDAL

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