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Ardistan invasion of Takistan

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This started as a simple project to figure out how configs and all that work in Arma 2 for my upcoming LAF mod and thanks to endless hours of testing, has grown into something much bigger. So I decided to show it off and release it soon.

Even made up a short fictional background story with ties to the original CWC campaign in OP:Flashpoint. It's inspired by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, so expect some AK vs AK action :D

The year is 1985, and Mikhail Gorbachev has come to power in the Soviet Union. Tensions raise high as the ongoing conflict between NATO and USSR in Everon could lead to a potential 3rd world war. Ardistan, a country in the „Warsaw Treaty Organization of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance“ uses the cover of the ongoing Crisis to invade the weak neighboring country of Takistan in order to claim its vast ammount of untouched resources and install a Puppet goverment for the Soviet Union.
And well, you know the rest...


Ardistan left of Takistan


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Troops are armed with Ak47 and AKM variants. Vehicles include Soviet Uaz, Ural, BMP 2, T55, BRDM 2, T72, BTR 60, Mi17 and a Mi24. Their enemy is Takistan Militia.




Thanks to:

Marseille77 for his Standart Vehicles Pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10730

Vilas for his great East Weapons Pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9218 and the Btr60 texture from his P85 Vehicles pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17822

Edited by aidas2

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Good luck friend :) there is always room for ficionalism :) seems like Capraia will have a ally xD

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I think they would be enemies :P Ardistan is in the Warsaw pact and Capraia got freed by allies after WW2 according to your story.

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I like the idea, kind of a Iran/Iraq war vibe going :)

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Damn Capraia is surrounded by enemies, but I hope ardistan is less of a bastard lol, I really have been wondering when someone would do a soviet/afghanistan style theme.

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Oh darn it more enemies D:

I was thinking, they look nice in their brown clothing, why not giving them the East German Rain Camouflage? It even fits the terrain


My brain is telling me they will look "cute"

When I started this, I didn't spend much time on the textures, the idea was to get them ingame with custom textures, which are just a beige/sand color overlay so I could see the difference. Then later on I spotted the Standart Vehicles Pack and Soviet invasion of Astan poped up in mind and I knew there was some Green Sea region map, so I looked it up and noticed conveniently placed Ardistan next to Takistan :D I might experiment and try the Soviet Amoeba or the East German Rain camo on them and see how it turns out.

Damn Capraia is surrounded by enemies, but I hope ardistan is less of a bastard lol, I really have been wondering when someone would do a soviet/afghanistan style theme.

I doubt Ardistan would waste resources for some capitalist island in the middle of nowhere :D And yeah, Takistan is rigged for a proper Soviet invasion scenario. Wonder aswell why has no one created a mod for that.

I like the idea, kind of a Iran/Iraq war vibe going

Never though of looking at it this way. I figured that the Takistan army isn't even existing at that time and the Ardistan invasion sorta jump starts the whole Takistan militia and Army inception. I guess one could make a Takistan Army vs Ardistan Army scenario. Ardistan is under Independant, so you can make it fight anyone and everyone :D

Edited by aidas2

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If you need some camo help PM me. I got loads of soviet camouflage's

If you want I can even get you KLKM Berezka - https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRO3K7scAHAXCVnSgrK0HJFqa3YqSDXiz0svvBcjHAT9vLmbLcs in good quality :) ((easy re-texture of existing KLMK I did from Andrew's camo's)) but I wish to see them in the Rain Camo, something unique at once :D

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You know you do have a unusual resource available to you, the bis vanilla russians, the uniforms are the same cut as the afghanka style....theres a lot of possibility, especially if you wanted a little variety, the armor is the same as well more or less, the chest rigs simple green or tan they become liftchika, so you could do the khaki still maybe here or there a kzs helmet cover or burlap cover, these are all merely suggestions.

Youve got a lot of different outcomes :) and play with this.

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You know you do have a unusual resource available to you, the bis vanilla russians, the uniforms are the same cut as the afghanka style....theres a lot of possibility, especially if you wanted a little variety, the armor is the same as well more or less, the chest rigs simple green or tan they become liftchika, so you could do the khaki still maybe here or there a kzs helmet cover or burlap cover, these are all merely suggestions.

Youve got a lot of different outcomes and play with this.

Yeah, I looked at them. They are a bit too modern imo and a bit over equipped for 1985 imo. I'm more keen on CDF troops but they wear those modern helmets and I'd rather have the bucket ones Takistan and Ru army use. So the only possibilty left was modifying Takis. Although I might use some of the less modern looking Russians as airborne or maybe spec ops. most of the equipment is indeed the same.

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yeah those would be your only options the BIS russian riflemen model seems pretty standard though the gear is the same, im curious to see where you end up taking this, wherever it goes they'll be slugging it out in the mountains with tribal taki's before too long.

Edited by yevgeni89

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Yeah, I looked at them. They are a bit too modern imo and a bit over equipped for 1985 imo. I'm more keen on CDF troops but they wear those modern helmets and I'd rather have the bucket ones Takistan and Ru army use. So the only possibilty left was modifying Takis. Although I might use some of the less modern looking Russians as airborne or maybe spec ops. most of the equipment is indeed the same.

Another possibility is to use Vilas' P85 Soviet Army pack. It features Soviet infantry in M69 (khaki), M69 + 6B2 vest, KZS camo, KLMK camo, and features various helmets (w and w/o covers), the Panamka hat (and related caps). And a Adidas equipped 'stan Spetsnaz...

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@aidas2 nice idea for another country in the Green Sea Region. :)

Edited by R0adki11

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will there be a campaign coming along with this?

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will there be a campaign coming along with this?

No, don't know how to make one nor have the time.

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Dont forget katyusha rocketing villages thats SOP ;)

I want to include teh grad, but there's no simple green texture for the grad rocket tubes lying around anywhere I could use :/

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mmmmmm, yeah it be hard pressed, unfortunately I think you would have to get another grad style vehicle but thats a hassle with permissions and waiting for replies.

If you wanted to go that route Vilas would be your best bet as I think he made one in his p85 vehicles

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I want to include teh grad, but there's no simple green texture for the grad rocket tubes lying around anywhere I could use :/

The tubes are black like normal tubes should be tho...

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A quick side question do plan on making an ardistan flag or Ardistan people's Army or Democratic Republic of Ardistan decals for vehicles?

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Ardistan never had its flag shown nor was part of armaverse so getting a flag is something he will need to do by him self however I can do something for a flag if needed :)

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Those are really playing around test's, really nothing serious or awesome in it, never knew how to do a middle eastern country flag, confusing to what to add into it..



Well either way our fella will have hard time getting a flag for them :)

((Yap the first one is very similar to Takistani one... No idea why I did that xd))

I really recommend this forum if you want a fictional flag - http://www.alternatehistory.com

You can request one as well people over there do it for fun.

Few I recommend:

Edited by Sakai

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No I don't plan on making flags or anything like that, don't feel like expanding it. It's not a PRACS type mod. My main focus is LAF.

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