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Rhodesian Freedom Fighters

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As requested by yevgeni89 a Rhodesian infantry however I like to mess up and actually call them Freedom Fighters, they are re-texture of NAPA model's.











As you see the Warlord guy ((last picture)) sadly has to have the big camo on his jacket THAT is because with multiple layer's it would of look ugly as hell with random lines and blocky stuff aka camo border's so I just had to make it into one big tho quality is not lost, sadly you will have to bear with it. Camouflaged trouser's etc might have darker color than upper clothing, that is a bit normal to be honest, they are freedom fighters not soldier's they got their clothing from range different places, one company can make camo darker than other, let's just leave it there for those guys.

To add more:

CHDKZ's re-textured model's as more advanced Infantry.

Edit the equipment.

Toyota Hilux viariants.

I won't be making it into big project! just simply a small unit, infantry and vehicle thats all.

So here I would like to have your help, aka getting the equipment list for them!

Thank you.

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Beautiful I cant wait to see what else you have planned for these guys, I think the chedaki models will definitely allow for more of a menacing infantry look about them, as for equipment as rhodesian freedom fighters definitely FN FAL's and as a former british colony theyre going to have a lot of british equipment and south African influences as well.

Im thinking definitely definitely fal's,fn mag, lee enfield,possible uzi's as well a few akm's, you could even get away with a few imported older style galil, pkm as well, browning hi power, for AT rpg or law's.

You should definitely consider a landrover for these possible just a taki reskin rover into olive drab or brown and you could make a water buffalo head on it or add a rhodesian flag on the side.

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Beautiful I cant wait to see what else you have planned for these guys, I think the chedaki models will definitely allow for more of a menacing infantry look about them, as for equipment as rhodesian freedom fighters definitely FN FAL's and as a former british colony theyre going to have a lot of british equipment and south African influences as well.

Im thinking definitely definitely fal's,fn mag, lee enfield,possible uzi's as well a few akm's, you could even get away with a few imported older style galil, pkm as well, browning hi power, for AT rpg or law's.

You should definitely consider a landrover for these possible just a taki reskin rover into olive drab or brown and you could make a water buffalo head on it or add a rhodesian flag on the side.

They are just freedom fighter's sadly and as I said I won't be making big project of it ((maybe one day, I might actually consider doing something for this, if you are interested PM for info)) so I won't be getting any custom weaponry e.g. uzi & gail browning hi power will be for ACE config's and non ace is simply M9.

So as for landlover since they are freedom fighters i believe that they should have Toyota Hilux's like most of freedom fighters

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Understood on that, then standard OA content fal, pkm, akm, ak47, rpg, and a lee enfield throw in for good measure, typical freedom fighter stuff and yeah your right on the Hilux an mg version and a transport would do pretty good, and ill send you a pm.

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Well like the Rhodesians i to was a soldier in a conflict not too far away.The opposing forces were the freedom fighters(zANU+zIPRA)I personaly am offended to be regarded as a freedom fighter so could you please call them by their correct name.IS there also a possibility to remove the balaclavas and facemasks,thankyou.

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Well like the Rhodesians i to was a soldier in a conflict not too far away.The opposing forces were the freedom fighters(zANU+zIPRA)I personaly am offended to be regarded as a freedom fighter so could you please call them by their correct name.IS there also a possibility to remove the balaclavas and facemasks,thankyou.

This is ArmA, everything is fictional, in here the Rhodesian's are fighting for their nation as freedom fighter's please try to accept "fictionalism" also please try not to put nationalist stuff, I saw that moderator's do not like it neither do I. ((Look for the serbian nationalism in mod topic's that circle around balkans, pretty much you wont find it anymore because it went all wrong...))

Edited by Sakai

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You know I was thinking about the warlord have you tried experimenting to make his hat camouflaged too or his trousers?

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You know I was thinking about the warlord have you tried experimenting to make his hat camouflaged too or his trousers?

Can be ((ofc he will be renamed to Officer or Commander)) tho it will look very "weird" if you look at his coat it has big camo and on trousers will have "small" O.o hat is rather, leather hat so that wouldnt look nice either just saying :)

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ah okay I had an image in my mind like the australian bush hats i didnt think it was leather but a canvas material and eh it could be just a field jacket typically they have a larger pattern anyhow I think, ive got a transkei uniform the shirt and pants are the same as far as size of the pattern but the jacket is slightly larger pattern.

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ah okay I had an image in my mind like the australian bush hats i didnt think it was leather but a canvas material and eh it could be just a field jacket typically they have a larger pattern anyhow I think, ive got a transkei uniform the shirt and pants are the same as far as size of the pattern but the jacket is slightly larger pattern.

Reference pictures always help :)

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See how that pattern looks near massive on the jackets, I really do think there is a slight difference in the size , and I cant find a bush hat that isnt cocked on one side, but that rhodesian boonie seems to have a pretty large brim around it.

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Seems legit to me :) I will texture the hat and trousers as well.

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:D Awesome, Im curious what chedaki models are you using I went into editor and really the only ones that have headgear and no baclavs are the commander the officer the medic and I think AT, im not a hundred percent sure, I couldve sworn the chedaki had some watch caps on too...but for some reason, majority of them arent wearing and watch caps.

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I believe Saboteur or Scout if there is one uses ones.

And for sake of "nationalism" actually I won't add the ones with balaclava's that look like terrorists from CHDKZ.

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Lol I had a suspecting feeling this would cross into dark territory at some point.

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Lol I had a suspecting feeling this would cross into dark territory at some point.

You should have seen the Northern Ireland mod and Interim Irish Df mod threads back in the OFP days...

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Ah yeah I imagine that would be pandora's Box, but alas I only wish to see addons, I dont much care for nationalism in video games, far more concerned about how awesome these are going to turn out when their done,lol.

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Do you plan to make them look like the "real deal" rhodesians in the future?

Maybe a reskin of Force Recon low profile units might turn into something.

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Do you plan to make them look like the "real deal" rhodesians in the future?

Maybe a reskin of Force Recon low profile units might turn into something.

That will happen :)

Those guys won't be connected to anything that the project will be done, this is just a quick request being done.

For the future, yes Rhodesian's will be done, I guess could get some team up for it one day, at the moment its only me and yevgni89 as a history advistor but work on it will be started after my FAC addon is finished.

If anyone is interested to join, feel free to PM me because it will be a big project :)

Time/Century of the mod is unplanned yet.

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Yeah this war purely I wanted some units in Rhodesian camouflage because no one had done it before, and I thought it was long overdue, and Sakai was kind enough to undertake this for me.

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Not much of a update, been fighting since afternoon till early morning with config.cpp, thanks to Guru W0lle it got fixed!






Don't blame me for static backpack, blame BIS :)

Had to upload it on to imageshack, postimage.org site didnt work for me.

Edited by Sakai

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Now you have my attention. :D

A word of advice, you should think about contacting the guys who made the bush wars mod since they did a fantastic job with the models and even had some vehicles ready that you could as well "recycle" for a rhodesian fireforce.

p.s.if you need some pics PM me, i know a few places where i could find them.

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Now you have my attention. :D

A word of advice, you should think about contacting the guys who made the bush wars mod since they did a fantastic job with the models and even had some vehicles ready that you could as well "recycle" for a rhodesian fireforce.

p.s.if you need some pics PM me, i know a few places where i could find them.

Mind telling me who did the bush war mod?

However they wont be used in this as I said this is just re-texture of BIS models, but I will use the reference as for the big project.

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I will be doing this project a bit slowly this time, I have to get work on FAC however I will try to put some new screenies :)

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