Sniper_Hog 1 Posted January 25, 2013 This is nothing sensational and likely misguided but im wondering what the feel is amongst clans with competitive events, Not saying necessarily tournaments but I mean standard missions that have different objectives maybe some optional but if taken on increase the overall difficulty of the mission and these things can be compared and challenged from clan to clan? Just wondering if there is much of this sort of competition present in the Arma 2 community and likely to be present in Arma 3, and if not why not. Again im not highly experienced in Arma and if this comes across as stupid I apologise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rye1 22 Posted January 25, 2013 Communities normally host events. In Australia we'd have AUSARMA (Australian and New Zealand ARMA) host a few PVP events along with OCB hosting basically a ranked-system of PVP. It went down pretty well but I haven't seen the likes of it for months now. Implementing that into ARMA 3 though, how? It sounds and at least currently is more of an external game characteristic in how you organize and prepare the event, unless of course ARMA 3 has a steam-like system which clans use to host such. Or do you mean time challenge types? Get the most kills in X mission? I'm sure some would be interested. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted January 25, 2013 I'm not sure I understand. There can be infinite possibilities when playing a mission. There are literally hundreds of thousands of custom missions, alot where the objectives change up dynamically. I mean... I don't think 2 clans sit and see who can finish an objective the quickest or w/e... I'm not so sure that fits the overall Arma communities profile. I'm sure it's been done though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
De_little_Bubi 1 Posted January 25, 2013 btw is there any global event publishing platform for arma? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BullyBoii 10 Posted January 25, 2013 perhaps with BI imrpoving the multiplayer UI there may be the possibility for clans to more easily play with and against each other, i used to love being part of an Arma 2 clan because it was structured gameplay with a massive multiplayer outfit which is just what arma is about imo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper_Hog 1 Posted January 25, 2013 Let me be more specific as to what I had in mind just wanted to gauge how people would react if there was something flawed in my original approach Im certainly not talking about who does it the fastest, I think that comprimises the realism and can deteriorate the gameplay experience if its just a sprint through. But what im suggesting is a leaderboard type system (Not nescesarily but one possible competitive system) Which encourages teams to hone their skills and teamwork and have missions created with alot of optional objectives that increase the difficulty and clans are ranked on how they performed the mission, what objectives they undertook and how successfull they were in carrying out those objectives. Or something similar that can spark some not child like competition but a level of wanting to as i said hone down your skills and work even more efficiently to compare against others. Certainly tournaments and what not in the future would be a great idea but just to start off some form of event or something where there are multiple missions and you can select the mission you want to attempt, Take that on and record your results along with proof via some form of recording from one or more of your members. Then this is uploaded to that missions top ranking charts or something and once verified positions your group accordingly. Then this goes across various missions and what not and is not nescesarily prize orientated but just for bragging rights and in the interest of doing this as effectively and precisely as possible having to employ all manner of skills to have a perfect run. Im an aussie so as soon as I get my new comp and Arma 3 comes out ill be right there with you guys, but just see potential for there to be an exciting broadly engaged in competitive community that can be international and not that we have to commune together but just all come to the one place to prove ourselves and have a bit of fun. Then maybe if that matures into something bigger and people enjoy it there can be better thought out versions and competitions which are prize oriented including cash prizes or possibly sponsor gear? Anyway this may not even be of interest to many playing but its something that makes me excited to envision how that would work and if there were people enthusiastic about atleast the idea of this then certainly with Arma 3 coming out there is potential for this to be explored. Thanks, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper_Hog 1 Posted January 29, 2013 Loads of views but very few replies? No one else wants to contribute to this discussion with some thoughts? Would be great to hear from any of you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rye1 22 Posted January 29, 2013 Prize orientated - some communities do such. 'Tis a good idea. As is Joint-ops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper_Hog 1 Posted January 29, 2013 I was also thinking pride orientated as much as prize orientated, As special forces elements have a fierce level of competition between other international elements, It would be something special to have a level of competition between clans to be the best. With each striving to have the best riflemen, Best air support, Best sniper team etc. And have various missions and PvP challenges and scenarios that test a wide range of the clans abilities and if the team is well diversified and skilled in multiple areas there success will be far greater then the team that is purely xyz, Although the team that is purely xyz will still have bragging rights over its own success in that field. And then into this mix of pride based combat large competitions are created with various events with prize incentives which should bring out the best and have them work as hard as they can for the extra incentive, But i think it's unrealisitic that a competitive scene ranging more then a few clans could be sustained on prize based competition due to the lack of resources to consistently fund such an enterprise as companies who will donate items will not do so every thursday, Needs to be Pride orientated with monthly prize based fighting and maybe your rankings amongst the clans will qualify you for different tiers of competition which the size of the prizes will vary accordingly with the highest ranked pool of clans fighting for the best gear like Gpus, High end gaming equip. However the lower level clans and players will still be pooled and can compete for prizes amongst similarly ranked clans and each division will have an overall winner. Anyway this is all just being spat out sporadically as i think it because I feel if something like this could be sparked it could self sustain and encourage a level of competition that would encourage everyone to better their own skill set and thus enjoyment. Any thoughts on this? Any responses are appreciated. Am I being ridiculous with fantastic ideas that can never materialize? If so why? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
metalcraze 290 Posted January 29, 2013 What's stopping you or anyone from running such competition? I guess people don't care enough if it's not happening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper_Hog 1 Posted January 29, 2013 Nothing is stoping me but by making this thread im gauging peoples interest, Im not going to invest the time to create something that large and find out no one gives a crap :) And i'm not sure I agree entirely as the fact its not happening doesn't necessarily mean people don't care, Just means they haven't been introduced to the idea in a well thought out way. Or maybe they just don't care :) Better yet do you care? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rye1 22 Posted January 29, 2013 They do run those competitions. It's just it's uncommon. Some clans get wimpy, some get over the top with ego. Though a pooled level with divisions sounds good in theory, I'd rather play with clans in my country, with similar playing styles to me. And against clans that play like me. I wouldn't want an unrealistic fest full of campers for example. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper_Hog 1 Posted January 29, 2013 Yes, I understand what your saying completely. Are there enough quality Arma clans in australia to make something like that viable? Can't just be the same 3 clans competing or something like that :) As im an Aussie I would be as much interested in that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rye1 22 Posted January 29, 2013 There's more enough, quite a few are under the banner of AUSARMA. Then you have external groups from that, who still play every now and then with those clans. Then you have DayZ groups who would probably, though very limited, play a few matches. AUSARMA itself more tries to get them together by having events, normally hosted by a single clan with a mission they've created. So, for sure, we get a table together, rules and how-to and it would attract people. ARMA 3 vanilla to have this would make it easier for events to be hosted and promoted; I think the shine would rub off after a few months though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites