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1 gunner 2 guns

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I have searched both here and Armaholic and have yet to find an answer. How do you have one gunner possition in a vehicle able to opperate multiple weapons without manual fire or switching seats? for instance in the M1A2 there is the main cannon and the M240 machine gun just to the upper right of the main gun. When you look at the tank you can clearly see the muzzle of the machine gun sticking out of the turret. Also when you fire the machine gun you can see the bullets and the muzzle flash leaving from the MACHINE GUN not the main cannon. How is the done in the Cfgvehicle? is it a cfgmuzzle command?

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max has given you the config way of doing it, the less stable but easier (non-addon) route is like this

	_pos = position player;
	_tbox = "M119_US_EP1" createVehicle _pos;
	_tbox addmagazine "20Rnd_120mmSABOT_M1A2";
	_tbox addmagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSADARM_M119";
	_tbox addmagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmLASER_M119";
	_tbox addmagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSMOKE_M119";
	_tbox addmagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmILLUM_M119";
	_tbox addmagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmWP_M119";
	_tbox addweapon "M256";
	_tbox setDir direction player;
	_tbox setDammage 0;
	player moveInGunner _tbox;
	hint "press Weaponchange (F) button on KeyBoard to switch between HE and AT Ammo";

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ok thank guys, and I AM looking for the addon route. Im working on *cough* another *cough* AC-130. so the gunner needs to have full control of three weapons (at least for the AC130H and U models).

@Max Power I tried your search and it was somewhat useful, however Im still a little unclear on how to set up the multi-guns in terms of gunbeg = "" and gunend = "".

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You only get 1 gunbeg and 1 gunend per turret / per gunner.

Without a Eventhandler and script solution (ie Multi-Muzzle) you can not make 1 gunners weapons come out different barrels

I guess I'll mention 1 gunner = 1 target. Somewhat a waste when theres 3 guns .......

Hence why the other AC130's have 3 gunners/3 turrets

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Im wondering if theres a way to set the animation states to move to exactly (or very close to) the same position) although it would require quite a few calculations. but something along the lines of the animations of the apache\cobra camera vs. actual gun movement. Would a createparticleeffect work instead of a muzzle flare? i.e. create that effect on each gun instead of the standard blast when fired, and then have the tracers start a little later so that by the time you can see them its really hard to tell what barrel they came out of (because it would all be the same one).

@Gnat could you explain the Multi-Muzzle thing a little further? and theres actually 1 gunner (tv operator) and 1 commander (secondary) so like in real life, you can engage 2 targets at once. Ive just about finished a script that will reset the guns to their original possions when there is no commander. That way someone cant hop in the commander's seat, point the gun in some random direction, get out, and leave the gunner in an annoying situation

Edited by J0nes

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Search the forums, someone did a multi-muzzle script for units like the ZSU-23 & the Tunguska

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as gnat said the only way to have one gunner control multiple turrets/guns is via script.

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ok cool, ill take a look at the tunguska, shilka, etc. thanks for you help, ill let you know what I find

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update! for anyone out there who cares/wants to know. Ive taken a hint from the M109a paladin mod (fantastic!) and am configuring the amunition for all three guns as rockets. This way I can set them up to be guided for about 1 second, which is just enough time for them to orient themselves directly at where the gunner is aiming. I have them set up in the same fashion as the TOW launchers. This also gets rid of the target trailing you have to do when youre rotating around a target. Ive tested it a little so far and it works phenominally, the only problem is that Ive have yet to make the "locking range" the appropriate size. for instance, you can lock on to a target behind an apache and fire a hellfire at it, but more often than not it will miss. So Im working on setting up that range so that you can still hit TAB to pick up targets, but the "missile" wont actually guide to the target. Also, the guns will still move when the gunner aims, along with the aiming optic underneath the aircraft, but they are at a fixed interval, so the projectile has to curve towards the reticule ever so slightly, but at 1000m away and 500m+ up it doesnt show at all. Ill probably start a topic about this mod when I have more to show, right now it all works, but there are little to no textures. thanks again to the makers of the paladin as well as everyone who posted in this thread!

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