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Help Creating a Base that uses CodePad

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Hi I was creating a base that was going to be used for clans on a server that houses multiple clans. I wanted to create a base that utilizes a code pad to get in and out of by entering the code and upon entry of correct code it moves hbarriers underground for about 30 seconds. I found a script to implement but I am very new to scripting and would like some assistance as how to implement this into the mission file. http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=31298.0 was the script that I found. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Complicated to me. I looked at this about 10 months ago and decided not to tackle it as it was beyond my abilities. Hopefully someone else on here can lend a hand as it would be cool to have this updated. GL with the project! Wish I could help.

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Thanks anyway Feint keep up your good work! :D

Also I saw this working on a server so I looked at the mission file and I saw how it worked but just didn't understand if anyone needs that mission file I would be happy to let you look at it.

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Can you please put up how you managed to implement it?

Will save someone like you in the future.

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You can just post it here, will be easier to find via google and such either way.

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You could store the positions of all of the objects that make up the base. Delete The base. And recreate the objects at the stored positions. I'm sure it could be a fairly condensed function using a for loop and nearest count & nearestobjects / entities (maybe).

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