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Can I learn how to script?

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By looking at the title first, you might think this is a stupid question, but I would appreciated a lot if it is answered properly :)

So let me re-phrase the question and add some extra info here because I have more room.

I have currently got into scripting and making missions in ARMA 2. The scripting that I do is so simple and basic that I doubt it's even called scripting at all: e.g. "this allowdamage false;","setviewdistance 5000;". I watched some tutorials on YouTube to help me make triggers to end missions and I am able to make "Defend the Outpost" missions (A little base with custom loadouts using @LEA and tons of enemy infantry and armor to kill) for my friends to play on. They say the missions are quite a blast to play (yay).

Now, I want to go a bit more complicated, more triggers, scripts etc. But I don't know if you need knowledge into real computer stuff. I haven't even graduated from High School yet (Currently 15 and doing a year 11 course in Australia). I have a Minecraft server and I know how to code permissions. All of this doesn't mean I can script, because I have to say, it's quite complex.

So, I'm saying, am I able to script (just intermediate stuff, not extremely difficult stuff like you see on MP servers) by spending time reading/watching tutorials, or do I need a Computer Science degree in UNI for me to able to understand all this.


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It's not the most difficult scripting language to use. For most things, just type what you want into Google or Youtube and something should come up as long as you add 'Arma 2 editing' in there somewhere.

I'm by no means a pro scripter however it does not have to be a heavily scripted mission for it to be good. Think of it this way, the more script you have, the more likely it is to go wrong. If you are making custom missions that YOU and your friends will be playing, a lot of the mission objectives can just be completed by a marker on an area, then a quick check to see if OPFOR is present, then a hint coming up to say "objective complete". Then when all the Triggers have been activated the mission ends (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143713-End-Mission-with-Triggers). It's when you start to make missions for public people to play by themselves is when things have to get really detailed.

Best tool I have found: Google and these forums

Best website I have found: http://www.kylania.com/ex/ (as well as obviously this one)

And if you are delving into using your own load-outs made in the Editor: http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_weapons/classlist?utf8=%E2%9C%93&version=62&commit=Change&options (With ACE enabled)

Hope this clears up some issues, from one noob to another :) lol.

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Everything mihikle said, But I am gonna add LEA http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15766 . Makes editing load outs even easier!

Far as scripting and learning it, everything he said plus this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 & http://www.arma2.com/comref/comref.html

Are some good starters to help ya!

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Pretty interesting question, but it's obvious you're able to learn sqf (pretty easily). If you're decently interested in real programming languages you should have no problems learning sqf.

Personally I don't see sqf as any sort of language even. It's only similarities with all the other languages out there are the if-then, while, switch statements. Lots of sqf is simply ingame commands like you mentioned before.


My favorite sqf link of all time I gotta say. :P

It takes up all the similarities with other programming languages and brings you closer to how it works. It's also explaining the difference between sqs and sqf which is unnecessary for you since you should be focusing on sqf.

Just a few tips, start small & don't get over your head. It might sound cool to do all sort of fancy airstrike scripts and such but start small. Do a scripted convoy or something.

Here are a few other helpful links aswell:

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 - NOTE that every script written here is in sqs, which is ArmAs scripting language. Don't copy these scripts. It gives bad results.

http://www.kylania.com/ex/ - Covers some basics, and kylania made some neat scripts.

http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2 - The BIKI, where you have about every relevant ingame command you need. Take a look at it if you want specific thngs.

Also, if you're working on missions and want to add a complex script, see if it's already been written. Unless you want to learn it yourself, writing complex scripts is quite unnecessary if you're making complex missions.

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Wow thanks for the tips guys. I shall visit the links and have a look to see how I can get started.


What you said is very good and helpful. I agree that I should stay simple because I'm not making anything for the public, just for my friends. You also gave me a mission idea :)


So many commands! Haha, I will find out which ones are most commonly used and useful and I'll try implementing some.


A scripted convoy, that sounds fun!

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I learned some scripting stuff over time to make a video. You have a lot of resources here for you to read and also a community that is by and large quite helpful. It's not like you have to try to do this completely alone.

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Hi. This SetDammage False & SetViewDistance 5000, even if it's not in an external script, but a trigger, are still considered to be scripts. So, you've been scripting all along. If you want to take your scripting to the next step, I suggest grabbing Mr. Murray's Editing Guide. Give that a read, and along the way, try out all of the little scripts/commands in there. That's the best way to learn A2s primary syntax (SQF), is to dig into the editor, an write some simple external scripts. Note: Alot of times, the hardest obstacle can be locality if you're scripting for MP/Dedicated server. I recommend starting out scripting for a Single Player environment and getting the hang of that before scripting for MP. That way, things are straight forward. You just worry about proper syntax and making the scripts work. Once they work...they work!! There are no evil locality wizards that show up out of the blue and ruin your good work :cool:. It's a whole new can or worms to script for MP (most of the time).

I consider myself a very good SP scripter but an okay MP scripter. But, I also have absolutely no prior coding experience aside from Arma. Some of the scripting community are total gurus & have experience with other scripting/coding languages. In which SQF comes easily. Alot of the time you have to really use your imagination to make up for lack of coding skills. If a missions good... it's good. No matter who coded/scripted it. Point being, you don't have to be a coding genius to make good missions.

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Hi Iceman, you have some really good tips. However, does the guide also apply for ARMA 2/OA? Because it's for ARMA1.

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Hi Iceman, you have some really good tips. However, does the guide also apply for ARMA 2/OA? Because it's for ARMA1.

Yes it's still very valid. It's what everyone uses still. Aside from the bits of SQS syntax. Which sqs is still acceptable, it's not the standard for Arma anymore. SQF is.

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Ahh alright, I will spend some time looking through that then.

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