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Can I download mods w/out WinZip etc?

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Hi recently I downloaded the Namalsk map but through DayZ Commander plus it included the actual Namalsk Crisis modification including the Singleplayer Campaign etc. This reminded me I wanted to download a few mods so I went to armaholic and remembered some particular mods I'd been looking at a while ago before I had built my PC and had ArmA II.

However, every file is a .pbo I believe but to actually use them I've got to buy WinZip or similar software.

Is there a way I can get mods without purchasing this, because I doubt everyone has paid $30 specifically to be able to use the mods for ArmA II and A2OA.

Alternatively, is there something really simple I've got to do? Such as 'Save' it instead of just 'Open'?

Thanks :)

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Point of confusion here: It sounds as though you are trying to extract the .pbo? This is not necessary. The .pbo gets placed into the appropriate mission folder and that's it.

If not, 7zip as mentioned above is a good choice, or just grab the "trial version of WinZip/WinRAR/whatever - they pretty much all work just fine after the trial period runs out. I've been on my 40-day trial of WinRAR for about ten years now.

I don't think that he tries to unzip the .pbo's, he can just see that they are there (Win Explorer does show the content of a .zip file AFAIR).

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However, every file is a .pbo I believe but to actually use them I've got to buy WinZip or similar software.

Is there a way I can get mods without purchasing this, because I doubt everyone has paid $30 specifically to be able to use the mods for ArmA II and A2OA.

Alternatively, is there something really simple I've got to do? Such as 'Save' it instead of just 'Open'?


Hi, All downloads i have come across are in a zip, or rar format with the pbo files inside. If for example you wanted to download a mod, the mod will be in a mod folder setup -->@mod

and all files contained or included will be compressed using a zip file or an rar file.

All you need to do is extract the files and then move the file contents to your Arma2 directory.

If you come across a file that you download that is already a pbo, and not in a zip, or rar file, then move the pbo to the appropriate folder in the Arma2 directory.

Just to note that it is important that you know what your downloading, be it a addon, a mod, mission, script or tool.

If your ever unsure then like you dd here ask, and we can help you.

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Ok thanks guy's I'll download 7zip but you're saying I don't neccessarily need this software although when I first downloaded a mod I'm sure it said I couldn't open it or something and I'd need something such as WinZip however now I've got it whenever I download one the window pops up and the file evidently hasn't downloaded anyway because it's nowhere to be seen in my folders or anywhere.

Oh and when I'm saying mod they're addons that I'm trying to download (e.g. extra weapons and vehicles)

Unfortunately I'm evidently unexperienced and I'm unsure what the "appropriate folder in the Arma2 directory" even is, I've never downloaded addons/mods/scripts/tools before as I'm new to PC gaming and I never needed to do it before.

Thanks for everyone's help :)

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Well you do need it, most if not all downloads are zipped, or are in an archive (rar).

1. Just download the file

2. extract it with 7zip

3. then create a mod folder if you downloaded an addon.

To create a mod folder,

1. just create a folder and put @ and then whatever name after, like @cars for example

2. then inside that folder create a folder and name it addons (dont misspell it)!

Locate your Arma2 Directory

For example for a disc version, or digital download version of the game, and depending on what operating system you have,

I will use my folder address location as an example:


short and sweet.

but standard for windows xp as I have winxp32bit is

C:\Program Files\Atari\Bohemia Interactive Studios\Arma2

for steam it will be:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma2

Once you have your mod folder in the Arma2 directory then you'll need to setup a shortcut, or use a launcher.

For a shortcut do this:

1. In your Arma2 directory locate your arma2oa.exe right click it and send to desktop (create a shortcut)

2. once you have the shortcut, right click it and go to properties (at bottom)

3. from there go to the target line at top (its an open box) it will have your arm2 directory folder address

4. one space after the arma2oa.exe put -nosplash -mod=@mod (-@mod is whatever you named your mod)

for example for e this is my vanilla startup to launch the vanilla game no mods:

E:\Games\Arma2\arma2oa.exe -nosplash

with mods

E:\Games\Arma2\arma2oa.exe -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@COWarMod

addons add units, vehicles, ect,.

mods are total conversions or added feature to the gameplay itself as well as units

either way the mod folder is always used.

Hope that helps.

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Here is a quick guide I put together for the people in my community that are new to Arma. It shows how to install and set up Arma II launcher and Six Updater. By far the easiest combination for installing and managing arma 2 mods that I have found (each to their own though).

Install Six Updater if not already done so. It looks as if the Six Updater should now find the Arma directory its self check this by looking at the bottom of the window here:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/Aenigma/su-25status-output.png (236 kB)

To install mods through Six updater go to the Mods tab, find the mod you wish to install and right click>Install or Update Mod

Next to launch the game most of us at iOGC use Arma II Launcher. It can be found here:


For Arma II Launcher to work correctly you need to point the game to both your Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA executables, as well as the beta patch exe if you want to run the beta patch (which I recommend). The screen shot below shows you how the Launch Options tab in Arma II Launcher should look.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/Aenigma/armaIIlauncher.png (103 kB)

Notice that Arma 2 exe, OA exe and OA beta are all filled in.

With these paths filled in and the desired mods installed through Six Updater the launcher should then give you a list of available mods:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/Aenigma/Modgroups.png (161 kB)

With your mods separated into different groups it is much easier to chop and change what you are using.

Once set up like this you are pretty much ready to go. Ensure the Arma II Launcher is showing Arma CO in the bottom right corner and then click launch.

If you want to manually install mods download the mod you want and place it in your Arma 2 OA game directory. All mod folders should start with a "@" and inside should have a folder called addons. Here is what my Arma 2 OA directory looks like:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/Aenigma/armafolder.png (105 kB)

I hope this helps.

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