eggbeast 3685 Posted November 30, 2012 WIP report We've been developing a little config patch that adds HE and AP ammo to theM249, M240, M2 and M107/AS50. It also adds a searchlight to the static M2/GPMGs (can't get this to move properly atm) Picking up on JWC's flashlight weapon mod, we've also added red flashlights to stock SD weapons and white ones to stock ironsight weapons (all using stock script). it's great - the enemy chase you around with them! Also adding smoke and flares and BD_chem grenades to the Ka60 and Mk19, and a searchlight to every vehicle turret (including the helicopter doorguns hopefully). I've contacted BD and if he agrees we'll put a S10 respirator into his gas nade script - already tested privately. the dingo works with 48 round gas nades - will develop an incapacitating agent to go with this there's also hollowpoint ammo for the SD weapons, and tweaks to the ammo count for MG's (100rnd = 2 slots, 200 rounds = 3 slots and for larger MG's 600 rounds = 6 slots) we've also been playing with thermal scanners (like thermal non-zoom binocs which you can walk around using) more soon - will release work to date (with permissions in place) imminently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted December 11, 2012 (edited) have just completed also a jerry can mod - that enables you to carry fuel in your pack (as in dayZ - I borrowed the idea from the way rocket made the cursortarget code work - very innovative) you can take fuel from fuel-carrying vehicles and fuels stations (a la evolution vehicle refueling) and the gas tanks (a la dayZ) and refuel vehicles (a la dayZ) or siphon fuel from vehicles (my invention) the models are stock, but I made some new icons and scripts/ action icons and i'm waiting on pickle to make a new fill/empty sound (don't want to take from dayZ without permission) it seems to work great. am also working on tankbuster's IED disruptor with him (as he's become a GIT) - made a basic test IED detector and a mission to demo the tech. works incredibly well so far. will develop with him and build all of this into evolution mission Edited December 12, 2012 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted December 12, 2012 EB_pack mod released in alpha here mod and test mission included this mod includes the following features EB_GL ######################################### GITS server weapons modifications ######################################### EB_GL Grenadelauncher mod which enables all grenadiers to carry customised ammo pouches - essentially 5 grenades in each clip, but with a reload required after each round is fired, for convenience this is done automatically without having to manually select reload. CREDITS GITS Blazes Boylan wrote this mod and Eggbeast developed it ######################################### Grenade launcher mod we have now added in the following ammo for all UGL and GL weapons M203 UGL, L17 BAF UGL, SCAR EGLM, M79 and Mk13 GL's Stock ammo "1Rnd_HE_M203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" New ammo "5Rnd_HE_M203","5Rnd_HEDP_M203","5Rnd_FlareWhite_M203","5Rnd_FlareGreen_M203","5Rnd_FlareRed_M203","5Rnd_FlareYellow_M203","5Rnd_Smoke_M203","5Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","5Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","5Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" Mk32 rotary GL Stock ammo "6Rnd_HE_M203","6Rnd_FlareWhite_M203","6Rnd_FlareGreen_M203","6Rnd_FlareRed_M203","6Rnd_FlareYellow_M203","6Rnd_Smoke_M203","6Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","6Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","6Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" New ammo (pistol slot - increases capacity) "5Rnd_HE_M203","5Rnd_HEDP_M203","5Rnd_FlareWhite_M203","5Rnd_FlareGreen_M203","5Rnd_FlareRed_M203","5Rnd_FlareYellow_M203","5Rnd_Smoke_M203","5Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","5Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","5Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" GP25 UGL Stock ammo "1Rnd_HE_GP25","FlareWhite_GP25","FlareGreen_GP25","FlareRed_GP25","FlareYellow_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25" New ammo "5Rnd_HE_GP25","5Rnd_FlareWhite_GP25","5Rnd_FlareGreen_GP25","5Rnd_FlareRed_GP25","5Rnd_FlareYellow_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKE_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25" ##################################### new vehicles added GITS_Grenades_crate Ammobox contains sample of weapons and ammo for testing EB_weapons ######################################### GITS server clientside weapons modifications ######################################### CREDITS Xeno426 "TGW_Thermal" mod showed the way to add thermal andNVG to other weapons. We then adapted this concept for our own use across a range of weapons JW Custom "jwc_weapon_flashlight.pbo" mod - once JWC posted his mod we realised we could add flashlights to our weapons - after failingfor ages to add lasers (which require new model tags) thanks mate! ######################################### Replacement weapons and new ammo/items "GITS_Ammo_crate" - contains all modded weapons/ammo/items for easy trial ######################################### changes to weapons optics now has normal, NVG and thermal scope Binocular_Vector AKS_74_GOSHAWK SVD_NSPU_EP1 AKS_74_NSPU FN_FAL_ANPVS4 SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_TWS SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS M107_TWS_EP1 now has thermal and normal scope modes MetisLauncher m8_tws m8_tws_sd M110_TWS_EP1 BAF_AS50_TWS M249_TWS_EP1 now has normal and NVG scope SVD_CAMO ksvk VSS_vintorez MAAWS SMAW M40A3 M240_scoped_EP1 ######################################### Added flashlights to many weapons, red ones to SD weapons - which enemy AI also use at night: M9 M9SD Colt1911 revolver_EP1 m8_compact MP5SD MP5A5 M1014 M4A1 M4A1_Aim M4A1_Aim_camo M4A1_AIM_SD_camo M16A2 m16a4 M4A3_CCO_EP1 M14_EP1 G36C G36a Makarov MakarovSD UZI_EP1 UZI_SD_EP1 Sa61_EP1 bizon bizon_silenced Saiga12K FN_FAL AK_47_M AK_47_S AK_74 AKS_74_U AKS_74_kobra AKS_74_UN_kobra AK_107_kobra ######################################### Ammo improvements - replaces stock magazines M_Javelin_AT can lock onto laser designator damage increased with a 25m splash radius hit = 800; indirectHit = 100; indirectHitRange = 25; M136 increased carrying capacity - rockets take up only 2 slots M47 Dragon increased carrying capacity - rockets only take up 4 slots Javelin style lock (3s locktime) normal,thermal and NVG optics more splash damage (10m radius) Mine increased radius of damage to 3m and indirect damage from 50 to 1100 hit = 1200; indirectHit = 1100; indirectHitRange = 3; MineE Renamed Thermobaric Mine increased radius significantly (from 2m to 20m) and splash damage from 20 to 500 hit = 1600; indirectHit = 500; indirectHitRange = 20; //bullet upgrades - replaces bullets in stock magazines MP5SD ammo B_9x19_SDSF occupies pistol slot increased damage from 5 to 12 G36SD ammo B_556x45_SD increased damage from 7 to 12 80 round drum M9SD ammo B_9x19_SD increased damage from 5 to 10 AKSD B_545x39_SD increased damage from 7 to 10 makarov SD ammo B_9x18_SD increased damage from 5 to 12 M24/M40a3 ammo B_762x51_noTracer improved bullet damage from 12 to 18 Bizon B_9x18_Ball increased damage from 6 to 9 Bizon_SD B_9x18_SD increased damage from 6 to 12 ##################################### New ammo additions M107 series (including AS50) added new ammo for it "EB_10Rnd_127x99_m107_HE" "EB_10Rnd_127x99_m107_AP" Added new ammo for all MG's - M2, M240, Mk43 (M60), Mk48 and M249/SAW: HEI and AP variants 100 roundboxes occupy 2 ammo slots 200 round boxes occupy 3 ammo slots 600 round ammo boxes occupy 6 ammo slots (M240/Mk43/M60 only) SAWs now occupy only primary weapon slot SAW ammo (for all STANAG SAW class weapons) "EB_200Rnd_556x45_M249_I" "EB_200Rnd_556x45_M249_AP" New ammo for all GPMG class personal weapons (M60/Mk43, Mk48, M240, BAF GPMG) "EB_200Rnd_762x51_M240" "EB_200Rnd_762x51_M240_I" "EB_200Rnd_762x51_M240_AP" New ammo for all GPMG class less portable weapons (M60/Mk43, M240, BAF GPMG) EB_600Rnd_762x51_M240 ##################################### MG Turret improvements Searchlight (facing forward of tripod) added to all MG turrets (press L to activate) 250/500/1000 round boxes for M2 .50cal turrets 250/500 round boxes for GPMG/M240 turrets Added breakdown to backpack function for Arma2 MG turrets Magazines "100Rnd_127x99_M2" "250Rnd_127x99_M3P" New Magazines "EB_250Rnd_127x99_M2" "EB_500Rnd_127x99_M2" "EB_1000Rnd_127x99_M2" "EB_250Rnd_127x99_M2HE" "EB_500Rnd_127x99_M2HE" "EB_1000Rnd_127x99_M2HE" "EB_250Rnd_127x99_M2AP" "EB_500Rnd_127x99_M2AP" "EB_1000Rnd_127x99_M2AP" ##################################### new items added - work in progress EB_TIGoggles Thermal imaging goggles EB_TIscanner thermal scanner for close range night ops EB_resources ######################################### GITS server modifications ######################################### EB_resources Allows you to refuel empty or depleted fuel vehicles, siphon fuel from empty vehicles, and refill fuelcans and carry them around/ store them in vehicles Test mission included has scripts and sounds and init values required for the mod to function. CREDITS Rocket - for the inspiration and ideas in the execution of his cursortarget based action menu, and for the refueling of vehicles by hand in the DayZ mod We redeveloped this approach for vanilla arma2, but credit for the original concept design and some of the code layout concepts belong to Rocket. ##################################### new items added //Magazines 2 types of gas can take up 3 ammo slots each EB_ItemFuelcanE Empty gas can EB_ItemFuelcan Full gascan containing 20L of fuel //Weapons Toolbelt item EB_ItemSiphon When you have this item you can siphon gas from a car/truck //vehicles GITS_Fuel_dump This is an ammo box containing empty and full fuel cans and 5 siphons. It looks like a normal model (4x blue fuel barrels) but acts like an ammo crate. Additionally the model mission places randomly fuel cans into cars and trucks listed in your mission.sqm have privately ported BD's gas grenades into Ka60 and dingo, Mk19 and jackal with working S10 gas mask feature - just trying to reach him to be able to release it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted December 20, 2012 ok gas mod released (with BD KS permission) - all in this mod this mod features the weapons/refueling listed above plus: commando knife function for spy - needs building into your mission and BD_gas weapons with readme as follows ######################################### GITS server weapons modifications ######################################### EB_GL_BDgas This is a REPLACEMENT for EB_GL (released with BD_KS kind agreement). Remove EB_GL and replace it with this in your @EB_pack mod. Grenadelauncher mod which enables all grenadiers to carry customised ammo pouches - essentially 5 grenades in each clip, but with a reload required after each round is fired, for convenience this is done automatically without having to manually select reload. Additionally incorporated BD_40mm mod buckshot and gas grenade rounds (1 and 5 round variants for M203/GP25 and added 6 round variant for Mk32 rotary GL). Added S10 respirator to protect player grom gas effects. Piloting gas munitions on helicopters (Ka60) and vehicles (Dingo) CREDITS EB_GL: GITS Blazes Boylan wrote this mod and Eggbeast developed it with 5 round grenade pouches for all UGLs "BD_40mm" mod by Big Dawg KS This mod was conflicting with our own 5 round EB_GL mod so we have incorporated both together here. BD_40mm mod is superb and full credit goes to BD for all his hard work on it. DEVELOPMENTS We are working on S10 Gas mask - trial version included here Vehicle-mounted gas grenades for ACR Dingo, PMC Ka60, static BAF GMG and Mk19 AGS - trial version included here An incapacitating agent based on BD's gas grenade concept ######################################### Grenade launcher mod we have now added in the following ammo for all UGL and GL weapons M203 UGL, L17 BAF UGL, SCAR EGLM, M79 and Mk13 GL's Stock ammo "1Rnd_HE_M203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" New ammo "5Rnd_HE_M203","5Rnd_HEDP_M203","5Rnd_FlareWhite_M203","5Rnd_FlareGreen_M203","5Rnd_FlareRed_M203","5Rnd_FlareYellow_M203","5Rnd_Smoke_M203","5Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","5Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","5Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" New Gas and Buckshot magazines "BD_1Rnd_Buckshot_M203 "5Rnd_Buckshot_M203" "BD_1Rnd_Chem_M203" "5Rnd_Chem_M203" Mk32 rotary GL Stock ammo "6Rnd_HE_M203","6Rnd_FlareWhite_M203","6Rnd_FlareGreen_M203","6Rnd_FlareRed_M203","6Rnd_FlareYellow_M203","6Rnd_Smoke_M203","6Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","6Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","6Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203","1Rnd_HE_M203","FlareWhite_M203","FlareGreen_M203","FlareRed_M203","FlareYellow_M203","1Rnd_Smoke_M203","1Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" New ammo (pistol slot - increases capacity) "5Rnd_HE_M203","5Rnd_HEDP_M203","5Rnd_FlareWhite_M203","5Rnd_FlareGreen_M203","5Rnd_FlareRed_M203","5Rnd_FlareYellow_M203","5Rnd_Smoke_M203","5Rnd_SmokeRed_M203","5Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203","5Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203" New Gas and Buckshot magazines "BD_6Rnd_Buckshot_M203" "BD_1Rnd_Buckshot_M203" "5Rnd_Buckshot_M203" "BD_6Rnd_Chem_M203" "BD_1Rnd_Chem_M203" "5Rnd_Chem_M203" GP25 UGL (on AK weapon range) Stock ammo "1Rnd_HE_GP25","FlareWhite_GP25","FlareGreen_GP25","FlareRed_GP25","FlareYellow_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25","1Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25" New ammo "5Rnd_HE_GP25","5Rnd_FlareWhite_GP25","5Rnd_FlareGreen_GP25","5Rnd_FlareRed_GP25","5Rnd_FlareYellow_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKE_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKERED_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKEGREEN_GP25","5Rnd_SMOKEYELLOW_GP25" New Gas and Buckshot magazines "1Rnd_Buckshot_GP25" "5Rnd_Buckshot_GP25" "1Rnd_Chem_GP25" "5Rnd_Chem_GP25" ##################################### new weapons added EB_S10 respirator for use with gas grenades - doesn't yet have a model but works in scripts! ##################################### new sounds added The mod has these sounds built into the pbo - they are played by gas-affected players/AI - you DO NOT need to put them into your mission - just provided here for reference sounds[] = {choke01,choke02,choke03,choke04,choke05,choke06,choke07,choke08,dry_heave,dry_heave3,dry_heave4,puke_1,puke_2,puke_splash}; class choke01 { name = "choke01"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke01.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class choke02 { name = "choke02"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke02.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class choke03 { name = "choke03"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke03.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class choke04 { name = "choke04"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke04.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class choke05 { name = "choke05"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke05.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class choke06 { name = "choke06"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke06.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class choke07 { name = "choke07"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke07.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class choke08 { name = "choke08"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\choke08.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class dry_heave { name = "dry_heave"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\dry_heave.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class dry_heave3 { name = "dry_heave3"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\dry_heave3.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class dry_heave4 { name = "dry_heave4"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\dry_heave4.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class puke_1 { name = "puke_1"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\puke_1.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class puke_2 { name = "puke_2"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\puke_2.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class puke_splash { name = "puke_splash"; sound[] = {"Sound\gas_sound\puke_splash.ogg", db - 2, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; ##################################### new vehicles added GITS_Gas_crate Ammobox contains sample of weapons and ammo for testing Test mission included To add the magazines to your chosen GL based vehicle unit you can use this system: NB: the M240 ammo is from EB_weapons mod examples from the mission.sqm class Item41 { position[]={3646.7935,6.002491,2234.823}; azimut=5; id=46; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="BTR90"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addMagazineTurret [""EB_400Rnd_30mm_Chem_AGS17"",[0]];"; }; class Item42 { position[]={3633.0173,6.2510157,2241.5569}; azimut=5; id=47; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Dingo_GL_DST_ACR"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addMagazineTurret [""EB_48Rnd_40mm_Chem_MK19"",[0]]"; }; class Item43 { position[]={3636.5698,6.0520768,2238.4001}; azimut=5; id=48; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="BAF_Jackal2_GMG_W"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addMagazineTurret [""EB_48Rnd_40mm_Chem_MK19"",[1]];this addMagazineTurret [""EB_600Rnd_762x51_M240"",[0]];this addMagazineTurret [""EB_200Rnd_762x51_M240_I"",[0]];;this addMagazineTurret [""EB_200Rnd_762x51_M240_AP"",[0]];"; }; class Item44 { position[]={3642.0979,6,2237.709}; azimut=5; id=49; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Dingo_GL_Wdl_ACR"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addMagazineTurret [""EB_48Rnd_40mm_Chem_MK19"",[0]]"; }; class Item46 { position[]={3613.2358,6.2217202,2152.1208}; azimut=5; id=51; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Ka60_GL_PMC"; skill=0.60000002; init="this addMagazineTurret [""EB_48Rnd_40mm_Chem_MK19_heli"",[0]];this addMagazineTurret [""EB_48Rnd_40mm_MK19_heli"",[0]];"; }; in the editor just click the init line box of your vehicle and put in (note the single quotes here) for BTR90 this addMagazineTurret ["EB_400Rnd_30mm_Chem_AGS17",[0]]; or for Dingo this addMagazineTurret ["EB_48Rnd_40mm_Chem_MK19",[0]] or for KA60_GL_PMC chopper this addMagazineTurret ["EB_48Rnd_40mm_Chem_MK19_heli",[0]];this addMagazineTurret ["EB_48Rnd_40mm_MK19_heli",[0]]; good luck! ##################################### BUGS Currently the gas does NOT work in MP on AI - this we are fixing - it's a locality issue It works fine if you host a server and play on it. ---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ---------- we need a model for the S 10 respirator now - any budding modelers out there keen? 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eggbeast 3685 Posted December 22, 2012 (edited) added EB_backpacks derived the idea from hcpookie's excellent A2backpacks mod and used in our Evolution missions with a range of scripts provided by the community which we have modified to suit the mission below ######################################### GITS server modifications ######################################### EB_backpacks Upgrades all soldiers (including Arma 2, OA and DLC units) All units (except medics/light units) can: carry backpacks All Engineers, Demolition Specialists and Saboteurs can: deactivate mines repair vehicles carry backpacks CREDITS HCpookie - for the inspiration and ideas We redeveloped this approach with a new format of backpacks - graded sizes that can be allowed for each rank (from 12 to 24 increasing in increments of 2 slots) - and extended it to include the OA engineer function for A2 units and the DLC units in OA (stock engineers cannot carry backpacks) ##################################### Usage In our Evolution missions - see backpacks.sqf for how to incorporate ranked backpacks selectable from a backpackheap ##################################### Backpack list original backpack types USBasicBag ? US_Assault_Pack_EP1 8 US_Patrol_Pack_EP1 8 US_Backpack_AmmoMG_EP1 ? US_Backpack_EP1 12 US_Backpack_Specops_EP1 12 BAF_AssaultPack_FAC 13 BAF_AssaultPack_special 13 DE_Backpack_Specops_EP1 14 CZ_VestPouch_EP1 6 CZ_Backpack_EP1 14 TK_Assault_Pack_EP1 8 TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1 12 PRACS_M_MED_BP 4 PRACS_M_RTO_BP 6 PRACS_RTO_BP 6 PRACS_F_CBK_BP 6 PRACS_F_RTO_BP 6 PRACS_CSAR_CBK_BP 6 PRACS_M_BP 14 PRACS_M_ENG_BP 20 PRACS_MED_BP 20 PRACS_ENG_BP 20 PRACS_F_MED_BP 20 PRACS_R_ENG_BP 20 PRACS_SNG_BP 20 new EB_backpacks backpack types Dec 2012 US_Assault_Pack_EP1 8 US_Assault_Pack_Ammo_EP1 10 US_Assault_Pack_AmmoSAW_EP1 12 US_Assault_Pack_AT_EP1 12 US_Assault_Pack_Explosives_EP1 12 US_Patrol_Pack_EP1 14 US_Patrol_Pack_Ammo_EP1 16 US_Patrol_Pack_Specops_EP1 18 US_Backpack_EP1 18 1 US_Backpack_AmmoMG_EP1 20 1 US_Backpack_AT_EP1 22 1 US_Backpack_Specops_EP1 24 1 DE_Backpack_Specops_EP1 24 2 TK_Assault_Pack_EP1 8 TKA_Assault_Pack_Ammo_EP1 10 TK_Assault_Pack_RPK_EP1 12 TK_RPG_Backpack_EP1 14 TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1 16 1 TK_ALICE_Pack_Explosives_EP1 18 1 TK_ALICE_Pack_AmmoMG_EP1 20 1 TKA_ALICE_Pack_Ammo_EP1 22 1 TKG_ALICE_Pack_AmmoAK47_EP1 24 1 BAF_AssaultPack_RifleAmmo 10 1 BAF_AssaultPack_ARAmmo 12 1 BAF_AssaultPack_MGAmmo 14 1 BAF_AssaultPack_ATAmmo 16 1 BAF_AssaultPack_HATAmmo 18 1 BAF_AssaultPack_HAAAmmo 20 1 BAF_AssaultPack_LRRAmmo 22 1 BAF_AssaultPack_FAC 24 1 BAF_AssaultPack_Special 24 2 CZ_VestPouch_EP1 8 CZ_VestPouch_Sa58_EP1 10 CZ_VestPouch_M4_EP1 12 CZ_Assault_Pack_ACR 14 CZ_Assault_Pack_Explosives_ACR 16 CZ_Assault_Pack_MG_ACR 18 CZ_Backpack_RPG_ACR 18 1 CZ_Backpack_EP1 20 1 CZ_Backpack_Ammo_EP1 22 1 CZ_Backpack_AmmoMG_EP1 24 1 CZ_Backpack_Specops_EP1 24 2 NB: second number is transportmaxweapons EGG_EVO_packtypesUS = ["US_Assault_Pack_Explosives_EP1","US_Patrol_Pack_EP1","US_Patrol_Pack_Ammo_EP1","US_Backpack_EP1","US_Backpack_AmmoMG_EP1","US_Backpack_AT_EP1","DE_Backpack_Specops_EP1"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesTK = ["TK_Assault_Pack_RPK_EP1","TK_RPG_Backpack_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_Explosives_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_AmmoMG_EP1","TKA_ALICE_Pack_Ammo_EP1","TKG_ALICE_Pack_AmmoAK47_EP1"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesBAF = ["BAF_AssaultPack_ARAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_MGAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_ATAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_HATAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_HAAAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_LRRAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_Special"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesCZ = ["CZ_VestPouch_M4_EP1","CZ_Assault_Pack_ACR","CZ_Assault_Pack_Explosives_ACR","CZ_Assault_Pack_MG_ACR","CZ_Backpack_EP1","CZ_Backpack_Ammo_EP1","CZ_Backpack_Specops_EP1"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesRACS = ["PRACS_F_RTO_BP","US_Assault_Pack_Ammo_EP1","PRACS_M_BP","TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_Explosives_EP1","PRACS_R_ENG_BP","DE_Backpack_Specops_EP1"]; */ we us this with the following code: in mission.sqm //vehicles class Item151 { position[]={5705.7681,7,9781.0039}; azimut=210; id=209; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Misc_Backpackheap_EP1"; skill=0.60000002; text="Backpacks"; init="this allowDamage false"; }; //sensors class Item34 { position[]={7367.2036,6.9900022,-202.3208}; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; text="LoadoutRecorder"; expCond="animationState player == ""amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_gear"" or animationState player == ""amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_gear"""; expActiv="hint""Weapons Saved"";"; expDesactiv="loadrec=[] execVM ""data\scripts\loadoutrecorder.sqf"""; class Effects { }; }; class Item60 { position[]={7158.0337,6.9900022,-566.87988}; a=0; b=0; repeating=1; age="UNKNOWN"; text="Backpack Action"; expCond="Player distance Backpacks < 2 "; expActiv="Backpackmenu = Player addAction [(""<t color='#FF4040'>"" + ""Open Backpack Menu"" + ""</t>""),""data\scripts\BPmenu.sqf""];"; expDesactiv="Player removeAction Backpackmenu;Player removeAction packID0; Player removeAction packID1; Player removeAction packID2; Player removeAction packID3; Player removeAction packID4; Player removeAction packID5; Player removeAction packID6; Player removeAction packID7; Player removeAction packID8; player removeAction packID9; player removeAction packID10; player removeAction packID11; player removeAction packID12; player removeAction packID13; player removeAction packID14; player removeAction packID15; player removeAction packID16; player removeAction packID17; player removeAction packID18; player removeAction packID19; player removeAction packID20; player removeAction packID21"; class Effects { }; }; init.sqf //types of pack for each rank called in backpacks.sqf - makes use of EB_characters which resizes bags from 12 to 24 in 2 slot increments EGG_EVO_packtypesUS = ["US_Assault_Pack_Explosives_EP1","US_Patrol_Pack_EP1","US_Patrol_Pack_Ammo_EP1","US_Backpack_EP1","US_Backpack_AmmoMG_EP1","US_Backpack_AT_EP1","DE_Backpack_Specops_EP1"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesTK = ["TK_Assault_Pack_RPK_EP1","TK_RPG_Backpack_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_Explosives_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_AmmoMG_EP1","TKA_ALICE_Pack_Ammo_EP1","TKG_ALICE_Pack_AmmoAK47_EP1"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesBAF = ["BAF_AssaultPack_ARAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_MGAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_ATAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_HATAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_HAAAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_LRRAmmo","BAF_AssaultPack_Special"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesCZ = ["CZ_VestPouch_M4_EP1","CZ_Assault_Pack_ACR","CZ_Assault_Pack_Explosives_ACR","CZ_Assault_Pack_MG_ACR","CZ_Backpack_EP1","CZ_Backpack_Ammo_EP1","CZ_Backpack_Specops_EP1"]; EGG_EVO_packtypesRACS = ["PRACS_F_RTO_BP","US_Assault_Pack_Ammo_EP1","PRACS_M_BP","TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1","TK_ALICE_Pack_Explosives_EP1","PRACS_R_ENG_BP","DE_Backpack_Specops_EP1"]; //set this depending on your playertypes EGG_EVO_packtypes = EGG_EVO_packtypesBAF; data/scripts/bpmenu.sqf //packID0 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "Close Backpack Menu" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",0]; packID1 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "Empty Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",1]; packID2 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "5.56 CQC Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",2]; packID3 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "7.62 CQC Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",3]; packID4 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "Grenadier Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",4]; packID5 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "Stealth MP5 pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",5]; packID6 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "ENG Satchels" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",6]; packID7 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "ENG Mines" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",7]; packID8 = player addAction [("<t color='#FF7F00'>" + "AT M136" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",8]; packID9 = player addAction [("<t color='#FF7F00'>" + "AT SMAW" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",9]; packID10 = player addAction [("<t color='#FF7F00'>" + "AT MAAWS" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",10]; packID11 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "AT NLAW" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",11]; packID12 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "AT Javelin" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",12]; packID13 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "AT Dragon" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",13]; packID14 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "Marksman DMR Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",14]; packID15 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "Sniper M24 Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",15]; packID16 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "Marksman M110 Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",16]; packID17 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "Sniper LRR Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",17]; packID18 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "AA Stinger Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",18]; packID19 = player addAction [("<t color='#4169e1'>" + "Sniper M107/AS50 Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",19]; packID20 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "MG M240 Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",20]; packID21 = player addAction [("<t color='#FFB90F'>" + "MG SAW Pack" + "</t>"),"data\scripts\backpacks.sqf",21]; Player removeAction Backpackmenu; data/scripts/backpacks.sqf _packtype = ""; removeBackpack player; _rucktype = _this select 3; switch (rank player) do { //relies on init EGG_EVO_packtypes is set depending on playertype case "PRIVATE": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 0; }; case "CORPORAL": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 1; }; case "SERGEANT": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 2; }; case "LIEUTENANT": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 3; }; case "CAPTAIN": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 4; }; case "MAJOR": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 5; }; case "COLONEL": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 6; }; case "default": { _packtype = EGG_EVO_packtypes select 0; }; }; player addBackpack _packtype; switch (_rucktype) do { case 0: { player removeAction closepackmenu; Player removeAction packID0; Player removeAction packID1; Player removeAction packID2; Player removeAction packID3; Player removeAction packID4; Player removeAction packID5; Player removeAction packID6; Player removeAction packID7; Player removeAction packID8; player removeAction packID9; player removeAction packID10; player removeAction packID11; player removeAction packID12; player removeAction packID13; player removeAction packID14; player removeAction packID15; player removeAction packID16; player removeAction packID17; player removeAction packID18; player removeAction packID19; player removeAction packID20; player removeAction packID21; }; case 1: //empty medic pack { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",1]; }; case 2: //mg36 mixed { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["mine",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["M136",1]; }; case 3: //Mk17 CQC { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR",4]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",4]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["M136",1]; }; case 4: //grenadier { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["M136",1]; if (gitsnades == 1) then {_mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_HE_M203",6]} else { _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["1Rnd_HE_M203",6]}; }; case 5: //Stealth MP5 { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD",5]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",3]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["M136",1]; }; case 6: //eng satchel { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",3]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["mine",1]; }; case 7: //eng mines { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["mine",3]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 8: //AT m136 { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["M136",3]; }; case 9: //AT smaw { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["SMAW_HEAA",3]; }; case 10: //AT MAAWS { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["MAAWS_HEAT",2]; }; case 11: //AT NLAW { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["NLAW",3]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 12: //AT Jav { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["JAVELIN",2]; }; case 13: //AT Dragon { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Dragon_EP1",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 14: //sniper DMR { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR",6]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["mine",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 15: //sniper M24 { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_762x51_M24",8]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 16: //sniper M110 { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR",8]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 17: //Sniper LRR { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",8]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 18: //AA { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Stinger",2]; }; case 19: //Sniper M107-AS50 { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["10Rnd_127x99_m107",8]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",2]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 20: //MG M240 { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x51_M240",3]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; case 21: //MG SAW { _mypack = unitBackpack player; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _mypack; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _mypack; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["200Rnd_556x45_M249",3]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",1]; _mypack addMagazineCargoGlobal ["pipebomb",1]; }; }; execVM "data\scripts\loadoutrecorder.sqf"; hint "Weapons Saved"; loadoutrecorder.sqf BIS_EVO_pallammo = magazines player; BIS_EVO_pweapons = weapons player; rucksack=""; if (!isNull (unitBackpack player)) then { rucksack = typeof (unitbackpack player); ruckmags = getMagazineCargo (unitBackpack player); ruckweap = getWeaponCargo (unitBackpack player); }; data/scripts/spawn.sqf (called on player at death) if (not (local player)) exitwith {}; _player = player; removeAllWeapons _player; {player addmagazine _x} forEach BIS_EVO_pallammo; {player addweapon _x} forEach BIS_EVO_pweapons; //backpacks if (rucksack != "") then { removeBackpack player; player addBackpack rucksack; clearMagazineCargoGlobal unitBackpack player; clearWeaponCargoGlobal unitBackpack player; for "_i" from 0 to count (ruckmags select 0) - 1 do { (unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargoGlobal [(ruckmags select 0) select _i, (ruckmags select 1) select _i]; }; for "_i" from 0 to count (ruckweap select 0) - 1 do { (unitBackpack player) addWeaponCargoGlobal [(ruckweap select 0) select _i, (ruckweap select 1) select _i]; }; }; // Grenade launcher Fix _primary = primaryWeapon player; if (_primary != "") then { player selectWeapon _primary; _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primary >> "muzzles"); player selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); }; this code basically manages backpacks addable to player with rocket or large MG/sniper (so long as you don't pick up a weapon after you have taken the backpack) backpacks guide is here Edited December 24, 2012 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted December 23, 2012 gas works on AI - took out the check for locality on affected AI the puking sounds are great thinking of using this animation for the AI when puking (thanks Tankbuster!) Y9B04VlE1JQ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted December 24, 2012 here are some pics of the items in this mod EB_S10 gas mask (model volunteer needed!) 5rnd gas grenades M203 (thanks BD) 5rnd 40mm buckshot grenades (thanks BD) 5rnd M203 HE grenades (think of it as a bandolier not a mag) 600rnd 6-slot M240 ammo box AP ammo for M107 LWS_laserbatteries (pistol slot ammo) Thermal scanner x1 close tactical thermal support for night ops HE ammo for M249 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted December 24, 2012 (edited) Siphon item for gascan filling from vehicles full gas can (3 ammo slots) empty gas can (fill from tanks, fuelstations, fuel trucks, barrels etc or siphon from vehicles) works like this (only now text in orange) Fairbairn Sykes commando fighting knife (modeler required) for close quarter silent killing works like this (now the name of unit appears next to "kill") PRACS_Air_mod_no_GLT (requires PRACS) A10 bomber variant loadout with PRACS weapons A10 AGM variant loadout with PRACS weapons SEAD F16 variant A4 CAP variant A4 multirole and CAS F16 CAP - beautiful Etendard bombers Etendard multiroles Etendard CAP Etendard AGM Mirage AGM and CAP Mirage bomber Mirage CAS/ MR strike Edited December 29, 2012 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted January 8, 2013 (edited) added a hand thrown gas nade also added animations for the guys choking to death and vomiting (using stock content) also added a throwable option on the knife - you get 2 points for a thrown knife (up to 10m) and 4 points for a stealth kill (less than 2m away). If you throw the knife you have to get it from his body still needing a modeler to see this mod working, get thePRACS fallujah updated mission (8 jan 2013) and run it with @blazes_weapons mod on (and GITS mod enabled in parameters at start of mission) Edited January 8, 2013 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Graz 1 Posted January 8, 2013 Wow eggbeast, just wow. I was kicking around the idea of making a tear gas & searchlight mod and instead I find everything here and more Quick questions: Can this be used without ACE and/or PRACS? How does the gas work roughl?. Do units keel over randomly or for the duration the are gassed? Do they take damage or just die after being in it too long? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted January 8, 2013 hi Graz bear in mind Big Dawg made the gas - I've just developed it into different deployable forms and added sound/anims. the gas and searchlights are fairly self contained - you don't need in-mission scripts (unlike the knife/refueling, which are in actions/EB_resources_scripts folder of mission pbo - the most up to date being in the fallujah mission) on the searchlights - I'm going to develop a function that adds a searchlight as a turret to the MG/ chopper door gun as the current version is ok for a static defence position (aims forward with turret) but not great. any basic human technology level would be able to twist the searchlight to point in the direction of the gun right? ACE doesn't come into it - we never use it. to try it out you can pop into our server with PRACS /fallujah/@blazes_weapons and CBA on. filter for GITS ---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ---------- Do units keel over randomly or for the duration the are gassed? Do they take damage or just die after being in it too long? the units take damage based on an intensity factor (nearness to centre of cloud) and taking into account decay over time and distance, it also factors in resistance for people in vehicles/wearing gas masks but this is only fully implemented for tanks and gas mask wearers (normally players, but you could equip your units with the init line "this addweapon "EB_S10"). the gas has been tried out in Mk19's, GMG's, AGS17s, and all handheld GL weapons as well as the KA60 chopper and it works well except for the scoring system - still has locality issues - works on your own server but not on client connecting JIP the anims and sounds are randomised and work ok there is also a contamination factor so someone covered in gas can affect other people nearby to them the visual fx (BD author) look like this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted January 8, 2013 ok here's the gas vid on youtube Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 53 Posted January 9, 2013 eggbeast, this is great work. Is the download link in post #3 the most up-to-date? You should put this in the editing & scripting forum, don't know how much traffic you'll get in the configs & scripting... I watched the video and actually had a good laugh :D Is the gas killing them, or is it tear gas? At one point, I thought I heard shooting. Was this just disabling them, and you had someone else picking them off? Again, great work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sweguy96 10 Posted January 9, 2013 One thing that I think would be coll was if there was some type of gas bombs/rockets that could be equipped to a plane or an artillery platform. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghostnineone 10 Posted January 9, 2013 I cant load the AP and HE rounds for the saws or 50 cals, they go into my inventory but cant be loaded into the weapon. the 600 rd one works though...I tried with both the weapons in the crate, ace weapons, and vanilla weapons. is this some kinda ace incompatibility? also how do you script the knife? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted January 9, 2013 yeah it probably wont work with ACE - as it configs the MG's and i guess you're using ACE weapons not stock ones? the mod is in development so not too bothered about traffic atm - lots of configging to do to get it all finished the gas kills them - we are considering an incapacitating agent for hostage rescue missions (and poss a molotov) the knife works from a set of scripts in the mission - should be described in the readme and above in this thread check out this road test for the spy class using theknife, gas and hollowpoint SD ammo to support a recon insertion in Fallujah last night shows how the whole thing comes together - note the enemy using flashlights towards the end as the sun goes down ---------- Post added at 09:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ---------- One thing that I think would be coll was if there was some type of gas bombs/rockets that could be equipped to a plane or an artillery platform. we can make these easy enough - will add to the tasklist Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghostnineone 10 Posted January 9, 2013 I tried using your weapons crate, and non ace weapon crates and it didn't work with any of them. It seems strange that some of the ammo works but not others. I know there are other addons that arent set up to work with ace that dont cause any ammo issues. I also didn't notice any hollow point rounds or new grenades either. Most of the other features seem to be working fine like the new flashlights (makes CQC intense) and thermals (really nice to have all the vision modes with the thermal scopes) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted January 9, 2013 (edited) we have config patched the MG weapons so any other mods which modify these weapons may overwrite our mod. make our EB_weapons mod the last one loaded and this may fix the problem. The M9SD, Makarov SD, BizonSD, MP5SD and G36SD is automatically hollowpoint (as a replacement). Again if the MP5SD hollowpoint or G36SD hollowpoint ammo does not show up in crate then you have an interfering mod - try just using our mod alone to test that works and then see which mod interferes. We never use ACE so I can't support it sorry. Happy for someone else to fix it and post in here. yeah the flashlights are great aren't they? the AI using them was an unforseen consequence, but it's the best thing about it! Edited January 9, 2013 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted January 9, 2013 (edited) here's the HEI ammo in action against a huey and a few troops at 1m 10secs sniper Team (well me anyway) in action in Fallujah Good mixture of tactics - swapping position, using different cover, artillery, static weapons, nades, gas, pistol and captured vehicles etc to stay alive DaW1zSDzTG4 ---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ---------- Is the download link in post #3 the most up-to-date?Is the gas killing them, or is it tear gas? Was this just disabling them, and you had someone else picking them off? the best link is to get @blazes_weapons mod and use it with our mission (for knife to work etc and ammo/weapons/statics to be instantly available) Evolution Fallujah PRACS has latest knife scripts in it etc the gas kills the shooting was the other enemies up the field trying to nail me and missing Edited January 9, 2013 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted May 1, 2013 added features to EB_resources: will release later today add/remove silencer action for selected weapons ka-bar USMC knife (for US troops/ unsung) fix/remove bayonet action for selected weapons (works well with mods that have bayonet enabled weapons like unsung/vilas) - have made a few stock weapons work as bayonet weapons though you don't see the bayonet - any modelers want to help me make a bayonet for attachto the rifle? lots of custom sounds and stock special animations included works pretty well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted May 1, 2013 ok mod updated demo mission to follow this one it runs perfectly on but needs a lot of mods Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted May 4, 2013 also White has come forward and offered us his considerable modeling talent to build models of knives - i've asked for a ka-bar, commando dagger, M16 and AK74 bayonet e.g. even one knife will be a good start and the model he is working on looks awesome. if we get a bayonet i'll look at making it attachto the m16 etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted May 17, 2014 (edited) wow i've been so busy with unsung mod that i forgot to update my release of EB_weapons etc for ages it's gonna take ma a while to list everything i changed, but here's an example of the gear involved (197 kB) so we have (with helps and inclusions from hcpookie, von knudenberg, sgt savage, heinbloed, KS Big Dawg, Chris, etc): working knives (and bayonets kinda) 10 different grenades, each with their own abilities mines, claymores and traps special grenade launchers/ flare pistol screw-on silencers attachable satchels thermal scanner poison gas stock silent pistols with lasers stock pistols with flashlights HE, AP and other ammo for MG and sniper rifles full set of M203 type grenades based on real ammo (including airburst) jerrycans for refueling flashlights better NVG/thermal and zeroing plus all the new tank, static and air ammo here which includes napalm, clusterbombs, clustermines, thermobaric missiles, canister ammo, WP, lumes, airburst AA, DU, beehive, flamethrowers, bridge-laying... what's not to love? this will all be released as soon as we green light unsung 2.6 coming soon: molotovs, med packs, an actual release... Edited May 17, 2014 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted May 17, 2014 stock mp5sd with added laser (non sd has a flashlight) stock m9sd with added laser (non sd has flashlight) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted May 26, 2014 also added - molotovs with custom sounds/fx - in our duala mission a little script gives the molotov to the stone throwing crowds - modified L115 spotter rifle with GPS/ rangefinder built into it. ideal for supporting say a 50 cal sniper. - M118 C4 breaching charge for blowing down walls without fragging your team or bringing down the building. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites