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Little Bird and Black Hawk match speed

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Hi guys so I'm making a mission where I'm having a combined air assault using SOAR Black Hawks and Little Birds. They need to travel about 2 klicks before their insertion point. The problem I'm having is that as the Little Bird is not as fast as the more powerful Black Hawk, the Hawks pull well ahead of the MH-6's by the time they get to the DZ. I've tried grouping them so they fall into formation but then that significantly complicates landing. Does anyone know if there is a way to force the Hawks to travel at the speed of the Little Birds without grouping them? Any help will be much appreciated, thanks :)

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I take it that when they're grouped you are satisfied with the speeds?

You could try ungrouping the units with a trigger or waypoint, using

[pilot1, pilot2] join grpNull;

I recommend running this code on a waypoint right before the landing area. Say like 200-300m.

Or use forceSpeed as twirly suggested =)

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Thank you Twirly that worked really well! The only issue seems to be that the hawks take some time to get moving lol, not sure why. They just hover for a few seconds and then decide to start heading towards the waypoint haha.

Thanks Iceman though Twirly's suggestion worked your idea solved a problem I've been having with another mission. Killed two birds with one thread!

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Sorry for posting in an old topic, but Im trying to do the same as the original poster but force speed or limit speed is having no effect

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Sorry for posting in an old topic, but Im trying to do the same as the original poster but force speed or limit speed is having no effect

 I know from experience that forcespeed works just fine. How did you use it?

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There is also limitSpeed


  vehiclesname limitSpeed 20;


which should just set the max top speed for none player controlled vehicles

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