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Suppression Effect (For Player)

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I need to buff up the heavy weapons a little bit (IE:m2 50 cal) because I feel they don't have an elevated fear factor like they do in RL compared to lets say a 556. I am trying to add a cracking sound and blur effect to the heavy hitters similar to

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Best way to replicate player suppression is to make people play PvP. They'll drop into a state of lower brain activity and start drooling thereby slowing their reactions. :)

SLX had that kind of suppression features. VBS2 apparently had some cool effects too. Can't find any links to code though. Good thing it's on sale now so you can try it out yourself! :)

Ooh, Carl to the rescue! Code example of it.

Edited by kylania

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Ahh, TPW was the first thing I told him about on TeamSpeak but he was all like "That's for AI and AI ruin marriages and corrupt moral values in societies!". Didn't realize it did player stuff too.

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Ahh great but I read that TPWCAS requires CBA and I am wanting to do this on vanilla so that wont quiet work for me :(

"TPWCAS comes as a script version and an addon version.

CBA (community base addons) is required for both versions."

I will stare at all of these files for about until this hurricane takes out my power lol. Then I will realize that I got nowhere but maybe I will get lucky and see if there is anything I can convert to re-simulate my first video in vani arma.

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So after putting this on the back-burner and getting to other stuff, I finally came back to this with some help and actually had it working utilizing PPE. However, I noticed that if you have post process effect disabled in your video settings. This script does not work whatsoever. I need help figuring out how to force this effect to work on the player. I know it can be achieved as, its in arma ace mod (when tank shoots near a player or a 50 cal firing.) I just cant figure out how they do it.

_radii = _this select 0;

NearExp = 
   _ammo = _this select 0;

   _projectile = nearestObject [player, _ammo];            

   while {(_projectile distance player) < _radii} do
       sleep 0.25;
       _projectile = nearestObject [player, _ammo];

       if (isnull _projectile && alive player) then
            "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;
                   "dynmaicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [blur];
                   0.5 fadesound 0;
                   playsound "PSFX_RINGING";
                   sleep 2;
                   2 fadesound 1;
                   "dynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable false;

while {alive player} do
   sleep 0.5;

   {[_x] call NearExp} forEach ["B_127x107_Ball","B_556x45_Ball","B_752x51_Bal"];

Again, need to force the effect to happen even when the player has Postprocess Effect disabled

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Hell in the Pacific has player suppression. They use overlays to get around the post-processing limitation.

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Also there's a mod around called 'wizz' that applies a blur effect to close rounds that may help or give ideas.

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